This report shows a training manager how all users are progressing through all knowledge paths. as it gives a full overview of system usage. It indicates a user's progress through the material assigned to him/her. For each knowledge path, this report includes such information as the status of assessments and subjects, as well as assessment scores and percentage completed for each subject. The time spent on a subject is also available in this report. Depending on the number of users in the system, this report may take some time to run. 


Note: This report reflects information for only those knowledge paths in which a user is currently enrolled. If a user withdraws from path, the report will not reflect the data. However, the tracking information remains in the database. If the user re-enrolls in the path, the data will reappear in this report. 

The options for this report are described below. If custom fields are available, you can also make selections for these fields. 

Knowledge Paths are listed in the report by workgroup. The information that can appear in this report is described below.


This column displays the user's last name, first name, and username.



This column displays the name of the activity.



This column indicates the type of activity; for example, a subject, an inline assessment, or a pre- or post-assessment.



This column indicates the score achieved in the assessment. If the assessment has not been started, NS appears for Not Started.

Place-out or Required Score

This column displays the place-out score required on the assessment. If a score is not set, NA appears for Not Applicable.

Times Taken

This column displays the number of times a user took the assessment.


% Complete

This column displays the completion percentage of the entire activity.



This column displays the amount of time (in hours) a user spent on a subject. If the subject is complete, as indicated by 100% in the % Complete column, the time reflects the total time spent on the subject. If the user did not start the subject yet, this column displays NS for Not Started.


Unique Days:

If the Include unique user days option is selected for the report, this column displays the number of individual days spent on the subject. If the subject has not been started, NS appears for Not Started.

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