========================================================================================= Oracle Big Data Discovery GENERAL (1.3.2) - Software Release Date: August 2016 - The release notes and related product documentation may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes and documentation are available through the Oracle Big Data Discovery documentation page on the Oracle Help Center at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E76382_01/index.htm or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Big Data Discovery. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE (1.3.2) - Refer to the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Installation Guide" for installation information. - See the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Upgrade Guide" for information on upgrading to this release. BUG FIXES (1.3.2) Administration: - EADMIN-2194: Fixed a problem where the bdd-admin get-logs -c dg-on-crash command would sometimes fail to retrieve some Dgraph on-crash tracing logs. Studio: - ESTUDIO-12817: Fixed an issue so where adding pre-defined metrics to unpublished data view failed with an unclear message. - ESTUDIO-12818: Fixed an issue where the Chart component was not rendering when configured with Datetime attributes in a custom data view. - ESTUDIO-12848: Fixed an issue so the Chart component displays with proper width when added to a component container. KNOWN ISSUES (1.3.2) Dgraph: - ESERVER-1623 and ESERVER-2069: Very rarely, if ZooKeeper is down, after trying to reconnect for a period, Dgraph may stop working or cease all reconnection attempts. - ESERVER-1802 and ESERVER-3069: In rare conditions, Dgraph shutdown may be delayed by up to 40 seconds if ZooKeeper is turned off while the Dgraph is shutting down. - ESERVER-2761, ESERVER-2762, and ESERVER-2763: Shutting down the Dgraph process with the "kill" command, or performing a hard shutdown on the Dgraph during database creation or deletion may result in artifacts left on ZooKeeper that may not be removable by future Dgraph instances. - ESERVER-2819: Dgraph will not log warnings about invalid log levels or topics if the "dgraph" topic was assigned an ERROR or INCIDENT_ERROR log level. - ESERVER-2900: Dgraph may be temporarily unable to promote to a leader of a database if it is performing a long query that began prior to the latest data update. - ESERVER-3220: Dgraph allows users to set an invalid configuration for cache and memory limit settings. The cache size (--cmem flag) should always be smaller than the memory limit (--memory-limit flag), but currently the Dgraph does not validate these limit settings. - ESERVER-3415: Text search does not work correctly against data with multi-byte characters, such as Japanese. Studio: - ESTUDIO-12320: If you import user groups into Studio from an OpenLDAP system, you might encounter connection problems. This situation occurs if the principal you specify does not bind correctly and the principal cannot be located as the base distinguished name. To ensure a successful connection to OpenLDAP, start a command line tool, such as OpenLDAP ldapsearch, and run a query that performs an ldapsearch for the principal and returns the expected result record. For example, at the command line, run: ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:389 -D "cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com" -w secret -b "cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com" "(objectClass=*)" where the principal is cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com. ========================================================================================= Oracle Big Data Discovery GENERAL (1.3.0) - Software Release Date: July 2016 - The release notes and related product documentation may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes and documentation are available through the Oracle Big Data Discovery documentation page on the Oracle Help Center at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E76382_01/index.htm or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Big Data Discovery. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE (1.3.0) - See the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Installation Guide" for installation information. - See the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Upgrade Guide" for information on upgrading to this release. - See the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Getting Started Guide" for information on what's new in this release. BUG FIXES (1.3.0) Studio: - ESTUDIO-9456: Fixed an issue where Custom Visualization Components were not rendering properly as snapshots. - ESTUDIO-9805: Fixed an issue to prevent users from configuring Sunburst visualizations with non-accumulative aggregations. (Users can select SUM aggregations only.) - ESTUDIO-10675: Fixed an issue where users could not specify the project name for the first time using Internet Explorer in the "Add a dataset to Project" window. - ESTUDIO-10845: Fixed an issue where multiple clicks on the Record Details link opened multiple Record Details windows. - ESTUDIO-10858: Fixed an issue where the Results List component had displayed the Type list as expanded by default after clicking Change Icon. - ESTUDIO-11062: Fixed an issue in the Web Content Display Component where images could not be inserted if you were using Internet Explorer 11. - ESTUDIO-11067: Fixed an issue in Transform where some transforms would display the attribute name instead of the attribute display name. - ESTUDIO-11095: Fixed an issue where the df.defaultAccessForDerivedDataSets setting on the Studio Settings page was not respected during Bulk Export. - ESTUDIO-11126: Fixed an issue where the Data Views page failed to save rather display an error if the view was invalid. The new behavior saves the view and displays a warning. - ESTUDIO-11206: Fixed an issue in Scratchpad where no attributes were found after selecting an attribute and sorting by string type. - ESTUDIO-11263: Fixed an issue where Cancel button did not work on the Password Policies, General, Authentication, and Display Settings pages. - ESTUDIO-11268: Fixed an issue in the Upload Wizard where there was no warning message if you upload a compressed file that contained multiple files. - ESTUDIO-11287: Fixed an issue in Transform where the refinement state of multi-assign attributes that are date/times were not being applied to transform operations. - ESTUDIO-11446: Fixed an issue in Scratchpad where the add icon disappeared after adding an attribute using the add icon. - ESTUDIO-11449: Fixed an issue in Scratchpad where pressing Backspace did not delete previous attributes. - ESTUDIO-11458: Fixed an issue where the user role is not displayed on "My Account" page for non-admin users. - ESTUDIO-11553: Fixed an issue in Transform where the whitelist editor could not handle large lists of terms. - ESTUDIO-11619: Fixed an issue in Scratchpad where the attribute drop-down order was not based on display name. - ESTUDIO-11705: Fixed an issue where a Selected Refinement display name was incorrect when there were two attributes with the same attribute name in different data sets. - ESTUDIO-11732: Fixed an issue where, in some cases, a DP CLI invocation of incremental updates that was successful displayed a failure notification. - ESTUDIO-11855: Fixed an issue in Transform where cancelling the Join editor would cause committed transforms in the transform script to display as uncommitted. - ESTUDIO-11931: Fixed an issue in the Dataset and Project permission page where a warning message did not display when removing the self access privilege. - ESTUDIO-11951: Fixed an issue in Transform where publishing and loading a transform script changed an attribute name from "Number of Records" to "system_metrics_count". This occurred in cases only where the attribute was produced by the Aggregate transform. - ESTUDIO-11980: Fixed an issue in Transform where a hidden attribute displayed in the Aggregate editor. - ESTUDIO-12030: Fixed an issue in Scratchpad where takes a long time to respond after expanding or collapsing Available Refinements. - ESTUDIO-12059: Fixed an issue where a closed Dataset details pane displayed again after selecting a refinement value. - ESTUDIO-12102: Fixed an issue in the Tile grid view of Explore where the sort order was incorrect after adding a tag to an attribute. - BugDB #23476969: Fixed an issue where the histogram of Available Refinements included "less than" values. - ESTUDIO-12198: Fixed an issue where the record details cannot be rendered after two or more attributes are configured as a primary key on the Data Set Manager page. - ESTUDIO-12202: Fixed an issue in Transform where sorting by null after applying a filter caused unfiltered results to display. - ESTUDIO-12332: Fixed an issue where in Explore searching attribute name state is reset after adding an attribute to favorites. - ESTUDIO-12348: Fixed an issue in Edit link dialog where the content could not be fully shown after moving the window. - ESTUDIO-12445: Fixed an issue in Projects settings where the project role's Description and Type are not shown in the correct columns. - ESTUDIO-12488: Fixed an issue where Record Details shows the wrong content after linking two data sets in Results Table. - ESTUDIO-12556: Fixed an issue where all available grouping attributes were not presented as options for the Box Plot, when using a custom view. Documentation: - EDOC-2217: Updated the Administrator's Guide to describe configuring user authentication through LDAP over TLS/SSL. This was previously supported but undocumented. KNOWN ISSUES (1.3.0) Dgraph: - ESERVER-1623 and ESERVER-2069: Very rarely, if ZooKeeper is down, after trying to reconnect for a period, Dgraph may stop working or cease all reconnection attempts. - ESERVER-1802 and ESERVER-3069: In rare conditions, Dgraph shutdown may be delayed by up to 40 seconds if ZooKeeper is turned off while the Dgraph is shutting down. - ESERVER-2761, ESERVER-2762, and ESERVER-2763: Shutting down the Dgraph process with the "kill" command, or performing a hard shutdown on the Dgraph during database creation or deletion may result in artifacts left on ZooKeeper that may not be removable by future Dgraph instances. - ESERVER-2819: Dgraph will not log warnings about invalid log levels or topics if the "dgraph" topic was assigned an ERROR or INCIDENT_ERROR log level. - ESERVER-2900: Dgraph may be temporarily unable to promote to a leader of a database if it is performing a long query that began prior to the latest data update. - ESERVER-3220: Dgraph allows users to set an invalid configuration for cache and memory limit settings. The cache size (--cmem flag) should always be smaller than the memory limit (--memory-limit flag), but currently the Dgraph does not validate these limit settings. - ESERVER-3415: Text search does not work correctly against data with multi-byte characters, such as Japanese. Studio: - ESTUDIO-12320: If you import user groups into Studio from an OpenLDAP system, you might encounter connection problems. This situation occurs if the principal you specify does not bind correctly and the principal cannot be located as the base distinguished name. To ensure a successful connection to OpenLDAP, start a command line tool, such as OpenLDAP ldapsearch, and run a query that performs an ldapsearch for the principal and returns the expected result record. For example, at the command line, run: ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:389 -D "cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com" -w secret -b "cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com" "(objectClass=*)" where the principal is cn=Manager,dc=oracle,dc=com. =========================================================================================