Image styles are used to control the alignment, spacing, border width and color, and padding of images in documents.


Align left Align Left and Align right Align Right

Alignment options horizontally position the image in relation to the page margins. Using the Align icons, you can choose a  left or  right alignment, or you can deselect all alignment icons to choose no alignment. A left or right alignment creates a word wrap effect by floating the graphic on one side of the page and the adjacent text on the other side of the image, with the excess text flowing under the image. The default alignment for images is no selected alignment. When no alignment icons are selected, there is no text wrapping, and the image appears where it is inserted, anchored to the baseline of the paragraph or cell.


Border Border

The default border width for images is set to 0, which is no border. You can add a border to the image by entering a width value in a point or pixel (default) unit. The default color for an image border is black, but you can select another color.


Both the Spacing and Padding attributes create open space around an image.


Spacing Spacing

Spacing options create space around the sides of an image, adding space between the image and the web page margins and surrounding text. You can enter separate values for each side or use the same value for all sides.


Padding Padding

If you have applied a border to an image, padding options affect the spacing between the border line and the image. If the image does not have a border around it, the padding options also affect the spacing between the image and the surrounding text. If the image has no border, the padding values are added to any specified spacing values to add additional spacing around the image.


Depending on your use of images, you may want to create several image styles for your content. For example, you can create one style for icons with no alignment. This style allows you to place the icon in any position within a paragraph or table. For larger screen captures, you may want another style that aligns the graphic to one edge of the web page and wraps the text on the other side of the graphic.


Note: You cannot directly center an image in a web page. To center an image, insert the image on a blank line and center the paragraph where it is inserted. 

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