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Oracle® Communications Diameter Signaling Router IDIH ProTrace
Release 7.3 through 8.2
E69820, E76956, E87976, and E89023
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Traces and Network IDIH

IDIH allows trace filters and the resulting trace data to be correlated across multiple DSR sites in a network.

Users can see how an exchange traverses across a network of multiple DSR sites. If there are multiple DSR sites deployed with a network, visual depictions of how transactions traverse the various sites within the network from an end-to-end basis are often useful. IDIH allows trace filters to be set and data collected and visualized at each DSR site. However, problems arise if the network is comprised of multiple DSR sites and the same trace is needed at multiple sites within the network.

Network IDIH creates network traces to automatically apply trace criteria across an entire DSR network, as well as provides the ability to capture and correlate trace data from the DSR sites within the network.

Network traces complement site traces. A site trace captures data associated with a trace filter only at the site where the trace was defined, which is the default behavior provided by IDIH. A network trace captures data associated with a trace filter from any site within the network and a network trace can be created at any site and visually depicted at any site. The sites within the network trace domain must be provisioned prior for a network trace to function.

Whenever a new trace filter is created, the user selects if the trace is a site trace or a network trace. The network is configured to support a given number of simultaneous active network traces. When a network trace is activated, resources are allocated on each DA-MP within the network to gather data associated with the trace. Each site collects and forwards all trace transaction records (TTRs) that match the trace criteria to the IDIH at that site, up to the defined limits on duration or number of TTRs captured.

The results of a network trace can be visually depicted from any IDIH within the network. IDIH is launched from the DSR maintenance GUI from any site within the network. IDIH retrieves all TTRs associated with the trace from all sites, correlates them, and renders the results. IDIH performs further filtering of the trace results and gathers statistics associated with the trace results. IDIH displays each DSR node through which the captured request and answer routes within the network