Edit Maturity instruction

User may change his mind and may want to change the maturity instruction at any point. Doing so would have been more tiresome if the user was asked to visit the branch. Also, changing the maturity instruction may result to change in payout instruction.

Using this option, user can change the maturity instruction at any point in time. With simplified approach, customer can change and set the new maturity instruction as the need may be.

Users can use any of the below maturity instruction;

Along with maturity instruction, customer can even update the payout instruction. Customer even has option to settle maturity amount (or any maturity value – principal, interest or any special amount) into the desired account. It can be customer’s own account, any internal account or any domestic account.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits >Edit Maturity Instruction

To edit the maturity details:


ClosedWhat happens to my term deposit at maturity?

Your current term deposit will automatically be reinvested into a new term deposit, for the same term and interest payment frequency. The interest rate applicable will be as per the prevalent rates on the maturity date.
If the funds are to be withdrawn at maturity, you can provide the details of the account to which the maturity proceeds are to be credited.

ClosedWhat amendments can be done on a term deposit once it is opened?

It is possible to top up the term deposit based on the term deposit product.
It is also possible to amend the maturity instructions
