Installation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Installing Oracle Billing Insight >

Installing Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY)-Related Software

If you want to offer end users the option to receive billing statements in Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) audio file format, then follow these steps to install the required DAISY-related software and configure your implementation. Oracle Billing Insight provides DAISY audio files as attachments to statement-ready email notifications. This feature is available to users in the Consumer Edition of Oracle Billing Insight only.

To install DAISY-related software

  1. Follow the instructions contained in the following document to install and set up the Odt2daisy toolkit on the same computer where you installed Oracle Billing Insight. Do not use spaces in the save path name.

  2. Click the following link to download the DAISY Pipeline Core binaries to the same computer where you installed Oracle Billing Insight:

  3. Install and configure the DAISY Pipeline LAME MP3 encoder on the same computer where you installed Oracle Billing Insight. Download the software:
  4. Edit the file, found in the pipeline-20111215 directory. Add the absolute path of the LAME.exe file in the Path to LAME section, for example:
    • Linux and Oracle Solaris:

    <!-- Path to LAME -->

    <entry key="pipeline.lame.path">/usr/local/bin/lame</entry>

    • Windows:

    <!-- Path to LAME -->

    <entry key="pipeline.lame.path">d:\devTools\pipeline-20111215\ext\lame.exe</entry>

  5. (Linux only) Install and configure the Software Speech synthesizer (Text-To-Speech) plug-in, eSpeak:
    1. From the main Linux menu, select System, Application, and then Add/Remove Software.
    2. Search for espeak. From the resulting list, select version espeak-1.40.02-4.el6 (x86_64).

      By default, eSpeak installs in the /usr/bin/espeak directory.

    3. Edit the file, found in the pipeline-20111215 folder. Add the absolute installed path of eSpeak to Path to SOX section:

    <!-- Path to sox (Sound eXchange - used on Linux) -->

    <entry key="pipeline.espeak.path">/usr/bin/espeak</entry>

  6. Open the reporting configuration file,, located in the following directory:
    • Linux and Oracle Solaris. EDX_HOME/config/rpt
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\rpt
  7. Specify the following parameters.


    The location of the odt2daisy jar file, for example:



    The pipeline classpath. On Windows, the library name in the classpath must be separated by a semicolon, for example:

    pipeline.command=java -classpath C:\\pipeline-20111215\\pipeline.jar;C:\\pipeline-20111215 org.daisy.pipeline.ui.CommandLineUI

    On Linux or UNIX, the library in the classpath must be separated by a colon, for example:

    java -classpath /user/pipeline-20111215/pipeline.jar:/user/pipeline-20111215 org.daisy.pipeline.ui.CommandLineUI


    The location of the Pipeline software, for example:


  8. To enable the log file for the StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job, open the log4j_cc.xml file, located in the following directory:
    • Linux and Oracle Solaris. EDX_HOME/config/
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\

      Add the following content before the first category element:

    <category name="report.daisy.log" additivity="false">
    <priority value="DEBUG"/>
    <!-- <appender-ref ref="FILE_SCHEDULER"/> -->
    <!-- <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/> -->
    <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>

  9. Restart the Command Center server.
  10. To enable a user to select the alternative bill-ready notification method for DAISY audio file format, you must set the ISACCESSIBLE column in the EDX_BSL_UMF_USER OLTP table for the individual user to a value of 1 (the default value is 0, or disabled).
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