Favorite Transaction

The customer has many such transactions which could be repeatedly required to be executed by them at a future date, but the execution date need not be fixed. The customer can avoid entering the transaction details repeatedly during execution by using this unique feature of Favorite Transaction.

Application enables the customers to make the transactions frequently used by them to be marked as Favourite in the confirmation screen of all its transactions. A Favorite Icon (Heart icon) is provided on the confirmation screen. The customer just needs to select that icon and transaction will be marked as Favorite Transaction.

Once a transaction is marked as favourite it will be displayed always on the customer’s payment dashboard. The customer just clicks on the favourite transaction while executing and all the transaction details are displayed on screen auto populated. The required change in the details can be done and submit the transaction for processing.

1) This transaction also allow you to remove the payment transaction from favorite list of transaction.
2) You can mark Bill Payment and Money Transfer transactions as Favorite.

You are here How to reach here:

Payment Dashboard > Favorite Transaction card

To view and initiate the favorite transaction:

  1. Click the relevant card to initiate the favorite transaction. The details of transaction appears in respective payment transfer screen.
  2. To initiate transaction, click Pay.
    To remove transaction from favorite list, click Favorite Cancel Icon.
  1. The confirmation message to remove from list appears. Click Remove.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  1. The success message appears.
    Click Done to complete the transaction.


ClosedPost transaction, if I add it to “Favourites” where will this be reflected and what benefit will I gain from this?

The transaction will be saved in the “Favorites” list. This transaction can then be used the next time you want to initiate a similar payment.
