
User's needs may change over a period of time. Saving / investments are the primary source of income for a user in case of emergency. Provision to liquidate the savings and raise funds to handle the situation becomes important for the user.

Using this option user can redeem term deposit and raise funds. The application provides a clear picture of the current position of the term deposit and net available balance that can be withdrawn by the user.

User can use any of the below payout options to redeem a term deposit;

This option allows Partial as well as Full redemption of the term deposit.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Quick Links > Redemption
Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits >Redemption
Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits > Term Deposit Summary > Deposit Number > Deposit Details > Quick Links > Redemption

To redeem the term deposit:


ClosedCan I redeem the term deposit before the maturity date?

Yes, it is possible to redeem the term deposit before the maturity date.

ClosedWill I have to pay any penalty to withdraw the deposit before its time?

Yes, if you withdraw your term deposit before the maturity date, the bank will pay you a lower interest rate.

ClosedCan I get loan against my term deposit?

Yes, you can apply for loan against your term deposit instead of breaking it.

ClosedAre partial redemption allowed from my term deposit?

Yes, depending on the term deposit product type, partial redemption is allowed.

ClosedCan the maturity amount be credited into my account held with another bank?

Yes, it is possible to setup instructions for crediting the maturity amount into another bank account.
