Filtering Using the Display Filter

Use this procedure to perform a filtering operation. This procedure assumes you have a data table displayed on your screen. This process is the same for all data tables. However, all filtering operations are not available for all tables.

  1. Click Filter in the optional layout element toolbar.
  2. Select a field name from the Display Filter list.

    This selection specifies the field in the table that you want to filter on. The default is None, which indicates that you want all available data displayed.

    The selected field name displays in the Display Filter field.

  3. Select an operator from the operation selector list.
  4. Enter a value in the value field.

    This value specifies the data that you want to filter on. For example, if you specify Filter=Severity with the equals (=) operator and a value of MINOR, the table would show only records where Severity=MINOR.

  5. For data tables that support compound filtering, click Add to add another filter condition and repeat steps 2 through 4.

    Multiple filter conditions are joined by an AND operator.

  6. Click Go to filter on the selection, or click Reset to clear the selection.
Records are displayed according to the specified criteria.