When there are changes to an application interface or context, a content author may need to locate all documents with the changed context so the content can be updated. The Developer has a number of tools that allow you to locate documents that are impacted by application changes using a context search. Context can be searched from the Outline/Library or the Topic Editor.


The Find Context functionality consists of two types of searches:

You can access the Find Context functionality from the Standard toolbar, Edit menu or the Context Search pane.


The Context pane provides the tools to create a new search, refresh an existing search, view the context of a document, select the scope (by folder or individual document) of the search, print/save search results, or clear search results.


Find Context Find Context: Use to select the View Context, Capture and set Context or Set Context from selected Document tools for initiating a search.


Find in: Use to select the Library or any open tab to set the scope when searching for context from the Topic Editor.

 Context: State of the icon when you are on a document that does not use context such as a web page.


 Context: State of the icon when you first context has never been captured for a document.


 Context: State of the icon after a context search has been performed and the context has not been stored.


 View documents and folders included in search: Use to view the documents or folders included in a search from the Topic Editor.


 Print: Use to print or save search results.


 Clear search: Use to clear the search results.


 Expand All: Use to expand the search results to display the document details row and frame details row for each document in the search results.


 Collapse All: Use to collapse the search results to display only document details row for each document in the search results.


Search result limit: Use to set the number of search results to display in the Context pane. You can select 50, 100, 200, All or enter the number.

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