Running the prerequisite checker

After you update bdd.conf, you should run the prerequisite checker.

This script checks your system to make sure it meets each requirement and verifies that bdd.conf has been properly updated. It outputs the results to an HTML file, which you can view in your browser.

When the script runs, it prompts you for the username and password for your Hadoop cluster manager and Studio database. You can avoid this by setting the following environment variables beforehand. Note that these are different from the environment variables used by the installer.

To run the prerequisite checker:

  1. On the install machine, open a new terminal window and go to <install_source_dir>/installer/linux/utils/prerequisite_validation/.
  2. Run the following command:
    python <path_to_bdd.conf>
    Where <path_to_bdd.conf> is the absolute path to bdd.conf.
  3. Enter the username and password for your Hadoop cluster manager and Studio database, if prompted.
  4. When the script completes, go to the timestamped output directory and open test_report.html in a browser.
The report lists all BDD requirements and whether each passed, failed, or was ignored. Ignored requirements aren't applicable to your system.

If everything passed, you're ready to install BDD. If any requirement failed, update your system or bdd.conf accordingly and rerun the prerequisite checker.