This option allows you to upload file containing multiple payments enabling easy setup and quicker processing. In order to be able to upload a file, the customer has to be a net banking user.

However, before a customer user can start using file upload functionality, there are certain maintenance that need to be carried out by the bank administrators. This includes creating and mapping file identifier.

The File Uploads functionality enables users to process

This is done using a specific file format for each.

While files are managed entirely within the File Uploads module, the payments are queued in the Core Banking system, once submitted.

File Uploads module facilitates processing of multiple transactions through a single file. This is a faster way of processing transactions than entering single screen transactions.

Once the file is uploaded you can view the status of the file using the upload reference number or through bulk file view transaction.

You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Dashboard > File Upload

To upload a file:

  1. From the File Identifier list, select the file identifier.
  1. The file identifier details appear. In the File Name field, select the file to be uploaded.
  2. Click Upload.
    Click Cancel to abort the file uploading process.
  1. The file successful upload message appears with the file identifier, file name, and file reference ID. Click Done to complete the file upload.


ClosedWhat are the different file formats that can be uploaded?

The file upload formats supported are:
