Configuring the Operational Settings

  1. Click System Setup, and then click System Parameters.
  2. Configure the Operational Settings as follows:
    • Default to Owner Credit Card on Every Day Orders: Select Yes to use the configured credit card ID in owner Payment Information for owners whose default payment type is credit card. By default this is set to No.

    • Reset Quantity After Order of Menu Items: Select No if you do not want the user entered quantity in Ordering Settings on Every Day Orders to reset to 1 each time a menu item is added to the order. By default this is set to Yes.

    • Calculate service charges or tax totals when saving an order: Select Yes to enable Transaction Services (POSAPI) clients (using the Transaction Services Calculate Totals operation) to save service charge and tax amount values on every completed event order. Enabling this option increases system messaging by saving each order, and increases the amount of time required to generate the Order Confirmation Report. By default, this is set to No.

  3. Click Save.

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