Adding a Suites Interface in Simphony

  1. From the EMC, select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click Interfaces.
  2. Insert a new interface record named Suites, and then double-click the record to open it.
  3. From the General tab, enter Suites for the Communication Name, select 0 - PMS/SIM as the Interface Type, and then select 1 - TCP as the Communication Type.
  4. From the Options tab, enter the TCP Host Name and the Port Number of the server where the LSM Windows Service (LSMWinService.exe) is running.

    The TCP Host Name is the name or IP address of the system running the LSMWinService. Port Number is the port on which the LSMWinService is listening for connections. The default value is 5009. If you are not using the default port, you must update the value of the ListenerPort parameter in the LSMWinService.exe.config file in the [Drive Letter]:\\MICROS\LES\Suites\Suites\LSMSimService folder.

  5. From the Properties tab, select the properties that are using the interface definition.
  6. From the Service Host tab, select the Service Host from which TCP communications to the LSM Windows Service is initiated.

    The service host must be able to connect to the TCP Host Name and Port Number defined from the Options tab.

  7. Click Save.
  8. Select the revenue center, click Setup and RVC Parameters.
  9. From the Interfaces tab, assign the Suites interface that you created in Step 2 to one of the interfaces fields, and then click Save.
  10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for each revenue center that uses the Suites interface.