Completing an SBR Reconfiguration Plan

Once a Reconfiguration Plan is started, records are migrated from the Initial Resource Domain or Initial SBR Database to the Target Resource Domain or Target SBR Database as session or binding records are created and removed as a result of PCA Diameter signaling. Once all the records are removed from the initial SBR resource domain and the operation status changes to Data Migration Complete, click Complete to finish the migration. Clicking Complete once the migration has finished (without being aborted) causes several thigns to occur:
  • Administrative State changes to Complete
  • Resource Users detach from the initial resource
  • After Resource Users have detached, Resource Providers detach
  • For an SBR Database Resizing Plan, the Resource Domain of the SBR Database is replaced with the Target Resource Domain of the Resizing Plan
  • For an SBR Data Migration Plan, the Initial SBR Database is Disabled and the Target SBR Database is Enabled
  • For an SBR Data Migration Plan, the Initial SBR Database is set to the Target SBR Database in the Data Migration Plan
Some long lived sessions or bindings can cause the data migration to take longer to complete. To force the migration to complete, Complete can be clicked while the Reconfiguration Plan is still in the Migration Coordinated Operational Status. If Complete is clicked, a confirmation dialog box appears with options:
  • Cancel the attempt to Complete the migration and let the migration proceed
  • Force an end to the migration, abandoning any un-migrated records in the Initial Resource Domain or the Initial SBR Database

If there are a lot of records remaining to be migrated, cancelling is recommended.

Forcing an end to the migration is not recommended because any records that have not yet been migrated are deleted even though the sessions or bindings they represent may still be valid. If these records are deleted, signaling failures or split bindings may result.