This view displays information about the workgroups on the server and their properties. It does not include the users who are in the workgroup.


WORKGROUP_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier for the workgroup.
This field is a primary key.


WORKGROUP_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Name of the workgroup.


SELF_ENROLL (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the self-enroll option has been set for the workgroup.
0 = users cannot enroll themselves in knowledge paths
1 = users can enroll themselves in knowledge paths


AUTO_USERNAME (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether usernames are generated automatically for new users.
0 = user names must be entered manually
1 = user names are automatically generated


USERNAME_PATTERN (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Indicates the pattern for generating user names automatically.

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