If you determine that a selected assessment does not provide adequate coverage for the content, you can use the tools in the view to strengthen the assessment. The tools let you link new or existing questions to the assessment and find additional questions related to the content that could be added to improve coverage.


Link New Question Link New Question 

Use the Link New Question list arrow to add new Fill in, Hotspot, Matching, Multiple Choice (Single Answer), Multiple Choice (Many Answers), True/False, and User-Defined questions. When adding the question, you are prompted to name it and select a folder for saving the question (defaults to the same folder where the document is saved). The new blank question is added to the selected assessment and automatically associated with the document selected in the outline, so it also appears in the Questions Associated table. You can double-click the question in the Questions Associated table to open it in the Question Editor and add the content for the question.


Link Existing Question Link Existing Question 

Use this option to browse the Library and add an existing question or topic (Know It? question) to the selected assessment. When you link an existing question associated with another document, you automatically break the original association and set the Associated Content property of the question to the currently selected document.


When you add a topic (Know It? question) that is outside of the assessment's coverage (either not linked to the outline or not linked to the assessment's parent), the Know It? question is added to the assessment, but no association is made with the selected document. Instead, the Know It? question is associated with the topic itself, and therefore does not appear in the Questions Associated table for the selected document.


When you add an existing question (question or Know It! topic) that is already part of the assessment, a Duplicate Questions or Topics message opens telling you that the question item is already part of the assessment and is not added. Duplicate question items are not added since a question or topic can occur only once in an assessment.


Delete Link Delete Link 

Use this option to remove the question from the assessment. Deleting the question link does not delete the question from the Library or delete the association between the question and the document.


Clear Associated Content Clear Associated Content 

Use this option to clear the Associated Content property for the selected question. The question remains in the assessment, but since it is no longer associated with a document, it is removed from the Questions Associated table. Clearing the association between a question and a document reduces the associated question count by one. You cannot clear the association for a Know It? question, but you can remove the question from the assessment.


Note: You can undo your actions in the Assessment Coverage view until you select a different assessment from the Select an assessment list. 


Multi-user Considerations Multi-user Considerations  

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