Personal Details

The personal details are the primary information about the account holder. It includes following details:

To add personal details:

  1. From the Salutation list, select the appropriate option.
  2. In the First Name field, enter the first name of the applicant.
  3. In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the applicant.
  4. In the Email field, enter the email address of the applicant.
  5. In the Date of Birth field, select or enter the date of birth of the applicant.
  6. From the Gender list, select the applicants gender.
  7. From the Marital Status list, select the marital status of the applicant.
  8. From the Dependents list, select the number of dependents on the applicant.
  9. To enable receiving marketing information from the bank, select the I consent to receive marketing information from the bank check box.
  10. Click Save to update the primary information.

To add identification details:

  1. From the Identification Type list, select the appropriate option.
  2. In the Identification Numberfield, enter the number corresponding to the identification type.
  3. Click Done to save the identification information.

To add contact details:

  1. From the Countrylist, select the country name.
  2. In the Address Line 1/2 field, enter the adress.
  3. In the Cityfield, enter the city name of the applicant.
  4. From the Statelist, select the state name.
  5. In the Zip Codefield, enter the zip code.
  6. In the Mobile Numberfield, enter the applicants mobile number.
  7. In the Phone Numberfield, enter the applicants residential phone number.
  8. In the Staying Since field, select the date from which the applicant is staying at the current location.
  9. From the Accommodation Type list, select the applicants accommodation type.
  10. Click Done to save the contact information.

Contact Information


To add occupation details:

  1. From the Occupation Typelist, select the occupation type.
  2. From the Occupation Statuslist, select the occupation status.
  3. In the Employer Name field, enter the name of the employer .
  4. From the Start Datelist, select the start date of employment.
  5. In the Designation field, enter the name of the designation.
  6. In the Gross Annual Salary field, enter the annual salary of the employee.
  7. From the Countrylist, select the country name.
  8. In the Address Line 1/2 enter the address of the employer.
  9. In the City field enter the name of the city.
  10. From the Statelist, select the state name of the employer.
  11. In the Zip Codefield, enter postal code.
  12. Click Save to update the occupation details.

Occupation Information