The Share link allows users to share the location of a topic or other asset in the outline with other users. The user can click the  Share link in the Player interface and copy and paste the URL into an e-mail or other messaging software to send to others. By checking View Outline, you can share the specific content (not just the location in the outline) with other users.


The EnableShare parameter in the PlayerConfig section in the config.xml is set to True by default.


<configsection name="PlayerConfig">

<item name="EnableShare">true</item>



To prevent the Share link from appearing, copy the EnableShare parameter from config.xml in the Player style and paste it to the PlayerConfig section in the config.xml in the skin. In the skin, you can then change the EnableShare parameter value from True to False. You should not customize config.xml in the Player style. 


Note: If the config.xml file in the skin does not contain begin and end tags for the PlayerConfig section, you must also include those tags.


Note: You can disable the Share link in published output by changing the EnableShare parameter in the config.js file to False. Config.js is created from config.xml during the publishing process.



Share link in the bubble


The configuration setting described above affects the Share link in the TOC only. Another instance of the Share link is displayed in the Actions menu in the topic player. If you want to disable the Share link there too, you need to modify the data/uiconfig.js file either in the Player style of in the published content. To disable the Share link, add or modify the following setting:




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