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Oracle® Communications Diameter Signaling Router IDIH ProTrace
Release 7.3 through 8.2
E69820, E76956, E87976, and E89023
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Message Copy

When the TTR was copied during the Message Copy feature to DAS, it is indicated in the TDR. The TDR contains two fields which have references to either the copied TTR or to the original TTR. The fields are called LinkedTTR and CorrelationID. If these references exist in the TDR (these fields are not empty), then the TDR is highlighted with a different text color.

When the user right clicks on a TDR, a popup menu is displayed and the user can select Search Message Copy.

When the user selects Search Message Copy, a new query is created and executed. The query populates the Trace Viewer with TDRs that have the same LinkedTTR or CorrelationID values as the original TDR that was used to start the search.

When the original Answer message appears in the copied message, it is included in the group AVP with code 2156 and vendor ID 323. This AVP appears in the Full Decoding Panel as MSG-Copy-Answer.

In the original TTR, apart from standard events, two new events appear if a message is copied - Message Copy Triggered and Message Copied. Depending on where the trigger point is set, there may be up to 4 Message Copy Triggered events. These events have the scope set as IR Data. Message Copied events have the scope set as IA Data. Each Message Copy Triggered event has Message Copy Configuration Set name (MCCS) as its instance data, as well as where the Message Copy was triggered.

A copied TTR start with a new Event - Copied Message. The Copied Message event's scopeis IG (Internally Generated). MCCS is used as the instance data. MCCS results in selecting the route list and subsequently the route group. These standard events are seen, but their scope is IG Data.