Personal Details

The personal details are the primary information about the account holder. It includes following details:

To add personal details:

  1. In the primary Information screen enter the appropriate information like, first name, last name, date of birth, citizenship, etc.
  1. Click Continue to save the primary information. The Proof Of Identity section appears.

To add identification details:

  1. In the proof of identity section enter the identity details such as, SSN, identity type, expiry date, state of issue, etc.
  1. Click Continue to save the identification information. The Contact Details section appears

To add contact details:

  1. In the contact information section enter the contact details such as, accommodation type, address, city, state, zip, email ID, etc.


  1. Click Continue to save the contact information. The Employment Details section appears

To add employment information:

  1. In the employment section, enter the employment details, employer name, employment status, employment type, and start date.

  1. Click Continue to update the employment details. The Features and Specifications section appears

To add features and specifications:

  1. In the features and specification section enter the details like, number of cash deposit in a quarter, card type, name on card, etc.
  1. Click Continue to update the features and specification details. The Fund Your Account section appears.

To fund your account:

  1. In the fund your account section, enter the details like, initial deposit amount and funding source.
  1. Click Continue to update the funding details.

To setup your deposit:

  1. In the Setup Your Deposit section, enter the initial deposit amount, funding source, tenure, payout instruction, etc.
  1. Click Continue to setup the deposit.