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Checking the Integrity of the Oracle Billing Insight Installer Package

After downloading Oracle Billing Insight from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, you must check the integrity of the installer package, using a checksum utility. Run the integrity check before installing Oracle Billing Insight.

The purpose of the integrity check is to validate that the full package has been delivered and that no data was corrupted during the download of the Oracle Billing Insight installation files. The checksum utility verifies that the checksum value of the installer package matches the value stored in the checksum.md5 file included with the download. If the values are not the same, then either the download was interrupted or data was corrupted, and you must start the download again.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Installing Oracle Billing Insight 7.1.

To check the integrity of the Oracle Billing Insight installer package

  1. Verify that you have a checksum tool, or download a free checksum tool from the Web if necessary:
    • UNIX. The md5sum utility is installed by default. You can also download the file from the following GNU Web site:

    • Windows. Download one of a variety of free md5 utilities available for verifying the checksum, such as the following tool, and extract the content of the ZIP file:

  2. Verify that the binary installer file for Oracle Billing Insight, BillingInsight.bin or WinMD5.exe, and the checksum.md5 file are both in the same directory.
  3. Run the appropriate command for your operating system:
    • UNIX. You can perform the value check automatically or manually. To run the automatic check, use the automatic check option, -c. The result is either valid (OK) or failed, for example:

    $ md5sum -c /temp/checksum.md5

    BillingInsight.bin: OK

    To perform the value check manually, run the following command, then manually compare the value generated with the value in the checksum.md5 file:

    $ md5sum BillingInsight.bin

    • Windows. Run the WinMD5.exe command, click Browse, then select the downloaded BillingInsight.exe file. Copy the checksum value from the downloaded checksum.md5 file, then paste it in the text input area. Click Verify.
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