Web Services Reference for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing RESTful Resources > About Customizing Localization Values >

About Numbers and Currencies

Numbers in both requests and responses use the default pattern of the authenticated user's preferred locale. For example, the number 120.00 is displayed in locale en_US and 120,00 in the es_ES locale.

The currency information does not change when the user's locale preference changes. The currency information comes from the statement fact, and this currency information is used in the billing system for the account. The currency code that is displayed in the Web application is included as part of the XML response.

For GET business object resources, the currency code is specified in an attribute of a tag element, for example:

<disputeInfo currency="USD">
<disputeDesc> chris webservice</disputeDesc>

For GET report resources, the currency code is specified in the <Header> tag for each column that requires the currency, for example:


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