To supplement the basic structure and step-by-step procedures provided by your module, section, and topic documents, or provide instructions for taking an assessment, you link from these documents to attachments. Attachments can be package files, web pages, or URLs.

You can link from your outlines to an attachment at the following three levels:

You can link to attachments while working in the Outline Editor (concepts only) or Topic Editor.

Once you have created a link from a document to an attachment, the link essentially becomes part of the parent document. As a result, you do not need to re-create or repair these links every time you move or reuse the parent document in your outlines. Links are also maintained if you move or copy the parent document in the Library.

The procedure for linking to an attachment at a given level is the same, regardless of the type of attachment. When you link to an attachment from a topic frame, you also select an icon that appears during topic playback in the Player to alert the user to the presence of a link and provide access to the linked information. You can also assign a tooltip to the link, for example, to provide a brief description of the linked attachment.

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