1 Introduction

The Oracle DIVArchive Export/Import features enables you to remove one (or more) tapes from one Oracle DIVArchive system and add them to a second DIVArchive system.


The Export function (on the first DIVArchive site) generates metadata files that describe each tape selected for export, and then ejects the selected tapes from their current tape library.

You use the Import function to import the metadata, and then insert the ejected tapes into the second system. The archived objects on the exported tapes are then transferred to the second DIVArchive system.

All export functions and the Insert Tape command are executed from the DIVArchive Control GUI. The Import Tape function uses the command-line interface. DIVArchive allows more than one set of tapes (whether spanned or not) to be exported to and imported from a single file.

Newly imported objects will have only one instance - the instance residing on the tape(s) that was imported. You also have the option to import an object as an instance of another object already existing in the DIVArchive database. The Import Utility requires your specification of a target tape group for newly imported tape objects. The new objects will belong to the identified tape group and not the tape group of the DIVArchive system from which it was exported.

The Export/Import functionality is compatible with complex objects and has additional fields for the advanced formatting and functionality available in DIVArchive release 7.4.


The exported metadata from a DIVArchive 7.4 export cannot be imported into DIVArchive releases before 7.0. However, exported metadata created from releases of DIVArchive before 7.4 can be imported into the DIVArchive 7.4 system.

New and Enhanced Features and Functionality

DIVArchive 7.4 Export/Import includes the following new and enhanced features and functionality:

  • The exported XML now contains additional XML attributes named type and elementIds under the component XML element.

  • The type attribute uses D to represent a directory and F to represent a file.

  • All components for non-complex objects created before DIVArchive 7.4 will be designated (by default) as files because only files were stored in non-complex objects before this release.

  • The elementIds attribute presents the fully qualified path of Element ID values for a file or empty folder's fully qualified path.

  • All objects created before the DIVArchive 7.4 release will have components that default to a null value for the elementIds attribute.