If you want to upgrade Usage Tracking from 3.6.1 and install Knowledge Center 12.1 at the same time, you can use the installer. The installer converts the existing tracking data from Usage Tracking into Knowledge Center data by connecting to the Usage Tracking data source and pulling the data into the Knowledge Center data source. To make this connection, you can provide a web.config file from Usage Tracking, or you can supply the connection string that the current version of Usage Tracking uses to connect to its data.


When you upgrade Usage Tracking:

To upgrade Usage Tracking and install Knowledge Center using an Oracle database, launch the Setup.exe file located in the root folder in the software installation files. If a Security Warning appears, click Run. You are then prompted to choose the language for the Installer, and the Install Wizard appears. During installation, you will proceed through these screens in the Install Wizard. 

  1. License Key: Depending on the product you are installing, this screen may appear. If it does, click Browse to navigate to the location of the license key file (usually license.xml).
  2. Welcome: From this screen, you can access the Installation and Upgrade guides in Adobe Acrobat format.
  3. Setup Type: From the Configuration list, select Knowledge Center.
  4. Setup Requirements: Specific services are required for installation. If the services are not running, this screen appears notifying you which services are needed. You can choose to start or enable the services and continue. Depending on the service, the installation may be aborted if it is not started.
    Professional Edition only: The Windows Search service is optional for the Professional Edition of Knowledge Center; however, if it is not installed and started, the Search functionality does not function properly. During the installation of Professional Edition, the installer detects the state of the Windows Search service. If the service is installed but stopped, the installer presents you with the option to start it. If the service is not installed or disabled, and you want Search to function properly, you must manually install or enable the service before proceeding with the installation.
  5. Choose Destination Location: You can accept the default target location, or click Change to specify a different one.
  6. Usage Tracking Conversion: To upgrade Usage Tracking, select one of the Yes options on this screen. If you select the Yes, get the connection string from the Usage Tracking Web.config file option, click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the Web.config file in the current Usage Tracking installation. If you select Yes, enter the connection string manually and choose System.Data.OracleClient, enter the connection string in this form: Data Source=<Oracle_sid>; User ID=<username>; Password=<password>. Supply the Oracle_sid, username, and password for the server on which the Usage Tracking database is installed.
  7. Choose Web Site: The Available websites list contains the list of all web sites available to the user, allowing you to choose the most appropriate one. Preference is given to secure web sites. In the Application (virtual directory) name box, you can enter the name you want to use for the virtual directory, or accept the default. You also select the mode to use to authenticate the users, either Windows or Standard. Later, when you supply the credentials for the initial Profile, you must choose the same authentication mode.
    Note: The authentication mode selected here must match the authentication mode that was used for Usage Tracking. 
    Note: The web server and the database server must be in the same local network.
  8. Web Site Options: This screen appears if there is no secure web site available or if you did not select a secure web site on the Choose Web Site screen. It allows you to ignore the recommendation and continue with the installation, or create a secure web site manually and retry the installation.
  9. URL Settings: The URL of the web site is determined by the installer and used in the configuration settings of Knowledge Center. However, what the installer determines, and what the actual URL should be may not be the same, so the user can modify it as necessary. All DNS and proxy settings should be considered before changing the value. If no changes are needed, or if the user is unsure of the settings, the URL should be left as it is currently set.
  10. Database System: Choose Oracle Database.
    Note: The web server and the database server must be in the same local network.
  11. Oracle ODBC Components: The installer requires a 32-bit ODBC driver to be installed to connect to the Oracle Database. If there is no ODBC driver, the installer installs one. This screen does not appear if an ODBC driver already exists. In the Path field, enter the physical location to which you want to install the Oracle ODBC components.
  12. SQL Script Options: The database scripts can be run manually or through the installer. It is also possible to create a schema outside of the installer using administrative privileges, but let the installer create the schema objects with a previously created schema user that has less privileges. If you have already run the scripts to create the database, click the Yes, the scripts have already been run for this version option. If you want the installer to create the database, click the No, the scripts have not been run, let the installer run them option.
    Note: If a Knowledge Center has already been installed, for example in a server farm or load balanced environment, the existing up-to-date database should be used.
  13. Oracle Database Login: If the scripts have not been run, enter a valid system account name, password, and host string to connect to the Oracle Database server. The account entered in the User Name field must have DBA role privileges to connect to the Oracle Database; the role is required to create or update the tablespace, schema owner, and schema user created for the application.
    If the scripts have already been run to create the database, enter the user name, password and host string that has access to the user schema created to run the application. The account in the User Name field must be the name of the application user associated with the schema you created manually with the scripts. If the scripts have already been run, the Profile Credentials screen appears next.
    Note: Host String represents the name you assign for TNS connectivity in the tnsnames.ora file. This typically identifies the machine, port number and SID of the Oracle database. If you need to connect to a remote Oracle database you will need to supply the host:port/service_name; for example, "myservername:1521/orcl". In some environments a tnsname.ora might not be present. If you are not sure, it is highly recommended that you supply the host/service_name or host:port/service_name (if remote).
  14. Choose Schema: Specify a tablespace name, user name, and password and confirm the password. The user name is limited to 20 characters. The tablespace name is the name of the tablespace that is created or used during the installation; the user name is the user name that will be created or associated with the schema. This user name and password are also used for the Oracle application user that is created automatically. This user is for the application to read and write information to the database. If you want to specify a different Oracle application user, deselect the Create Application User Based on These Credentials option. The Application User screen appears next.
    If the Create Application User Based on These Credentials is selected, the application user created based on the entered credentials is the same Login ID with "_app" appended to the end, and it uses the same password. The Content Root Information screen appears next.
  15. Application User: Specify a user name and password and confirm the password. This screen only appears if you deselected the Create Application User Based on These Credentials option on the previous screen.
  16. Content Root Information: The content root location is the physical location (path and folder name) for the content root. You can enter it in the field or click Browse to navigate to the location. You can choose to use anonymous tracking, which means that all usage and tracking information is gathered under an anonymous name. Individual users scores and tracking data will not be available.
  17. Content Root User: The Content Root folder is accessed by Knowledge Center by a Windows user that copies files and folders, so it needs the credentials of a user with the necessary privileges to perform these tasks. The Windows user can be created by the installer, or be an existing user.
  18. Profile Credentials: If you chose to install the server with standard authentication, enter a user name and password for the default administrator user, and confirm the password. If you chose to install with Microsoft Windows authentication, allow the system to use the current Microsoft Windows account or specify another valid Microsoft Windows user account and password. You must also enter a first and last name for the profile. The Middle initial and E-mail address are optional.
  19. Folder permission: The Knowledge Center needs certain permissions to complete the installation. If the installer detects any missing permission(s) it displays this screen, which lists the name of the folder, the user name, and the permission it needs before the installer can continue. If you are installing a Content root to the same server as the Knowledge Center, the permission must be applied to the specific folders for the Content root as well. The user account needed is used by the Content root Application Pool in IIS.
    Click Yes, grant permission to the folders to automatically grant the permissions to the folders. If the permissions cannot be applied, this screen reappears. This option is highly recommended. Click No, ignore permission and attempt to continue installation to ignore the permission check and try to continue the installation. If the permissions are not set properly, the installation may fail. Use this option if you know that the permissions are already applied. Click Retry to recheck the folders without applying any permissions. The permissions must be applied manually.
  20. Ready to Install: The Installation Wizard is ready to install the software. Click Back to review or modify any settings.
  21. Setup Status: This screen appears while the files are being installed, the schema and virtual directory are being created, and IIS is being configured.
  22. InstallShield Wizard Complete: During the installation a file might be in use by the operating system on the computer; this will require a reboot to complete the installation. Also, make sure to run Windows update to get the latest patches from Microsoft. Click the URL to open Knowledge Center in your default browser.

To upgrade Usage Tracking and install Knowledge Center using a Microsoft SQL Server database, launch the Setup.exe file located in the root folder in the software installation files. If a Security Warning appears, click Run. You are then prompted to choose the language for the Installer, and the Install Wizard appears. During installation, you will proceed through these screens in the Install Wizard.

  1. License Key: Depending on the product you are installing, this screen may appear. If it does, click Browse to navigate to the location of the license key file (usually license.xml).
  2. Welcome: From this screen, you can access the Installation and Upgrade guides in Adobe Acrobat format.
  3. Setup Type: From the Configuration list, select Knowledge Center.
  4. Setup Requirements: Specific services are required for installation. If the services are not running, this screen appears notifying you which services are needed. You can choose to start or enable the services and continue. Depending on the service, the installation may be aborted if it is not started.
    Professional Edition only: The Windows Search service is optional for the Professional Edition of Knowledge Center; however, if it is not installed and started, the Search functionality does not function properly. During the installation of Professional Edition, the installer detects the state of the Windows Search service. If the service is installed but stopped, the installer presents you with the option to start it. If the service is not installed or disabled, and you want Search to function properly, you must manually install or enable the service before proceeding with the installation.
  5. Choose Destination Location: You can accept the default target location, or click Change to specify a different one.
  6. Usage Tracking Conversion: To upgrade Usage Tracking, select one of the Yes options on this screen. If you select the Yes, get the connection string from the Usage Tracking Web.config file option, click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the Web.config file in the current Usage Tracking installation. If you select Yes, enter the connection string manually and choose System.Data.SqlClient. Enter the connection string in this form: user id=<username>;password=<password>;initial catalog=<name of existing database>;data source=<server name>;IntegratedSecurity=false. Supply the username, password, database name, and server name of the existing Usage Tracking installation.
  7. Choose Web Site: The Available websites list contains the list of all web sites available to the user, allowing you to choose the most appropriate one. Preference is given to secure web sites. In the Application (virtual directory) name box, you can enter the name you want to use for the virtual directory, or accept the default. You also select the mode to use to authenticate the users, either Windows or Standard. Later, when you supply the credentials for the initial Profile, you must choose the same authentication mode.
    Note: The authentication mode selected here must match the authentication mode that was used for Usage Tracking. 
    Note: The web server and the database server must be in the same local network.
  8. Web Site Options: This screen appears if there is no secure web site available or if you did not select a secure web site on the Choose Web Site screen. It allows you to ignore the recommendation and continue with the installation, or create a secure web site manually and retry the installation.
  9. URL Settings: The URL of the web site is determined by the installer and used in the configuration settings of Knowledge Center. However, what the installer determines, and what the actual URL should be may not be the same, so the user can modify it as necessary. All DNS and proxy settings should be considered before changing the value. If no changes are needed, or if the user is unsure of the settings, the URL should be left as it is currently set.
  10. Database System: Choose Microsoft SQL Server.
    Note: The web server and the database server must be in the same local network.
  11. SQL Script Options: If you have already run the scripts to create the database, click the Yes, the scripts have already been run for this version option. If you want the installer to create the database, click the No, the scripts have not been run, let the installer run them option.
  12. Microsoft SQL Server Login: From the Database server list, select the desired Microsoft SQL Server. If the scripts have not been run, select Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication to connect to the database. If you select Microsoft SQL Server authentication, enter an existing login name and password that has database administrator access to the server.
  13. Choose Database: Accept the default name for the database or enter a custom name. If you have already run the scripts, you must use the name of the database you created. Specify an existing database user ID and password and confirm the password, if necessary, or, if you have not run the scripts, you can also specify a new database user ID and password. The installer will create the login, if necessary, grant the login access to the database, and give it the appropriate permissions. If you ran the scripts to create the database, you must use the login you created.
  14. Content Root Information: The content root location is the physical location (path and folder name) for the content root. You can enter it in the field or click Browse to navigate to the location. You can choose to use anonymous tracking, which means that all usage and tracking information is gathered under an anonymous name. Individual users scores and tracking data will not be available.
  15. Content Root User: The Content Root folder is accessed by Knowledge Center by a Windows user that copies files and folders, so it needs the credentials of a user with the necessary privileges to perform these tasks. The Windows user can be created by the installer, or be an existing user.
  16. Profile Credentials: If you chose to install the server with standard authentication, enter a user name and password for the default administrator user, and confirm the password. If you chose to install with Microsoft Windows authentication, allow the system to use the current Microsoft Windows account or specify another valid Microsoft Windows user account and password.
  17. Folder permission: The Knowledge Center needs certain permissions to complete the installation. If the installer detects any missing permission(s) it displays this screen, which lists the name of the folder, the user name, and the permission it needs before the installer can continue. If you are installing a content root to the same server as the Knowledge Center, the permission must be applied to the specific folders for the content root as well. The user account needed is used by the content root application pool in IIS.
    Click Yes, grant permission to the folders to automatically grant the permissions to the folders. If the permissions cannot be applied, this screen reappears. This option is highly recommended. Click No, ignore permission and attempt to continue installation to ignore the permission check and try to continue the installation. If the permissions are not set properly, the installation may fail. Use this option if you know that the permissions are already applied. Click Retry to recheck the folders without applying any permissions. The permissions must be applied manually.
  18. Ready to Install: The Installation Wizard is ready to install the software. Click Back to review or modify any settings.
  19. Setup Status: This screen appears while the files are being installed, the database and virtual directory are being created, and IIS is being configured.
  20. InstallShield Wizard Complete: During the installation a file might be in use by the operating system on the computer; this will require a reboot to complete the installation. Also, make sure to run Windows update to get the latest patches from Microsoft. Click the URL to open Knowledge Center in your default browser.

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