User Activity Log

The User Activity Log tracks user actions that may impact the operation of the oVTCS system, including GUI Login/Logout activity and Configuration/Policy file management activity. This is beneficial for administrators trying to track user activity from a single location.

Select Administration and User Activity Logs on the navigation tree.

Click the arrows in any column header to sort the data table by that column in ascending or descending order.

You can also filter data for individual data columns to further isolate specific information. See Using Filters for details.

Table columns and descriptions include:

Column Description
User Name User login name used to log in to the application
Activity Time Time the activity was started by the user
Event Type One of the following types:

Login - User has successfully completed the initial login to the GUI application.

Logout - User has clicked the Logout link in the upper right of the application.

Timeout - (Optional) If implemented, user has lost access to the application due to inactivity (may not be implemented if not detectable by the application).

Edit - User has clicked the Save to Current File button on the Edit File dialog of the Configuration and Policy File Management panel.

Upload - User has fully initiated the Upload operation on the Configuration and Policy File Management panel (accepted the verification dialog for Upload).

Download - User has fully initiated the Download operation on the Configuration and Policy File Management panel (accepted the verification dialog for Download).

Tapeplex Name of the tapeplex upon which a Configuration and Policy File Management operation was performed, left blank for Login, Logout, or Timeout
File Type Either Configuration or Policy, depending on the type of Configuration and Policy File Management operation performed, left blank for Login, Logout, or Timeout.
File Name Name of the file for which the Configuration and Policy File Management operation was performed, left blank for Login, Logout, or Timeout

Click the icons above the table to perform the following operations:

Icon Name Description
Surrounding text describes selectedrowdata.jpg. Selected Row Data Show data for selected rows
Surrounding text describes toexcel.jpg. Export to Excel Export all rows to an Excel spreadsheet
Surrounding text describes printena.png. Print Display as a printable page
Surrounding text describes filter.png. Filter Filter the data
Surrounding text describes filterx.png. Remove filter Remove the data filter
Surrounding text describes refreshdatabase.png. Refresh Refresh with data from the VSM GUI database
Surrounding text describes detach.jpg. Detach Display in a separate window
Surrounding text describes help.jpg. Help Display VSM GUI Help

Rows Selected indicates the number of rows in the table that are currently selected.

Columns Hidden indicates the number of columns in the table that are not being displayed. These are displayed using the View menu.

Columns Frozen is the number of left-hand columns that remain static when the horizontal scroll bar is moved. A blue vertical line separates these columns from the others.

Use the View menu to perform the following operations:

View Option Description
Scroll Table Enable or disable scrolling
Columns Show all or selected columns and manage hidden and visible status
Detach Display the table in a separate window
Sort Sort the column in ascending or descending order
Reorder Columns Select the column sequence for Visible columns