
This document provides general guidelines for the installation of Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) software and Oracle Fail Safe software combined with Oracle's DIVArchive software, to achieve high availability for DIVArchive components by building a two node cluster.This guide describes only MSCS and Oracle Fail Safe installation steps required for DIVArchive cluster installation.The Active Directory installation and management is not documented, although it is mandatory for the two DIVArchive Cluster Node servers to be part of a Windows domain.


Oracle DIVArchive 7.4 enables support for the Oracle Linux 7 environment. However, the Cluster Manager support is only applicable to Windows-based systems.


This document guides administrators through the Oracle DIVArchive Cluster Manager installation, configuration, and routine maintenance.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle DIVArchive documentation set or the recommended Microsoft Oracle documentation set:


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