Web Services Reference for Oracle Billing Insight > Examples of Web Services > Examples of the Analytics Web Services Based on Hierarchies >

Example of Creating a Batch Report Schedule Request for the Most Expensive Calls Report (All Accounts)

This example shows you how to use the analytics Web service to create a batch report schedule request for the Most Expensive Calls report.


Use the following operation to create a batch report schedule request for the Most Expensive Calls report:

POST /analytics/mostExpensiveCalls/batchrpts

Sample URL

The following is a sample URL for this Web service example:


Sample JSON Input

The following is an example of the JSON input:

"reportName": "mostExpensiveCallsAll",
"runType": "SINGLE",
"csv": "Y",
"xml": "Y",
"pdf": "Y",
"privateFlag": "Y",
"fromPeriod": "LATEST",
"toPeriod": "LATEST"

Sample JSON Response

The following is an example of the JSON response:

Batch report is created successfully!

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