Installation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Migrating to Oracle Billing Insight 7.1 > Process of Migrating Oracle Billing Insight Version 7.0 to Version 7.1 >

Migrating Batch Reports from Oracle Billing Insight Version 7.0 to Oracle Billing Insight Version 7.1

After you have successfully migrated from Oracle Billing Insight version 7.0 to version 7.1, you must copy the batch reports to the directory you want to use for reports in Oracle Billing Insight version 7.1.

If you copy the reports to a different location than you used in version 7.0, then you must update the batch report file location in the OLTP database. Also, if you installed Oracle Billing Insight version 7.1 in a location other than the default EDX_HOME, or if you create a custom subdirectory for storing batch reports (the default directory is output/reportapp), then you must update the related properties in the reporting.batch.xma.xml file.

This task is a step in Process of Migrating Oracle Billing Insight Version 7.0 to Version 7.1.

To migrate your batch reports from Oracle Billing Insight version 7.0 to Oracle Billing Insight version 7.1

  1. On the application server, copy your existing batch reports to the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME\output\reportapp
    • Windows. EDX_HOME/output/reportapp

      In the directory, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Billing Insight version 7.0.

  2. If you copy your batch reports to a different file location in version 7.1 than you used in version 7.0, then you must update the batch report file location in the OLTP database. Log on to the OLTP schema, using SQL*Plus, and run the following script:

    update edx_rpt_batch_report set file_location = 'NEW_LOCATION' || substr(file_location,length('OLD_LOCATION')+1) where file_location is not null;



    • NEW_LOCATION is the new location where you will store batch reports in Oracle Billing Insight version 7.1.
    • OLD_LOCATION is the old location where you stored batch reports in Oracle Billing Insight version 7.0.

      For example:

    SQL> update edx_rpt_batch_report set file_location = '/export/home/oracle/ eBilling71/output/reportapp' || substr(file_location,length('/export/home/ oracle/eBilling/output/reportapp')+1) where file_location is not null;


  3. If you installed Oracle Billing Insight version 7.1 in a directory other than the default EDX_HOME directory, or if you plan to use a customized batch report location (the default batch report location is output/reportapp), then you must update the properties in the reporting.batch.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/reporting/
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules\reporting\

      Specify your installation root directory in the rootDir property, and specify the custom report subdirectory in the path property (report files are stored in the rootDir/path directory, or the rootDir/path directory on Windows):

    <!-- use this property to override the default base, the system property for edx.home

    <property name="rootDir"><value>C:/edocs</value></property>


    <property name="path">



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