Managing an SBR Database

To use the SBR Database, configure the options on the SBR Database Status screen.

  1. Select the new SBR Database row and click Prepare. Preparing the database allows the user to verify connectivity between the SBR Database and all users of that SBR Database before the SBR Database is used by the PCA application.

    If the operational status changes to Prepared, then
    • All ComAgent connections applicable to the database are connected
    • An active SBR server is available for each Policy and Charging SBR Server Group in the SBR Database's Resource Domain
    • All resource users have received notification that all portions of the SBR Database (one portion per SBR server group) are available
    Once the SBR Database is in the Prepare administrative state, then the operational status can take a value:
    • Preparing - At least one resource user of the SBR Database cannot successfully access at least one portion of the SBR Database
    • Prepared - All resource users of the SBR Database can successfully access all portions of the SBR Database

  2. Select the Prepared SBR Database row and click Enable. Enabling the database allows the PCA application to begin using the database to store and retrieve binding or session records

    If the operational status was Preparing at the time Enable was clicked, then some resource users cannot successfully access the SBR Database. A confirmation dialog box appears to warn that the database is not entirely ready to be Enabled. The user can choose to cancel the Enable or proceed despite the warning. If the user proceeds, the operational status in the Enable state is likely either Unavailable or Degraded.

    Once the SBR Database is in the Enable administrative state, the SBR Database Status screen can be used to monitor the status of the database. An Enabled database has one of several operational statuses:
    • Normal - Everything related to the SBR Database is functioning normally
    • Degraded - At least one resource user of the SBR Database cannot successfully access at least one portion of the database
    • Unavailable - None of the resource users of the SBR Database can successfully access any portion of the database
    • Congested - At least one of the resource users of the SBR Database is experiencing congestion for at least one portion of the SBR Database. This problem could be due to congestion at an active SBR server of the database, or due to congestion of a ComAgent connection between the resource user and an active SBR server. Both Degraded and Unavailable take precedence over Congested. For example, if an SBR Database is both Degraded and Congested, then the Operational Status is Degraded.

  3. If it becomes necessary to Disable an SBR Database, select the row for the desired SBR Database on the SBR Database Status screen and click Disable.

    If the SBR Database was in the Enable administrative state prior to clicking Disable, a confirmation dialog box appears to warn about impacts on the PCA application. The user can choose to cancel the Disable or proceed despite the warning.

    If the SBR Database was in the Prepare administrative state prior to clicking Disable, no confirmation dialog box appears since the database is not being used by PCA.

    Once Disable is clicked, the operational status takes on one of several values:
    • Users Detaching - waiting for all resource users to detach from the SBR Database
    • Providers Detaching - waiting for all resource providers to detach from the SBR Database
    • Disabled - all resource users and resource providers are detached from the SBR Database and the SBR Database may be safely deleted