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Oracle® Retail Invoice Matching Cloud Service Oracle® Retail Invoice Matching Cloud Service Implementation Guide
Release 22.1.401.0
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5 Gapless Document Sequences

The purpose of gapless document sequencing functionality is to uniquely identify a fiscal document, which is a requirement of bookkeeping legislation and global standards in many countries. This requirement mandates the ability for each accounting posting of a fiscal document to support an audit trail back to the original document or transaction. Invoice Matching uses a configurable approach to creating and maintaining document sequences, which allows a user to create a document sequence by country or by country/set of books combination and map transaction types to the sequence. The sequence number is incremented and assigned to each qualifying document during the creation process. Additionally the user can select specific attributes associated with the document which can be kept as part of a prefix associated with the document sequence.

The mapping of transaction types to a sequence allows a particular sequence to be associated with only certain types of documents. For instance, an Italian retailer may want create a sequence of only documents created by the retailer such as Consignment Invoices, Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) Invoices, and Bill Back Deals.

The document sequencing functionality is optional in the system and as mentioned can be configured at a country or country set of books level, and is only applied to specific documents. Therefore, you can configure the system to assign gapless document sequences to only specific documents created for specific countries. The list of transaction types eligible for gapless document sequencing is listed below and includes all types of documents. However, the typical requirement for document sequencing is to include only documents created by the retailer not documents coming from the vendor. This requirement can be met by only using transaction types associated with documents created by the retailer and not documents that come from a vendor. When used, the gapless document sequence is an additional data element in addition to the normal system document ID.

Setting up Configuration Data to Define a Document Sequence

The configuration data for creating and maintaining a document sequence is entered via the Data Download/Data Upload process in the Merchandise system. To initially create a document sequence, you do the following:

  1. Download the document sequence (this should create an empty spreadsheet).

  2. Populate the spreadsheet with the document sequence(s) you want to build.

  3. Upload the document sequence.

Detailed steps:

  1. Download the document sequence.

    1. Log in to the Merchandise system.

    2. Navigation: Foundation Data > Download Foundation Data

    3. Select Template Type: Finance Administration

    4. Select Template: Document Sequence

    5. Click the Download button

  2. Populate the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet consists of two worksheets:

    • Document Sequence;

    • Transaction Types;

    The table below shows the columns on each worksheet, and provides information on the usage.

  3. Upload the document sequence:

    1. Log in to the Merchandise system.

    2. Navigation: Foundation Data > Upload Foundation Data

    3. Select Template Type: Finance Administration

    4. Select Template: Document Sequence

    5. Select: Choose File and browse to the spreadsheet to be uploaded.

    6. Click the Upload button.

    This same process can also be used on an ongoing basis to modify an existing document sequence, or to add a new document sequence.


    See the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service Do the Basics User Guide for additional details on the Download/Upload process.

    Table 5-1 Document Sequence and Transaction Types Worksheet Columns

    Columns Field Type Mandatory Comments

    Worksheet: Document_Sequences

    Document Sequence ID



    Unique ID to identify the document sequence.


    Free Text


    Description of the Document Sequence

    Country Id

    Free Text


    The Country ID associated with the document sequence. The country of the location on the document will be one of the criteria to determine if the document should be included in the sequence.

    Set of Books

    Free Text


    The Set of Books associated with the country and document sequence. This optional field allows an organization to use separate document sequences for different business units in a particular country.

    Minimum Value



    The minimum value is the number you want to use to start the sequence. It will also be the number used when the sequence is reset.

    Maximum Value



    The maximum value is the last number you want to use for this sequence. If this value is exceeded, the current sequence value will be reset.

    Current Sequence Value



    Current Sequence Value is set to the Minimum value when a document sequence is created. It will not be updated on an Update action.

    Reset Date



    The Reset Date is the date on which you want to reset the sequence number. When this date is reached, the current sequence value is reset to the minimum value, and the reset date is incremented by the Reset Cycle Days.

    Reset Cycle Days



    The Reset Cycle Days is the number of days to add to the Reset Date when a date related reset is executed.

    *The Reset Cycle Days is required if the Reset Date is populated.

    Prefix Heading

    Free Text


    The Prefix Heading, the 4 prefix fields and the prefix separator are optional fields which can be concatenated together to provide a 'Prefix' to be shared with government entities when providing information on documents in a sequence.

    Prefix Field 1

    Drop Down


    The 4 prefix fields can store specific data associated with a document. The data is then available to be shared with government entities as part of the concatenated prefix .

    The columns available to be included on any of the prefix fields is stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMPV -

    • Document Date

    • Document Type

    • Location

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Transaction Type

    The values shown are the only value values for the prefix fields, user cannot create additional values.

    Prefix Field 2

    Drop Down


    The 4 prefix fields can store specific data associated with a document. The data is then available to be shared with government entities as part of the concatenated prefix .

    The columns available to be included on any of the prefix fields is stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMPV -

    • Document Date

    • Document Type

    • Location

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Transaction Type

    The values shown are the only value values for the prefix fields, user cannot create additional values.

    Prefix Field 3

    Drop Down


    The 4 prefix fields can store specific data associated with a document. The data is then available to be shared with government entities as part of the concatenated prefix .

    The columns available to be included on any of the prefix fields is stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMPV -

    • Document Date

    • Document Type

    • Location

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Transaction Type

    The values shown are the only value values for the prefix fields, user cannot create additional values.

    Prefix Field 4

    Drop Down


    The 4 prefix fields can store specific data associated with a document. The data is then available to be shared with government entities as part of the concatenated prefix .

    The columns available to be included on any of the prefix fields are stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMPV -

    • Document Date

    • Document Type

    • Location

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Transaction Type

    The values shown are the only value values for the prefix fields, user cannot create additional values.

    Prefix Separator

    Drop Down


    The prefix separator will appear between the prefix header and the prefix fields in the concatenated prefix .

    The values available to be used for the prefix separated are stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMPS -

    . : ; / \ | - _ ,


    Document Sequence ID



    Unique ID to identify the document sequence.

    Country Id

    Free Text


    The Country ID associated with the document sequence. The country of the location on documents will be one of the criteria to determine if the document should be included in the sequence.

    Set of Books

    Free Text


    The Set of Books associated with the country and document sequence. This optional field allows an organization to use separate document sequences for different business units for a particular country.

    Transaction Type

    Drop Down


    The transaction type identifies the types of documents to be included in the document sequence.

    The values available to be used for the transaction types are stored in a codes table in the Merchandise system:

    Code Type - IMTT -

    • MRCHCI - Consignment Invoice

    • MRCHEI - ERS Invoice

    • DEBMBB = Bill Back Deal (Fixed or Complex deal)

    • MRCHI - Other Merchandise Invoice *

    • NMRCHI - Non-merchandise Invoice

    • DEBMEC - Debit Memo Cost

    • DEBMEQ - Debit Memo Quantity

    • DEBMET - Debit Memo Tax

    • CRDMEC - Credit Memo Cost

    • CRDMEQ - Credit Memo Quantity

    • CRDNT - Credit Note

    • CRDNRC - Credit Note Request Cost

    • CRDNRQ - Credit Note Request Quantity

    • CRDNRT - Credit Note Request Tax

    The values shown are the only value values for Transaction Type, user cannot create additional values.

    *All Merchandise Invoices except for Consignment Invoices and ERS Invoices.

Gapless Sequence Assignment

A sequence number is assigned to a document based on the configuration setup for the Document Sequence (outlined above). The system will use an asynchronous process to determine the next sequence number. The document will be put in a new status of Processing while this asynchronous process is working. The sequence number is assigned the first time a document is saved in a status other than Worksheet or Submitted. For Merchandise invoices, this means the sequence number is assigned when the document is initially stored in Ready to Match or Tax Discrepant status. For other documents it means the sequence number is assigned when the document is initially stored in Approved status.


A document can only be included in one document sequence. If the country, set of books, and transaction type associated with a document map to a document sequence, then the document will become part of that sequence, even if the country and transaction type of the document also map to a different document sequence. The Upload process includes the following validations to ensure that a document is only assigned to one sequence:
  • Country/Set of Books/Transaction Type should be unique across all document sequences.

  • Country/Transaction Type should be unique across all document sequences.