Before you create a package, you need to identify the folders/files on your local computer or network server that are to be included in the package. Package content is always created from material outside the Library. Once you identify the material to include in a package, you use the Package Editor to create a new package and add the file(s) and/or folder(s) that get included in the new package. Then, you can save the package with a name of your choice, store it anywhere in the Library, and link to the file(s) in the package from your content.

You can create a package from the main File menu available in the Library or any other document editor. When you create a new package, the Package Editor launches in a new tab and displays an empty package where you can add files and folders. After creating a new package, you can name it and save it to any folder in the Library. The name of the package appears in the Package Editor tab.

You can also create a new package from the Concept pane in the Outline Editor using the Create New Package Create New Package icon. Or, you can create and link a new package to new section using the New Section with Package command on the Link menu.

If you save a package to the wrong folder in the Library, you always have the option to move the package document to another folder. You can also rename a package just as you would any other document. If you rename a package containing items to which you have linked from other documents, topic frames, or bubble text, the links remain unaffected. That is, renaming a package does not break any links to the items it contains; however, renaming a package item does break the links to that item.

Warning! Although the Undo/Redo commands are available in the Package Editor for most actions, you cannot undo the actions of adding, deleting, renaming, moving, or copying package items/folders.

Multi-user Considerations Multi-user Considerations

ProcedureTo create a new package from the File menu:

  1. On the File menu, point to New New and choose Package Package.
    On the Library toolbar, choose Package Package.
  2. Add items to the package.
  3. Save the new package document.
    You can also close the tab and click Yes in response to the Save Document message.
    When you save a package for the first time, you are prompted to provide a name for it. Enter a name for the package by typing over the default name. Although the package name does not have to be unique, it is recommended that you provide a meaningful name so you can easily find the package later.

ProcedureTo create and link a new package as a concept from the Outline Editor:

  1. With an outline open in the Outline Editor, display the Player View.
  2. Select a document in the outline from which you want to create a link.
  3. From the Concept pane, click Package to launch the Package Wizard and click Next.
  4. Add items to the package and click Next.
  5. Type a name for the new package and browse a location in the Library where you want it saved (if you do not want to save the package using the default name and location).
  6. Click Next.
  7. Choose a file in the package that launches in the Concept pane. Navigate through any folders contained in the new package, if appropriate.
  8. Click Finish.

ProcedureTo link a new section and package to an outline:

  1. With an outline open in the Outline Editor, display the Player View.
  2. Select a document in the outline from which you want to link a new section with an associated package document.
  3. On the Link menu or Outline Editor Toolbar, choose New Section with Package New Section with Package to launch the Package Wizard and click Next.
  4. Type a name for the new section.
  5. Click Next and Add items to the package.
  6. Click Next and type a name for the new package. You can also browse to specify a location in the Library where you want to save the new package (if you do not want to save the package using the default name and location).
  7. Choose a file in the package that launches in the Concept pane. Navigate through any folders contained in the new package, if appropriate.
  8. Click Finish.

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