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Oracle® Retail Allocation Operations Guide
Release 15.0
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7 Troubleshooting

This chapter covers troubleshooting.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Integration

This section covers the Oracle BI EE integration.

The Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Dashboard Displays an Error Message 'An error occurred retrieving the Business Intelligence content. Please contact your System Administrator'

Go through the following steps to troubleshoot this issue.

  1. Login directly to Oracle BI EE and verify if it is up and running. If the Oracle BI EE is down you may encounter the above error.

  2. The Retail Application uses the BI Presentation Services connection to connect to Oracle BI EE. Ensure that Oracle BI EE is prepared for the Presentation Services connection. Refer to the chapter Embedding Business Intelligence Objects in ADF Applications of the Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    The link to the Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is

  3. Ensure that the BIConnection attributes in the Retail Application to connect to Oracle BI EE are correct. Refer to the section "Modifying the BIConnection Attributes at Runtime" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Integration in Retail Applications chapter to change the BIConnection attributes post install.

  4. Ensure that the user who logs into the application exists in Oracle BI EE and has permissions to view the Oracle BI EE content requested.

Troubleshooting In-Context Launch

If the In-Context launch does not work after enabling the ADF Contextual Event action in the Oracle BI EE analysis and adding the hidden column as documented above, then you should enable FINER logging for package.

The log file should log the QDR payload received from Oracle BI EE and the actions executed by the Retail Application code based on the QDR.

Contextual Area Displays a White Screen

The Contextual Area displays the Oracle BI EE content using inline frames (IFrames). Ensure that IFrames are enabled in Oracle BI EE.