Manage Credentials

The bank administrator manages the credential related operations such as:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > OnBoarding > User Management > Search User > Manage Credentials

To manage credentials:

  1. From Manage Credential list, select the appropriate option.
  2. If you select Change Password option;
  3. In the Current Password field, enter the current password.
  4. In the New Password field, enter the new password to be set.
  5. In the Confirm New Password field, re enter the new password to be set.
  6. Click Change Password to assign the new password.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  7. If you select Reset Password option;
  8. Click Reset Password.
    The success message appears.
    Click Close to complete the transaction.

Note: An alert is sent to the user once the password is reset.
