This view displays information about all of the learning activities (units of learning) in the knowledge paths, including the course, pre-assessment and post-assessment in the activity and Learning Object identifier.


Upgrade Note: For installations upgraded from a previous Knowledge Pathways version, this view replaces the KPVIEW_ACTIVITY view. Previous views still appear with their original column names to preserve any existing reports based on these views.


ACTIVITY_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)

Unique identifier of the activity on the server.

This field is a primary key.


ACTIVITY_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)

Name of the activity as it appears to the user.


PARENT_ACTIVITY_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the parent activity.


PATH_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the knowledge path that the activity is in.


PATH_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Name of the knowledge path that the activity is in.


ORGANIZATIONAL (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the activity is for organizational purposes only.
0 = the activity has a subject and/or assessments
1 = the activity is organizational and contains no subject or assessments


HAS_PREASSESS (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the activity has a pre-assessment defined. 
0 = the activity has no pre-assessment
1 = the activity has a pre-assessment


PREASSESS_LO_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the pre-assessment on the server.


PREASSESS_REQUIRED (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)

Indicates if the pre-assessment of the activity is required.
0 = the pre-assessment is not required
1 = the pre-assessment is required


PREASSESS_REQUIRED_SCORE (Oracle = number), (SQL = numeric)
The score required to pass the pre-assessment.


HAS_SUBJECT (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the activity has a subject. 
0 = the activity contains only assessments and the subject has been suppressed
1 = the activity has a subject (LO)


SUBJECT_LO_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the subject on the server.


HAS_POSTASSESS (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the activity has a post-assessment defined.
0 = the activity has no post-assessment
1 = the activity has a post-assessment 


POSTASSESS_LO_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the post-assessment on the server.


POSTASSESS_REQUIRED (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)

Indicates if the post-assessment of the activity is required.
0 = the post-assessment is not required
1 = the post-assessment is required


POSTASSESS_REQUIRED_SCORE (Oracle = number), (SQL = numeric)
The score required to pass the post-assessment.


SORT_ORDER (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Sort order of the activity.

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