When you complete an assessment, an Assessment Summary page may appear, if the administrator has enabled it. The summary page displays assessment results and may allow you to configure personalized content. After viewing results and configuring personalized content, you can start either the full or the personalized subject.

The Summary page displays assessment results that include the following information:

You can print the summary information.


If the Summary page is disabled, you continue to the next item in the subject. If you are at the end of the subject, then you return to the Paths to Subjects page.


ProcedureTo use the Summary page:

  1. Click Print to print the summary page.
    Note: You may have to scroll to see the Print button.
  2. Click Next in the Outline pane, or click the Next link above the Concept pane.
  3. If personalized content is enabled, the Switch to Personalized Content link appears in the status bar above the Concept pane. Click it to launch a personalized subject based on your assessment results.

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