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Oracle® Retail Allocation Operations Guide
Release 15.0
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12 Internationalization

Internationalization is the process of creating software that can be translated easily. Changes to the code are not specific to any particular market. Allocation has been internationalized to support multiple languages.

This section describes configuration settings and features of the software that ensure that the base application can handle multiple languages.


Translation is the process of interpreting and adapting text from one language into another. Although the code itself is not translated, components of the application that are translated may include the following, among others:

  • Graphical user interface (GUI)

  • Error messages

The following components are not usually translated:

  • Documentation (Online Help, Release Notes, Installation Guide, User Guide, Operations Guide)

  • Batch programs and messages

  • Log files

  • Configuration Tools

  • Reports

  • Demonstration data

  • Training Materials

The user interface for Allocation has been translated into:

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Croatian

  • Dutch

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

Setting the User Language

To set the language Allocation displays in, set the user language. Choose Preferences from the drop-down menu under the user name, then choose Language in the taskbar. There are two language settings you can choose:

  • Default: This will permanently change the language for this user. All subsequent sessions will be in this language.

  • Current Session: This will change the language only for this session. It will revert back to the Default the next time this user logs in.

When finished making your selections, click the Save button.

Setting Date, Time, and Number Formats

Allocation allows the user to see dates and times in a format appropriate for their own locale, regardless what the data is stored in. Set the language Allocation displays in, set the user language. Choose Preferences from the drop-down menu under the user name, then choose Regional in the taskbar. There are multiple settings you can choose:

  • Territory: Choose a territory from this list. Allocation will automatically pick Date, Time, and Number formats appropriate for that territory.

  • Date Format: Choose an option from this menu to select a date format that is different from the default for the selected Territory.

  • Time Format: Choose an option from this menu to select a time format that is different from the default for the selected Territory.

  • Number Format: Choose an option from this menu to select a number format that is different from the default for the selected Territory.

  • Time Zone: Choose an option from this menu to select your time zone.

When finished making your selections, click the Save button.


Most user interface and message translations are stored in xlf files. When you select a different language from the Preferences screen, Allocation will choose the correct xlf file for that language.

Some translations for some drop-down menus are stored on four database tables. The tables are RTC_LOOKUP_VALUES_TL, RTC_LOOKUP_TYPES_TL, RAF_FACET_ATTRIBUTE_CFG_TL, and RAF_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_TL. These tables are multilingual; all languages of these strings (English as well as all translations) are stored in the same place.