If you are deploying your content via the Player, you are essentially creating online training. Typically, content for online training is brief and to the point. Online users are generally more interested in learning by doing (for example, performing the steps) rather than reading text on the screen. The following lists the items where you can add information to the topic and indicates suggested uses for each.

Concept pane
Provides helpful and/or critical information by links to web pages, package documents, and URLs at the module, section, or topic level for all modes.

Topic frame and bubble text attachments
Frame and bubble text links provide helpful and/or critical information by linking to web pages, package documents, and URLs. Frame links appear for all modes and bubble text links appear for Try It! and Do It! modes.

Introduction frame
Introduces a task in all modes.

End frame
Identifies the completion of a task in all modes.

Explanation frame
Calls attention to an area of the screen or provides an explanation of an action.


Custom bubble text Adds specific information in bubbles for all modes, only simulated modes, or only Do It! or Know It? mode.

Glossary terms
Provides definitions for specialized terms and links to package files or URLs.

Print It! mode
Allows the user to print the topic steps from the Player in a Job Aid or System Process Document format for those topics for which the Print It! play mode is enabled.


See Also list 

The See Also list provides links to other modules, sections or topics with related content. The See Also list only appears in the Player for documents that have the See Also property set.


Recorded sound

Recorded sound can duplicate the information in the web page or frame bubble, or it can contain additional supplemental information. If you use sound to add supplemental information, be sure to create web pages with the additional content and hyperlink them to your concepts or frames to make your content accessible.

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