Closed Loans

At times customer need to refer their previous loan accounts which are in closed status. Summary of such closed accounts is displayed on dashboard.

User can view closed loan accounts in cards view. Closed loan account details screen provide loan account details and account preferences under which the account is opened to the customer. Customer can view account’s basic information such as personal information, holding patterns, disbursement details, outstanding amount, and repayment details and arrears.

Note: The loan features like Repay, Schedule, and DisbursementDisbursement is the process by which the sanctioned loan amount is paid to the customer or seller (on behalf of the customer). Details are not available for closed loan accounts.

You are here How to reach here:

Payment Dashboard > Closed Loans Card > Closed Loan Account Card > Closed Loan Account Card Details

To view closed loan card details:

Closed Loan Account Card

Closed Loan Details


ClosedWhen can you request for foreclosure/ prepayment?
