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Oracle® Retail Merchandising System Oracle Retail Merchandising System User Guide
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9 Inventory

Inventory Control is one of the foremost functions of RMS. Proper inventory control allows the retailer to have optimum and accurate inventory at various entities of business like stores and warehouses. Span of inventory control ranges from receiving merchandise from suppliers and managing it during the time it is on retailer's premises to supplying to franchise partners and returning to vendors.

RMS facilitates end to end management of inventory including receiving, transfers, adjustments, reconciliation, mass return transfers, return to vendor, franchise order management, stock counts, item transformation, and work order maintenance.

This chapter contains the following topics to help understand and manage inventory control in RMS:

Inventory by Location

Inventory by Location gives a view of inventory levels for an item by location. This provides a view of On hand, Inbound, Reserved, and Unavailable buckets of inventory. This window also provides information on Store Sales and Warehouse Issues.

Viewing Inventory by Location

To view inventory by location:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Item Inventory by Location. The Inventory by Location window appears.

  2. In the Item field, enter the item number or search for the item. The UOM is populated by default.

  3. In the Location field, select the location.

  4. Click Search. The store sales and warehouse issue details appear in the Sales and Issues section. The inventory details appear in the table.

    Figure 9-1 Inventory by Location Window

    Inventory by Location window


The table displays the inventory details for the selected item/location.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-2 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Inventory by Location

Table 9-1 Table - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icon Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-3 Table - View Menu

View Menu Inventory by Location

Table 9-2 Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu List Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Inventory by Location Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-4 Inventory by Location Toolbar

Inventory by Location toolbar

Table 9-3 Inventory by Location Toolbar - Icons/ Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Revert Tab Revert Tab icon

Click the Revert Tab icon Revert Tab icon to clear all the fields.

Sales/Issues button

You can access the Sales/Issues by Location window by clicking the Sales/Issues button.

For more information on the Sales/Issues by Location window, see the Sales/Issues by Location and Viewing Sales/Issues by Location Window section.

More Actions

For information about the More Actions menu, see the Inventory by Location - More Actions Menu section.


Click Done to close the Inventory by Location window.

Inventory by Location - More Actions Menu

The More Actions menu contains the following options.

Figure 9-5 Inventory by Location - More Actions Menu

More Actions Menu Inventory by Location

Table 9-4 More Actions Menu - Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

More Actions

Toggle between the Standard and the Case UOM.

Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure

You can view the inventory on Standard UOM and Case by choosing the required UOM.

Standard UOM

The default option shows all quantities in terms of the item's standard UOM.


The option will toggle all quantity fields in the Sales/ Issues section and in the table, to the value in terms of cases. The per case value is determined by taking the value in standard UOM and dividing it by the item's primary supplier site/primary sourcing country's supplier pack size.

Sales/Issues by Location

The Sales/Issues by Location window allows you to view weekly sales history or warehouse issues for an item at one or multiple stockholding locations. The monetary amounts appear in the primary currency of the company. The quantities appear in the standard unit of measure. All details appear at the transaction level. If you search for an item that is above the transaction level, the details are summarized at the transaction level.

The Sales Issues by Location window contains the following sections.

Viewing Sales/Issues by Location Window

To view the sales/issues by location window:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Item Inventory by Location. The Inventory by Location window appears.


    You can also view the Sales/Issues by Location window from the Tasks menu > Inventory > Item Sales/Issues by Location link.

  2. Click the Sales/Issues button. The Sales/Issues by Location window appears.

    Figure 9-6 Sales/Issues by Location Window

    Sales/Issues by Location window
  3. The item number and description is displayed by default.

  4. In the Location field, select the location.

  5. In the Date Range area, enter the range of dates to be included in the results, or click the calendar icons and select the dates.

  6. Click Search. The sales history or warehouse issues appear in the table of the Unit Sales by End of Week Date section.

  7. Click Done to close the window.

Sales/Issues by Location Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-5 Sales/Issues by Location Toolbar - Icons/ Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Refresh icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Refresh icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Inventory button

You can access the Sales/Issues by Location window by clicking the Sales/Issues button.

For more information about the Inventory by Location window, see the Inventory by Location section.


Click Done to close the Inventory by Location window.

Sellable Pack Inquiry

A sellable pack is a grouping mechanism used to sell multiples of different items as one item.

Viewing Sellable Pack Inquiry

To view the sellable pack inquiry:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Sellable Pack Inquiry. The Sellable Pack Inquiry window appears.

    Figure 9-7 Sellable Pack Inquiry Window

    Sellable Pack Inquiry window
  2. In the Pack field, enter the item number or search for the item.

  3. In the Location field, select the location. The options are: Store and Warehouse. You can also select and search for the location. The details appear in the table.

  4. Figure 9-8 Sellable Pack Inquiry Details

    Sellable Pack Inquiry Details
  5. Click Done to close the window.


The table displays the sellable pack inquiry details.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-9 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Sellable Pack Inquiry

Table 9-6 Table - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-10 Table - View Menu

View Menu Sellable Pack Inquiry

Table 9-7 Table - View Menu and Description

View Menu List Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Sellable Pack Inquiry Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-11 Sellable Pack Inquiry Toolbar

Sellable Pack Inquiry toolbar

Table 9-8 Sellable Pack Inquiry Toolbar - Icons/Actions Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Refresh icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Refresh icon Refresh icon.


Click Done to close the Sellable by Inquiry window.

Creating a Transfer

To create a transfer:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Create Transfer. The Create Transfer window appears.

    Figure 9-12 Create Transfer Window

    Create Transfer window
  2. In the Transfer Type field select the type of transfer. The options are: Administrative, Book Transfer, Confirmation, Intercompany, Manual Requisition, Reallocation Transfer, and Return to Vendor.

  3. In the Inventory Status field, select the inventory status. The options are: Available and Unavailable.

  4. In the Department field, enter, select or search for the department.

  5. In the From Location field, select Store or Warehouse. Then enter, select or search for the location.

  6. In the Finisher field, select either Internal or External option. Enter, select or search for the finisher ID.


    Finishers are required for transfer that will have work orders, transformations, or packaging instructions.

  7. In the To Location field, select Store or Warehouse. Then enter, select or search for the location.

  8. In the Delivery Date field, enter the earliest date that the transfer can be delivered to the store or warehouse or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  9. Click OK to save any changes. The Transfer window appears.

  10. Click Cancel to return to the Tasks menu without saving changes.

Transfer Window

Once a transfer is created, the Transfer window appears. The Transfer window allows you to enter the details of the transfers. You can also navigate to appointments, other attributes windows to add additional information.

The Transfer window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-13 Transfer Window

Transfer window

Transfer Header

The Transfer Header includes the following fields.

Table 9-9 Transfer Header - Fields and Description

Fields Description


The title displays the Transfer ID to the top left of the header. The Transfer Type and Status is displayed at the top right of the header.


This field displays the department ID and the department.

Inventory Status

This field displays inventory status. The options are Available and Unavailable.


Select the context from the list. The options are: Promotion, Customer Transfer, Store Requisition, and Repairing.

External Reference Number

Enter the external reference number.

Created Date

This field displays the date on which the transfer was created.

Delivery Date

The date on which the transfer is expected to be delivered at the location.

Expected WH Date

The date on which the transfer is expected to be delivered at the warehouse.


The Delivery Date, Expected WH Date, and Not After Date fields are editable. However, the remaining fields are displayed based on the information entered in the Create Transfer window.


The Locations section includes the following fields.

Table 9-10 Locations - Fields and Description

Field Description

From Store

This field displays the store ID.

From Entity

This field displays the transfer entity ID and description.

Freight Type

This field displays the type of freight. The options are: Normal, Expedite, and Hold.

To Store

This field displays the store ID and the description of the store.

To Entity

This field displays the transfer entity ID and description.


Select the carrier type from the list. The options are: Federal Express, UPS, and Mail.


In the comments section, enter your comments.

Transfer Toolbar

The Toolbar displays the icons and actions buttons on the transfer window.

Figure 9-14 Transfer Toolbar

Transfer toolbar

Table 9-11 Transfer Toolbar - Icons/ Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Details Button

You can click Details to view the Transfer Details window.

For more information on the Transfer Details window, see the Transfer Details section.

Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete the current transfer by clicking the Delete icon Delete icon.

Status Button

The label of the status button is dynamic and changes based on the current transfer status. It displays the next logical status. For example, for the transfers in Input status it will be Submit. Based on the current status, if there are more than one status action is possible than other options can be accessed with the list button.

For more information about how to change the status of a transfer, see the Transfer Approval Process section.

More Actions

For more information about the More Actions menu, see the Transfer - More Actions Menu section.


Click Save to save any changes on the Transfer window and keep the transfer window open.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all the changes and close the window.

Transfer - More Actions Menu

Use the More Actions menu to navigate to the following windows. The More Actions menu contains the following options.

Figure 9-15 Transfer - More Actions Menu

More Actions Menu Transfer

Table 9-12 Transfer - More Actions Menu and Description

Icon/Buttons Description

More Actions

You can navigate to open the following windows by clicking the More Actions menu:

  • Appointments

  • Other Attributes

    This submenu contains the Group Sets that are defined using Custom Flex Attributes for the Transfer entity.

    In the Other Attributes submenu, select an attribute.

    For more information about custom flex attributes, see the Other Attributes section.

Transfer Details

Transfer is an internal movement of stock from one location to another. The Transfer Detail window allows users to view and maintain the list of items on a transfer.

You can access the Transfer Details window by clicking Details on the Transfer window.

Figure 9-16 Transfer Details Window

Transfer Details window


In the Items section you can maintain the list of items on the transfer.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-17 Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Items section

Table 9-13 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add the transfer details by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information on the transfer details, see the Adding Transfer Details Terms section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the transfer details by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the transfer details, see the Editing Transfer Details Items section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete transfer details:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-18 Items - View Menu

View Menu Items section

Table 9-14 Items - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Transfer Details Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-19 Transfer Details Toolbar

Transfer Details toolbar

Table 9-15 Transfer Details Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Work Order button

You can click the Work Order button to view the Transfer Word Order window.

For more information about the this option, see the Transfer Work Orders section

More Actions

For more information about the More Actions menu, see the Transfer - More Actions Menu section.


Click Save to save any changes on the Transfer Details window and keep the Transfer Details window open.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all the changes and close the window.

Transfer Details - More Actions Menu

Use the More Actions menu to navigate to the following windows. The More Actions menu contains the following options.

Figure 9-20 Transfer Details - More Actions Menu

More Actions Menu Transfer Details

Table 9-16 Transfer Details - More Actions Menu and Description

Icon/Buttons Description

More Actions

You can navigate to the following windows by clicking option the More Actions menu:


You can toggle between following currencies:

  • From Location

  • To Location

  • Primary

The Currency toggles determine which labels and values are displayed for certain columns.

Unit of Measure

You can toggle between the following units of measure:

  • Unit of Transfer

  • Standard UOM

The UOM toggles determine which labels and values are displayed for certain columns.

You can view, but not edit, a list of the units of measure that are available in the system for defining area, dimension, volume, and weight. Units of measure are used in a variety of ways:

  • Standard unit of measure (SUOM): The unit of measure by which stock is tracked at the corporate level. The SUOM may be measured by weight, volume, area, or dimension. The size of the standard unit of measure is set up at the item level. If a measurement, rather than the term "each", is selected as the SUOM, a conversion factor must be entered. The conversion factor indicates many units of the selected SUOM make up an each. For example: If the size of an each is 5 kilograms, then the SUOM is kilogram and the conversion factor is 5.

  • Store order multiple: The unit of measure by which items are shipped to stores. The store order multiple may be each, inner, or case. The default store order multiple is set up at the item level. Store order multiples for specific locations are set up at the item/location level.

  • Unit of purchase (UOP): The unit of measure by which an item is purchased. The UOP may be each, case, or pallet. The default UOP is set up at the item/supplier/sourcing country level. The default UOP may be superceded when adding items to a purchase order.

  • Unit of Transfer: The unit of measure by which an item is transferred. The unit of transfer may be each, case, or pallet. The unit of transfer is entered when adding items to a transfer.

  • Unit of Receipt (UOR): The unit of measure by which an item is received on a shipment. The UOR may be each, case, or pallet. The UOR is entered when receiving items.

The standard unit of measure is the equivalent of an each. A case (or its equivalent, such as a box, bushel, barrel, or roll) may correlate with a supplier's pack size. The unit of purchase, unit of transfer, and unit of receipt may default to either the standard unit of measure or case. If a quantity is entered by the pallet for the unit of purchase, unit of transfer, or unit of receipt, the quantity is converted to the default measurement.

The terms inner, case, and pallet are used as generic terms in RMS. You can select different terms for the same concepts at the item/supplier level.

Maintaining Transfer Details

To maintain transfer Details follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The transfers that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the Transfer column, click the transfer link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Transfer window appears.

Adding Transfer Details Terms

To add transfer details terms:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Create Transfer. The Create Transfer window appears.

  2. Enter the relevant details and click OK. The Transfer window appears

  3. Click Details. The Transfer Details window appears which includes the Items section.

  4. From the Actions menu, click Add or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

    Figure 9-21 Add Item Window

    Add Item window
  5. In the Type field, select the item type from the list. The options are: Item, Item Parent, Item Parent/Diff, Item List. You can also enter, search and select to add the item.

  6. In the Quantity Type field, select the quantity from the list. The options are Manual and Total Stock on Hand.

  7. In the Transfer Quantity field, enter the quantity of the item that has to be transferred.

  8. In Transfer Cost Adjustment field, select the type of transfer cost adjustment you want to make. The options are: Decrease by Percent, Decrease by Amount, Increase by Percent, Increase by Amount, Set Price.

  9. In the Inventory Status field, select the inventory status from the list.

  10. In the Available Quantity field, the quantity that is available for transfer is displayed.

  11. The From Location Cost field cannot be edited. This field displays the cost for transferring an item from the location.

  12. The Backorder Quantity field cannot be edited. This field displays the customer back-orders for an item based on stock on hand availability.

  13. The Transfer Cost field cannot be edited. This field displays the transfer cost and the cost varies based on the selected Transfer Cost Adjustment Type and the Adjustment Value.

  14. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the item to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Editing Transfer Details Items

To edit transfer details items:

  1. In the Items section, select the transfer details of the item you want to edit.

  2. From the Actions menu, click Edit or click the Edit icon Edit icon.

  3. Edit the quantity type and the transfer quantity as necessary.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to save the changes and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject your entries and close the window.

Transfer Work Orders

The Transfer Work Order allows you to define activities that are completed by the finisher before the transfer is completed. You must select a finisher when creating the transfer in order to access the window.

The Transfer Work Orders window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-22 Transfer Work Orders Window

Transfer Work Orders window

Item Activities

The label of the Item Activity section displays the work order number. In addition the currency is displayed in the top right corner of the section.

You can add comments for the item activity directly in the table.

Item Activities - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-17 Item Activities - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add item activity combinations by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add new item activity combinations, see the Adding an Item Activity section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

Select Actions > Edit or use the Edit icon Edit icon to edit the selected item activity combination

For more information about how to an item activity combination, see the Editing an Item Activity section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete item activity combinations:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Item Activities - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-18 Item Activities - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


Toggle between the following currencies:

  • Finisher

  • From Location

  • To Location

  • Primary


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Transfer Work Orders Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-19 Transfer Work Orders Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Adding a Work Order to a Transfer

To add a work order to a transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a work order with finishing.

    For more information about how to create a transfer, see the Creating a Transfer section.

  2. In the Transfer Details window, select the Work Order button. The Transfer Work Order window appears.

Adding an Item Activity

To add an item activity to the current work order, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Item Activity section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

  2. Select an item type from the list. Then enter or search for the item.

  3. In the Diff field, enter, select or search for the diff.


    This field is only enabled, if you select the item type Item Parent/Diff.

  4. Select if you want to add an activity or template. Then select the corresponding activity or template.

  5. In the Cost Type field, select the cost type from the list.

  6. In the Activity Cost field, enter the costs.

  7. In the Comments field, enter a comment, if necessary.

  8. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the item activity/template to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional item activities/templates.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

  9. In the Transfer Work Oder window, save your changes.

Editing an Item Activity

To edit an item activity, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Item Activities section, select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Item window appears.

  2. Edit the activity cost and/or the comments.

  3. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

  4. In the Transfer Work Order window, save your changes.

Transfer Item Packing

The Transfer Item Packing window allows you to send instructions to the finisher to tell them how items and packs should be shipped to the final location.

The Packing Results section displays all the packs that can be created and any items component items that are unpacked.

The following packaging combinations may occur:

Pack to Components

Pack 1 becomes Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Pack to Pack


Pack 1 made up of: 2 of Item 1 becomes Pack 2 made up of: 2 of Item 1

3 of Item 2

2 of Item 2

3 of Item 3

2 of Item 3


Pack 1 made up of: 2 of Item 1 becomes Pack 2 made up of: 2 of Item 1

3 of Item 2

2 of Item 2

3 of Item 3

1 of Item 3

Remaining bulk items 1 of item 2

2 of item 3

Components to Pack

Item 1 becomes Pack 1
Item 2

Item 3

The Transfer Item Packing window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-23 Transfer Item Packing Window

Transfer Item Packing window

Item Packing

The Item Packing section contains the From Item table and the To Item table.

From Item Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-20 From Item Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add new items by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add items, see the Adding an Item and Explode Pack section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

From Item Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-21 From Item Table - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

To Item

You can view the pack details and build packs in this area. For more information see, the Building the Pack section

Packing Results

The Packing Results section contains the From Item table and the To Item Table.

From Item Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-22 From Item Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete pack sets:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

From Item Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-21, "From Item Table - View Menu/Icons and Description".

To Item Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-23 To Item Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

From Item Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-21, "From Item Table - View Menu/Icons and Description".

Transfer Item Packing Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-24 Transfer Item Packing Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Packing an Item on a Transfer

To pack an item on a transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a transfer.

    For more information about how to create a transfer, see the Creating a Transfer section.

  2. Add a transfer work order activity.

    For more information about how to add a transfer work order activity, see the Transfer Work Orders section.

  3. In the Transfer Details window, select More Actions > Packing. The Transfer Item Packing window appears.

Adding an Item and Explode Pack

To add an item and explode the pack item to its components or build a new pack, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Item Packing section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

  2. In the From Item field, enter or search for the from item.

  3. In the Diff field, enter, select or search for the diff. This field is only available, if the from item is a parent item.

  4. Select the Explode Pack checkbox, explode a pack item that is on the transfer into its component items.

    This checkbox is only available, if the from item is a pack item. The pack item will be exploded to its component items and displayed as a new pack set in the Packing Results section.

  5. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the item and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Building the Pack

To change the pack, follow the steps below.

  1. In the To Item area, enter or search for the to pack item that is on the transfer.

  2. Then click Build Pack. The new pack is created and displayed in the Packing Results section.

    • To view the pack details, click Pack Details. The Pack Item Details are displayed.

  3. Then save your entries.

Transfer Item Transformation

The Transfer Item Transformation window allows you to convert one item to another item at a finisher. You may change one item to a second item or you may consolidate multiple items into one item. Items are transformed at a finishing location.

There are certain conditions that must be met before you complete and item transformation. When you transform the first item into a second item, the second item must exist in approved status in the merchandising system before you can complete the transformation. The entire quantity of item on a transfer must be transformed to the same item.

There are two types of item transformation that can occur:

Table 9-25 Item Transformation

Item becomes item

One to One

Item 1


Item 2

Item A


Item X

Item B


Item Y

Item C


Item Z

Many to One

Item 1


Item 2

Item A


Item X

Item B


Item X

Item C


Item X

The Transfer Item Transformation window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-24 Transfer Item Transformation

Transfer Item Transformation window

Transform Item

The Transform Item section is visible if you are not in View mode and the Status is Input, otherwise the section is hidden.

The Transform Item section contains two sub-sections, the From Item table and the To Item area.

The From Item table displays the following fields by default:

  • From Item

  • Description

  • Diff

  • Diff Description

  • Quantity

From Item Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-26 From Item Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add new items by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add a new item, see the Adding and Transforming an Item section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

From Item Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-27 From Item Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

To Item

The To Item area displays the item, item description, diff and diff description as well as the quantity.

You can edit the to item and diff in this area by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

You can transform the items in this area by clicking the Transform button.

The Transform button is only enabled if From Item and To Item sections are populated. When you click the button the Transform Item section is cleared, the items are transformed and displayed in the Transformation Results section.

Transformation Results

The From Item table displays the following fields by default:

  • From Item

  • Description

  • To Item

  • To Item Description

  • To Item Retail

  • To Item Cost

  • Quantity

Transformation Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-28 Transformation Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Transformation Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-29 Transformation Results - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Transfer Item Transformation Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-30 Transfer Item Transformation Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Transforming an Item

To transform an item, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a transfer.

    For more information about how to create a transfer, see the Creating a Transfer section.

  2. Add a transfer work order activity.

    For more information about how to add a transfer work order activity, see the Transfer Work Orders section.

  3. In the Transfer Details window, select More Actions > Transformation. The Transfer Item Transformation window appears.

Adding and Transforming an Item

To add a from item, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Transform Item section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

  2. In the From Item section:

    1. In the Item field, enter or search for an item. This field is a required field.

    2. In the Diff field, enter, select or search for the diff. This field is only available if the parte item has diff.

  3. In the To Item section:

    1. In the Item field, enter or search for an item or parent item that you want the from item to become.


      The to item you select must be an approved item in the merchandising system.

    2. In the Diff field, enter, select or search for the diff. This field is only available if the to item is a parent item.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the from/to item and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional from/to items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

  5. Then click Transform. The items that have been transformed for the transfer are displayed in the Transformation Results section.

  6. Save your entries.

Editing an Item

To edit an item, follow the steps below.

  1. In the To Item area, click the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Item window appears.

  2. Edit the fields as necessary.

  3. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your change to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the table.

  4. In the Transfer Item Transformation window, save your changes.

Transfer Up Charges

An up charge is a cost associated with moving items between locations in the merchandising system. Up charges are included since there is work associated with the transfer of goods (for example, cost that the origin location incurs to prepare the items for shipping) and since locations can exist in different legal entities there is accounting between the different locations.

Each up charge has a calculation basis of value or specific, a cost basis of either weighted average cost (when using average cost method) or unit cost (when using standard cost method), component currency, and up charge group, which is used to group up charge components together to show a total sum on the Transfer Up Charge window.

The following up charge types can be applied:

  • Department up charges: Incurred when transferring items within the department or within the from and the to locations.

  • Location up charges: Tracked when both average costing (as opposed to standard costing) and estimated landed cost (ELC) is used.

  • Transfer up charges: Associated with a specific Transfer/Item/From Location/To Location combination.

  • Up charge groups: A combination of up charge components.

  • Up charge components: Charges that are incurred when transferring from a RMS store or warehouse to another RMS store or warehouse.

The Transfer Up Charges window allows you to view the up charge groups that are associated with a specific transfer/item/from location/to location combination. Up charge groups are a combination of up charge components. Up charge components are charges that are incurred when transferring from a store or warehouse to another store or warehouse.

The Transfer Up Charges window contains the following sections.


The Item section displays the item information such as item, item description and Inventory Status.

Select the tab Leg 2 to view the item information of the second leg.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-31 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

View and View icon View icon

To view an item:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View or click the View icon View icon.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-32 Items - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Up Charges

The Up Charges section displays up charge group and value per unit.

The Next and Previous icon is displayed in the top right corner of the section, if the selected item is as buyer pack.

Up Charges - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-33 Up Charges - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

View and View icon View icon

To view an up charge group:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View or click the View icon View icon.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Up Charges - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-34 Up Charges - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


Toggle between the From/To Location and the system's primary currency.


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Transfer Up Charges Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-35 Transfer Up Charges Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.


Appointments define the quantity of goods that are expected to ship from one location to another. The appointments are created in the warehouse management system and sent to RMS. When a shipment is received, the warehouse management system sends a message to RMS Receiving and completes the following actions:

  • The appointment status changes to Closed

  • Quantity Received and Receipt Number fields are updated

  • RMS attempts to close the document associated with the appointment (a purchase order, transfer, or allocation)

A purchase order, transfer, or allocation cannot be closed if an associated appointment does not have a status of Closed. Also, the line item order quantity (canceled quantity) cannot fall below the total expected quantity for all of the shipments and appointments that are attached to the order for that line item.

Viewing Appointments

The Appointments window allows you to search for any appointment linked with a specific order or ASN and view its details such as the receiving location and current status.

The Appointments window can be accessed by any of the following ways:

  • From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Appointments. The Appointment window opens.

  • From the More Actions menu of the following windows:

    • Order

      For more information about orders, see the Orders chapter, section "Order".

    • Transfer

      For more information about transfers, see the Transfer Window section.

    • Transfer Details

      For more information about transfer details, see the Transfer Details section.

  • In the Order Details window, select Actions > Appointments in the Items section.

    For more information about order details, see the Orders chapter, section "Order Details".

  • In the Shipment window, select the Appointment button in the toolbar.

    For more information about shipments, see the Shipment section.

The Appointments window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-25 Appointments Window

Appointments window

Searching for an Appointment

You can search for appointments by providing search criteria in the search section.

  1. You can search for an appointment using basic or advanced search criteria, depending on the requirement. The basic mode is the default search mode.

    • Click Advanced to access the search section in advanced mode.

    • Click Basic to return to the basic mode.

Searching for an Appointment Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for an appointment through the basic search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-36 Appointment Search - Basic Search Criteria

    Search Field Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only appointments matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - appointments matching each entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter, select or search for the appointment ID.


    Select the status of the appointment. The options are: Scheduled, Modified, Arrived, and Closed.

    Order No.

    Enter, select or search for the order number.


    Enter, select or search for a transfer.


    Enter, select or search for an allocation number.


    Enter, select or search for the store.


    Enter, select or search for the warehouse.

    Internal Finisher

    Enter, select or search for the internal finisher..

    External Finisher

    Enter, select or search for the external finisher.


    Enter, select or search for an ASN number.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The appointments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click the Save.. button to save the current sets of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information on the Create Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for an Appointment Through the Advanced Search Criteria

To search for an appointment through the advanced search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the advanced search criteria.

    Figure 9-26 Appointment Search - Advanced Search Mode

    Appointment Search Advanced Search Mode
  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The appointments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists the appointments that match the entered search criteria. Select an appointment to view the details.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-27 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-37 Results/Details - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

Only available in the Details section.

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-28 View Menu

View Menu Results section

Table 9-38 Results/Details - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Query by Example

You can filter the appointments by one of multiple column values by clicking the query by example icon Query icon.


In the Details section you can view the item on this appointment along with the appointed and received quantities based on the related document, purchase order or ASN.

Details - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. For more information about the Actions Menu, see Table 9-37, "Results/Details - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description"

Details - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-38, "Results/Details - View Menu/Icons and Description".

Appointments Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-39 Appointments Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Other Attributes

The Other Attributes will be available for transfers to enter Custom Flex Attributes which are created for the Transfer Entity. The Other Attributes will contain the Group Sets that are created for the Transfer header using the CFAS Foundation data upload.

Managing a Transfer

You can access the option to manage the transfer from the Tasks menu. Managing transfers involves performing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Searching for a transfer

  • Creating a transfer

  • Creating from an existing transfer

  • Editing a transfer

  • Viewing a transfer

You can access the Transfer Search window by selecting Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers, the Transfer Search window appears.

The Transfer Search window includes the following sections.

Figure 9-29 Transfer Search Window

Transfer Search window

Searching for a Transfer

To search for a transfer:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a transfer by providing search criteria in the search section. The criteria can be provided either in Basic or Advanced mode, depending on the requirement. Basic is the default mode when the search window is entered.

    Click Advanced to access the search panel in advanced mode. You can return to Basic mode by clicking Basic.

Searching for a Transfer Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for a transfer through the basic search criteria.

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-40 Transfer Search - Basic Search Criteria

    Field Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only transfer matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - transfer matching any of the entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter the transfer ID.


    Select the transfer type from the list.


    Select the status of the transfer. The options are: Input, Submitted, Approved, Closed, Deleted, and In Progress.

    From Location

    Enter, select or search for the location ID.

    To Location

    Enter, select or search for the location ID.


    Enter the item number or search for the item.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information on the Personalize Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The transfers that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click the Save.. button to save the current sets of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information on the Create Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for a Transfer Through the Advanced Search Criteria

To search for a transfer through the advanced search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following advanced search criteria.

    Table 9-41 Transfer Search - Advanced Search Criteria and Description

    Fields Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only transfer matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - transfer matching any of the entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter the transfer ID.


    Select the transfer type from the list.


    Select the status of the transfer. The options are: Input, Submitted, Approved, Closed, Deleted, and In Progress.

    From Location

    Enter, select or search for the location ID.

    To Location

    Enter, select or search for the location ID.


    Enter, select or search for the department.


    Enter, select or search for the class number.


    Enter, select or search for the subclass.


    Enter the item number or search for the item.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The transfers that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section displays the retrieved transfers.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-30 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-42 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icon Description

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create a transfer by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

For more information on creating a transfer, see the Creating a Transfer section.

Create from Existing icon Create from exist icon

You can create from a existing transfer by clicking Create from Existing from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create from Existing icon Create from exist icon.

For more information on create from existing transfer, see the Creating from an Existing Transfer section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit a transfer by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing a transfer, see the Editing a Transfer section.

View and View icon View icon

To view a transfer:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View, or click the View icon View icon. The Transfer window appears in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-31 Results - View Menu and Icons

View Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-43 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Transfer Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-44 Transfer Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Creating from an Existing Transfer

To create a deal from an existing transfer:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The transfers that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a transfer in the Results section

  5. Then select Actions > Create from Existing or click the Create from Existing icon Create from exist icon. The Transfer window appears. The data of the selected transfer is displayed. Change the data as necessary.

    For more information about transfers, see the Transfer Window section.

  1. Figure 9-32 Transfer - Create From Existing

    Transfer - Create from Existing
  2. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click Save to save to create the transfer.

    • Click Save and Close to create the transfer and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and return to Transfer Search window.

Editing a Transfer

To edit a transfer:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Select the transfer you want to edit.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Edit or click the Edit icon. Edit icon. The Transfer window appears.

    Figure 9-33 Edit Transfer Window

    Transfer window in Edit mode
  4. Make the necessary changes and click save your changes.

Transfer Approval Process

When a transfer is added to the system, it must go through a series of checks before it is accessible in the system. Depending on your user role, you may not be able to move the transfer to the next status. A transfer may be in any of the following statuses.

Table 9-45 Transfer Approval Process - Status and Definition

Status Definition


The transfer has been started, but not completed.


The transfer has been completed and is pending in review.


The transfer has been reviewed and has been approved.

In Progress

The transfer has been shipped to the next receiver in the transfer.


The transfer is marked for deletion. It will be deleted by a regularly scheduled batch program.


The transfer has been received at the final location and is complete.

Submitting a Transfer for Approval

To submit a transfer for approval, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Restrict your search to transfers in Input status.

  3. Click Search. The transfer that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the Transfer column, click the Transfer link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Transfer window appears.

  5. Click the Submit button. The status of the transfer changes to Submitted.

  6. Save your changes.

Approving a Transfer

To approve a transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Restrict your search to transfers in Submitted status.

  3. Click Search. The transfer that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the Transfer column, click the Transfer link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Transfer window appears.

  5. Click the Approve button. The status of the transfer changes to Approved.

  6. Save your changes.

Closing a Transfer

To close a transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers. The Transfer Search window appears.

  2. Restrict your search to transfers in In Progress status.

  3. Click Search. The transfer that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the Transfer column, click the Transfer link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Transfer window appears.

  5. Click the Close button. The status of the transfer changes to Closed.

  6. Save your changes.

Creating a Mass Return Transfer

The Mass Return Transfer (MRT) window allows you to define the following mass return transfer information:

  • Mass return transfer details

  • RTV

  • Creating Items

  • Creating Locations

To view the Mass Return Transfer window:

From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Create Mass Return Transfer. The Mass Return Transfer window appears.

The Mass Return Transfer window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-34 Mass Return Transfer Window

Mass Return Transfer window

Mass Return Transfer Header

The Mass Return Transfer header includes the following fields:

Table 9-46 Mass Return Transfer Header - Fields and Description

Fields Description


The title displays the Mass Return Transfer ID. The MRT Status is displayed at the top right of the header.

This field contains the MRT number by default.


Enter a description of the mass return transfer. This field is a required field.


Select the type of the MRT you are creating. The options are:

  • Intercompany: The transfer can occur between locations in different transfer entities.Intra-Company: The transfer can occur between locations in the same transfer entity.

This field is a required field.


Enter, select or search for the warehouse. This field is a required field.


Enter, select or for search the currency. This field is a required field.

Quantity Type

Select how you will determine the number of items to transfer. The options are:

  • All Inventory: Transfers are created for all stock on hand and you cannot specify how much to transfer.

  • Manual: After selecting the item, you must enter the number of items to transfer. The quantity will default to the stock on hand (SOH), but if the SOH falls below the defined transfer quantity, the transfer will be created in input status.

This field is a required field.

Transfer Not After Date

Enter the last date the transfer can occur, or click the Calendar icon to select a date. This field is a required field.


Enter any additional comments as necessary.


Select the RTV. The RTV section appears. For more information on the RTV, see the RTV section.


Once you select the RTV checkbox, the RTV section appears in the Mass Return Transfer window.

Figure 9-35 RTV

RTV section

The RTV section includes the following fields.

Table 9-47 RTV - Fields and Description

Fields Description

Supplier Site

Enter, select or search for the supplier site.

Created Status

Select the status the RTV will be created in. The options are: Input, Output, and Manual.

Created Date

Enter the date the RTV is created, or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

Not After Date

Enter the last date the transfer can occur, or use the Calendar icon and select a date.

Return Authorization

Enter the return authorization number of the supplier.


Select the reason you are creating the RTV.

Include Warehouse Inventory

Select this option to indicate warehouse inventory is included in the creation of the RTVs.


The Items section displays item information such as the item number, item description, quantity and cost information.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-36 Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Items section

Table 9-48 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add the items by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information on the items, see the Adding Items to a Mass Return Transfer section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete an item:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Mass Update

The Mass Update can be used for updating the Restocking fee based on any one of the following: Item Parent, Differentiator, or VPN.

For more information about how to perform mass updated, see the Mass Update section

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-37 Items -View Menu and Icons

View Menu/Icons Items section

Table 9-49 Items/Locations- View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.


The Locations section allows you to indicate at which locations the transfer is effective.

Locations - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-38 Locations - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Locations section

Table 9-50 Locations - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add locations by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Add icon.

For more information on adding the locations, see the Adding Locations to the Mass Return Transfer section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the locations by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the locations, see the Editing Locations on the Mass Return Transfer section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete a location:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Advanced Delete and Advanced Delete button

You can view the Delete Location window by clicking the Advanced Delete button in the Locations section.

For more information on the Advanced Delete button, see the Advanced Delete section.

Locations - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-49, "Items/Locations- View Menu/Icons and Description".

MRT Toolbar

The Toolbar displays the icons and actions buttons on the mass return transfer window.

Figure 9-39 MRT Toolbar

MRT toolbar

Table 9-51 MTR Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Expand and Collapse icons Expand and Collapse icon

You can expand all the sections and collapse all the sections in the window by clicking the Expand and Collapse icons.

Status button

The Status button displays the next possible status of the MRT. Possible statuses are:

  • Input

  • Submit

  • Approve

  • Close

More Actions

For More Actions menu, see the MRT Toolbar section.


Click Save to save any changes on the Mass Return Transfer window and keep the Mass Return Transfer window open.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to discard all the changes and close the window.

Mass Return Transfer - More Actions Menu

Use the More Actions menu to navigate to the following windows. The More Actions menu contains the following options.

Figure 9-40 Mass Return Transfer - More Actions Menu

More Actions Menu MRT

Table 9-52 Mass Return Transfer - More Actions Menu and Description

Icon/Buttons Description

More Actions

You can navigate to open the following windows by clicking More Actions menu:

  • Transfers

    Opens the Transfer window. For more information about this window, see the Transfer Window section.

  • RTV

    Opens the Return to Vendor window. For mor information about this window, see the Return to Vendor section.

  • Refresh Item Quantities

    Updates the item quantities.

  • Currency

    You can toggle between the currency of the MRT, the system's primary currency or the suppliers currency.

Adding Items to a Mass Return Transfer

To add items to a mass return transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Mass Return Transfer window, go to the Items section.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Add or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

    Figure 9-41 Add Item Window

    Add Item window
  3. Select any one of the following options: Item, Item Parent, or Item List.

  4. In the Item field, enter the item or search and select from the list. This is a required field.

  5. In the Restocking Fee % field, enter the percentage that is applied for restocking fees.

  6. In the Unit RTV Cost field, enter the Unit RTV cost for the item

  7. The Selected For Transfer checkbox is selected by default.

  8. Then choose one of the following option.

    • Click OK to add the item and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Mass Update

To update the Restocking fee based on either an Item Parent, a Differentiator, or VPN use the Mass Update function.

  1. In the Items section, select Actions > Mass Update, or use the Mass Update button. The Mass Update window appears.

    Figure 9-42 Mass Update Window

    Mass Update window
  2. In the Apply Updates to section, you can choose any one of the following fields: Item Parent, Differentiator Value, or VPN. You can narrow down the items for which restocking fee % will be updated. If none of the values are chosen, the update will be applicable to all the items.In the Update Restocking Fee section, enter the intended value of Restocking Fee % . This field is a required field.

  3. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to commit the mass update and close the window.

    • Click OK and Edit Another to commit the changes and edit an additional mass update.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Locations to the Mass Return Transfer

To add the locations to the mass return transfer, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Mass Return Transfer window, go to Locations section.

  2. After entering the header details, select Actions > Add, or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Locations window appears.

  3. Select the location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location.

  4. The available return quantity is displayed.

  5. In the Transfer Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to transfer.

  6. In the Transfer Cost field defaults to the transfer cost associated to the location.

  7. The Transfer Price field defaults to the transfer price associated to the location.

  8. In the Apply to section, select if you want to apply the changes to the selected item/location, all items for selected locations or all item/locations.

  9. Then choose one of the following option.

    • Click OK to add the location and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional locations.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Editing Locations on the Mass Return Transfer

To edit locations, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the locations you want to edit.

  2. From the Actions menu, click Edit or click the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Location window appears.

  3. Edit the enabled fields as necessary.

  4. Click OK to return to Mass Return Transfer window.

Advanced Delete

To select delete location options, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Mass Return Transfer window, go to Locations section.

  2. From the Actions menu, click the Advanced Delete button.The Delete Location window appears.

    Figure 9-43 Delete Location Window

    Delete Location window
  3. You can delete any one of the following options:

    • Selected Location for Selected Item

    • Selected Location for All Items

    • All Locations for Selected Item

    • All Item/Locations

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to delete the locations.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries an close the window.

Managing Mass Return Transfers

Managing mass return transfers involves performing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Searching for a mass return transfer

  • Creating a mass return transfer

  • Editing a mass return transfer

  • Viewing a mass return transfer

You can access the MRT Search window from the Task menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Mass Return Transfer. The MRT Search window appears.

In the MRT Search window you can search for mass return transfers by specifying various search criteria. You can choose to access mass return transfers in the search results in edit or view mode depending on security privileges. There are also options for creating a new mass return transfer.

The MRT Search window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-44 MRT Search Window

MRT Search window

Searching for an MRT

To search for an MRT:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Mass Return Transfer. The MRT Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a mass return transfer by providing search criteria in the search section. The criteria can be provided either in Basic or Advanced mode, depending on the requirement. Basic is the default mode when the search window is entered. Click Advanced to access search panel in advanced mode. You can return to Basic mode by clicking Basic.

Searching for an MRT Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for an MRT through the basic search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-53 MRT Search - Basic Search Criteria and Description

    Fields Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only MRTs matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - MRTs matching any of the entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter the MRT description.


    Select the status of the mass return transfer. The options are: Input, Submitted, Approved, RTV Created, Closed.

    Supplier Site

    Enter the supplier site, select or search the supplier site and number from the list.


    Enter the warehouse ID, select or search the warehouse.


    Enter the item number of the item or search the item.

    From Location

    Enter the location or select and search the location and the ID.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information on the Personalize Saved Searches, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The MRTs that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click Save.. button to save the current set of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For information on the Create Saved Search window, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for an MRT Through the Advanced Search Criteria

To search for an MRT through the advanced search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following advanced search criteria.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information on the Personalize Saved Searches, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The MRTs that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For information on the Create Saved Search window, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists all the retrieved MRTs.

Results - Actions Menu and

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-45 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-54 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create the MRT by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

For more information on creating the MRT, see the Creating a Mass Return Transfer section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the MRT by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the MRT, see the Editing an MRT section.

View and View icon View icon

To view an MRT:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View, or click the View icon View icon. The Mass Return Transfer window appears in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can view columns, detach, reorder columns, and query by example from the View menu.

Figure 9-46 Results - View Menu

View Menu Results section

Table 9-55 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

MRT Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-56 MRT Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Editing an MRT

To edit an MRT, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Manage Transfers > Manage Mass Return Transfer. The MRT Search window appears.

  2. Select the mass return transfer you want to edit.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Edit or click the Edit icon. Edit icon. The Mass Return Transfer window appears.

  4. Make the necessary changes.

    For more information about the Mass Return Transfer window, see the Creating a Mass Return Transfer section.

  5. Save your changes.

Stock Order Reconciliation

The Stock Order Reconciliation window allows you to edit and view shipment receipts where the item quantity does not match the actual quantity received. All open stock orders where the shipped quantity could not be reconciled to the received quantity appear in the results. Once you have searched for receipts you can create adjustments to account for the differences.

The Stock Order Reconciliation window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-47 Stock Order Reconciliation

Stock Order Reconciliation window

Searching for a Shipment Receipt

To search for a shipment receipt:

  1. From the Task menu, select Inventory > Transfers > Stock Order Reconciliation. The Stock Order Reconciliation window appears.

  2. Enter, select or search for one or all of the following search criteria.

    Table 9-57 Stock Order Reconciliation Search - Basic Search Criteria and Description

    Fields Description


    Enter, select or search for the BOL.


    Enter, select or search for the carton.

    Shipped Date

    Enter the shipped date or use the Calendar icon to select a date..

    Received Date

    Enter a received date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

    From Location

    Enter, select or search for the from location.

    To Location

    Enter, select or search for the to location.

    Distro Type

    Select the distro type from the list.

    Distro No.

    Enter, select or search for the Distro No.

  3. Click Search. The shipment that match the search criteria are displayed in the Stock Order Exceptions and Carton Level Dispositions section.

  4. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

Stock Order Exceptions

All open stock orders where the shipped quantity could not be reconciled to the received quantity appear in this section. The over/short quantity and the cost information are displayed.

The Shipment column contains a link which opens the Shipments window, where can view the Shipment Details. For more information about this window, see the Shipment section.

In the Adjustment Type column, select an adjustment type from the list.

Stock Order Exceptions - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-58 Stock Order Exceptions - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

View Shipment and View Shipment icon View icon

To view a shipment:

  • Select a record in the Stock Order Exceptions section.

  • Select Actions > View Shipment or click the View Shipment icon View icon. The Shipments window opens in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

For more details about the Shipments window, see the Shipment section.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Stock Order Exceptions - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-59 Stock Order Exceptions- View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Carton Level Dispositions

This section displays the carton, over/short quantity and cost information.

In the Adjustment Type column, select an adjustment type from the list.

Carton Level Dispositions - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-60 Carton Level Dispositions - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Carton Level Dispositions - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-61 Carton Level Dispositions - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Stock Order Reconciliation Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-62 Stock Order Reconciliation Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

More Actions

Click More Actions to see a list of additional actions that can be performed in the Stock Order Reconciliation window.

  • Currency

    Toggle between the To Location and the system's primary currency.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Creating a Bill of Lading

To create a bill of lading (BOL):

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Create Bill of Lading. The Bill of Lading window appears.

    The Bill of Lading window includes the following sections:

    Figure 9-48 Bill of Lading Window

    Bill of Lading window

Bill of Lading Header

The Bill of Lading header includes the following fields:

Table 9-63 Bill of Lading Header - Fields and Description

Fields Description


The title displays the Bill of Lading ID to the top left of the header.

This field contains the MRT number by default.

From Location

Select the location type, either Store or Warehouse from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location.

To Location

Select the location type, either Store or the Warehouse from the list. Enter, select or search for the location.

Ship Date

Enter the ship date and time, or use the Calendar icon to select a date and a time.

If you do not enter a time, the time defaults to midnight (00:00:00).


Enter the courier name, if applicable.


Enter any additional comments as necessary.


In items section you can add or delete information for the items on the BOL.

Once you have added items, you can edit Ship Quantity and Carton column directly in the table.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-49 Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Items section

Table 9-64 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add Items and Add Items icon Add icon

You can add items by clicking Add Items from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add Items icon Add icon.

For more information on how to add items, see the Adding Items section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-50 Items - View Menu

View Menu Items section

Table 9-65 Items - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Bill of Lading Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-51 Bill of Lading Toolbar

Bill of Lading toolbar

Table 9-66 Bill of Lading Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description.

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete the bill of lading b clicking the Delete icon Delete icon.

Ship Button

Click Ship to kick-off the shipping process for the BOL.


Click Save to save any changes on the bill of lading window and keep the deal window open.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Items

To add items:

  1. In the Bill of Lading window, go to the Items section.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Add Items or click the Add Items icon Add icon. The Add Items window appears.

    Figure 9-52 Add Items Window

    Add Items window
  3. Select any one of the following options: Transfer, Allocation.

  4. In the Transfer/Allocation field, enter, select or search for transfer/allocation. The items of the transfer/allocation are displayed in the table below.

  5. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the items to the Items section and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Manage Bills of Lading

Managing bills of lading involves performing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Searching for BOL

  • Creating BOL

  • Editing BOL

  • Viewing BOL

You can access the Bill of Lading Search window from the Task menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Manage Bills of Lading. The Bill of Lading Search window appears.

In the Bill of Lading Search window you can search for bill of lading by specifying various search criteria. You can choose to access BOL in the search results in edit or view mode depending on security privileges. There are also options for creating a new bill of lading.

The Bill of Lading Search window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-53 Bill of Lading Search Window

Bill of Lading Search window

Searching for Bill of Lading

To search for a Bill of Lading:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Manage Bills of Lading. The Bill of Lading Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a BOL by providing search criteria in the search section. The criteria can be provided either in Basic or Advanced mode, depending on the requirement. Basic is the default mode when the search window is entered. Click Advanced to access the search panel in advanced mode. You can return to Basic mode by clicking Basic.

Searching for a Bill of Lading Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for a BOL through the basic search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-67 Bill of Lading Search - Basic Search Criteria

    Fields Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only BOLs matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - BOLs matching each entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter the BOL description.

    Shipped Date

    Enter the date or click the calendar icon and select the date.

    From Location

    Enter the location or select and search the location and the ID.

    To Location

    Enter the location or select and search the location and the ID.

    Distro Type

    Select the distro type from the list. The options are: Transfer, Location.

    Distro No.

    Enter the distro number, select or search the distro number.


    Enter the item number of the item or search the item.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The bills of lading that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click the Save.. button to save the current set of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for a BOL Through the Advanced Search Criteria

To search for a BOL through the advanced search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following advanced search criteria.

    Table 9-68 Bill of Lading Search - Advanced Search Criteria

    Search Field Description


    Enter the BOL description.

    Shipped Date

    Enter the date or click the calendar icon and select the date.

    From Location

    Enter the location or select and search the location and the ID.

    To Location

    Enter the location or select and search the location and the ID.

    Distro Type

    Select the distro type from the list. The options are: Transfer, Location.

    Distro No.

    Enter the distro number, select or search the distro number.


    Enter the item number of the item or search the item.

    Item Description

    Enter the item description of the item.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The bills of lading that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists the retrieved Bills of Lading.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-54 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-69 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icon Description

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create a BOL by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

For more information on creating the BOL, see the Creating a Bill of Lading section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit a BOL by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the BOL, see the Editing a BOL section.

View and View icon View icon

To view a BOL:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View, or click the View icon View icon. The Bill of Lading window appears in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-55 Results -View Menu

View Menu Results section

Table 9-70 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

BOL Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-71 BOL Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Editing a BOL

To edit a BOL:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Manage Bills of Lading. The Bill of Lading Search window appears.

  2. Select the BOL you want to edit.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Edit or click the Edit icon. Edit icon. The Bill of Lading window appears.

    You can edit the Ship Quantity and Carton column directly in the table.

    For more information on about the Bill of Lading window, see the Creating a Bill of Lading section.

  4. Make the necessary changes and save your changes.

Ship Purchase Order - Order Shipment

The Order Shipment window allows the manual creation of shipment records for a purchase order at item location level.

To create a shipment for the purchase order:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Ship Purchase Order. The Order Shipment window appears.

    Figure 9-56 Order Shipment Window

    Order Shipment window
  2. In the Order field, enter the order number or select or search the order number. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Ship Date field, enter a date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  4. In the Not Before Date field, the Not Before Date for the Purchase Order will be displayed.

  5. In the Not After Date field, the Not After Date of the Purchase Order will be displayed.

  6. In the Invoice Location field, the invoice location for the purchase order will be displayed.

  7. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. The options are: Store and Warehouse. Then enter, select or search for the location. This field is a required field.

  8. In the ASN field, enter an ASN number. This field is a required field.

  9. In the Number of Boxes field, enter the number of boxes.

  10. In the Courier field, enter the courier name, if applicable.

  11. In the Comments field, enter any additional comments as necessary.

  12. Click Display Items to populate the table below with the items associated to the selected order/location.

  13. In the Ship Quantity columns, enter the quantity you want to ship for each item.


    If a ship quantity is entered the item will be shipped, upon saving the data. If no ship quantity is entered the item will not be shipped.

  14. In the Carton columns, enter the cartons for each item.

  15. To process the entered data, save your entries.


The table lists the items for the selected order/location.

You can enter the ship quantity and cartons directly in the table.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-57 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Order Shipment

Table 9-72 Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-58 Table - View Menu

View Menu Order Shipment

Table 9-73 Table - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Order Shipment Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-59 Order Shipment Toolbar

Order Shipment toolbar

Table 9-74 Order Shipment Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Reset icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Reset icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save the current shipment and create additional shipments.


Click Cancel to all entries and close the window.

Searching for a Shipment

The Shipment Search window allow you to enter criteria in order to search for shipments and view the results of the search. Additionally you can receive and adjust shipments in this window.

You can access the Shipment Search window from the Task menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

The Shipment Search window contains the following two sections.

Figure 9-60 Shipment Search Window

Shipment Search window

Searching for a Shipment

To search for a shipment:

  1. From the Task menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a shipment using basic or advanced search criteria, depending on the requirement. The basic mode is the default search mode.

    • Click Advanced to access the search section in advanced mode.

    • Click Basic to return to the basic mode.

Searching for a Shipment Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for a shipment using basic search criteria:

  1. Enter, select or search for one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-75 Shipment Search - Basic Search Criteria and Description

    Fields Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only shipments matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - shipments matching any of the entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter, select or search for the shipment.


    Select the status from the list.

    Order No.

    Enter, select or search for the order number.

    Supplier Site

    Enter, select or search for the supplier site.


    Enter, select or search for the bill of lading.

    Distro No.

    Enter, select or search for the distro number.

    From Location

    Enter, select or search for the from location.

    To Location

    Enter, select or search for the to location.

  2. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  5. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for a Shipment Through Advanced Search Criteria

To search for a shipment using advanced search criteria:

  1. To search using advanced search criteria, enter or select one or all of the advanced search criteria.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists the retrieved shipments.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-76 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Receive Shipments

You can receive shipments by selecting the Actions > Receive Shipment, or by clicking the Receive Shipment button.

Select if you want to receive the shipment:

Adjust Receipt

You can adjust a receipt by selecting Actions > Adjust Receipt or by clicking the Adjust Receipt button.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table. Use the View Menu and icons to customize the view as listed below.

Table 9-77 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking Query by Example or using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Shipment Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-78 Shipment Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.


The Shipment window allows you to view the details of a shipment for a purchase order, a transfer or allocation. You can navigate to additional windows to view details regarding a selected item and details regarding the purchase order, appointments and transfers associated with the shipment. Receipt adjustment details are also be displayed in the Shipment window.

You can cancel shipments in this window, but this option is only available for purchase order (PO) shipments. The option to cancel a shipment is not available for transfer or allocation (BOL) shipments.

You can access the window:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the Shipment column, click the shipment ID link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Shipment window appears.

The Shipment window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-61 Shipment Window

Shipment window


The Shipment section displays the shipment ID. In addition the origin and the status of the shipment are displayed in the top right corner of the section. The section varies, depending on whether you view a shipment for a purchase order (PO) or allocation (BOL).

When you view a PO shipment, this section displays the following fields.

  • Order No.

    The Order No. contains a link that opens the Order window in view mode. For more information about the Order window, see the Orders chapter, section "Order".

  • ASN

  • Shipped Date

  • Received Date

    The Received Date field is only visible if the shipment has already been received.

  • To Store/To Warehouse

    The label for the To Store/To Warehouse field is set, depending on whether the destination location is a store or warehouse.

  • Invoice Location

  • Not Before/Not After Date

  • Number of Boxes

  • Courier

  • Comments

When you view an allocation (BOL) shipment, this section displays the following fields.

  • BOL

  • Shipped Date

  • Received Date

    The Received Date field is only visible if the shipment has already been received.

  • To Store/To Warehouse

    The label for the To Store/To Warehouse field is set, depending on whether the destination location is a store or warehouse.

  • From Store/From Warehouse

    The label for the From Store/From Warehouse field is set, depending on whether the destination location is a store or warehouse.

  • Number of Boxes

  • Courier

  • Comments


The Details section displays receipt details. The fields displayed in this section vary, depending whether you view a purchase order or allocation shipment.

When you view a PO shipment, the following are displayed by default:

  • Item

  • Description

  • Carton

  • Invoice

  • Quantity - Expected, Received, Matched

The Shipment window only allows users to view parent shipments online. It is expected that the shipment quantities displayed for the parent shipment are an aggregate of the parent shipment and child shipment quantities.

When you view an allocation (BOL) shipment, the following fields are displayed by default:

  • Item

  • Description

  • Distro No.

  • Carton

  • Tampered

  • Quantity - Expected, Received

  • Inventory Status

The Distro No. column can contain either an Allocation or Transfer ID.

If the column contains a Transfer ID you can open the Transfer window in view mode by clicking on the Transfer ID link. For more information about the Transfer window, see the Transfer Window section.

If the column contains an Allocation ID, the link is disabled.

Details - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-79 Details - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Details - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-80 Details - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.


The Adjustment section is only available for PO shipments. The section displays the receipt adjustments against the shipment.

The following columns are displayed by default:

  • Carton

  • Quantity - Expected, Received, Matched

Adjustments - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-81 Adjustments - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Adjustments - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-82 Adjustments - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Shipment Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-83 Shipment Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Opens the Appointments window.

For more information about appointments, see the Appointments section.

Cancel Shipment

Only available for PO shipments. If you click the Cancel Shipment button, the status of the shipment is set to Cancelled.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Receiving a Shipment by Item

The Receive by Item window allows you to receive items within a shipment. The receipt of the shipment can be for a purchase order, transfer or allocation.

The window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-62 Receive By Item Window

Receive By Item window


This section contains the shipment details. The title of section displays the shipment number and the shipped date. The shipped date and time is displayed at the top right corner of the section.

The section varies based on the type of shipment receipt.

When you receive a purchase order shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Order No.

    The Order No. field contains a link that opens the Order window in view mode. For more information about the Order window, see the Orders chapter, section "Order".

  • Warehouse/Store

  • Supplier Site

  • ASN

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

When you receive a transfer shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Transfer

    The Transfer field contains link that opens the Transfer window in view mode. For more information about the Transfer window, see the Transfer Window section.

  • Warehouse/Store

  • BOL

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

When you receive a allocation (BOL) shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Allocation

  • Warehouse/Store

  • BOL

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.


The Items section displays all the items in the shipment by default.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-84 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add items by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add new items, see the Adding Items to a Shipment to Receive section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

Select Actions > Edit or use the Edit icon Edit icon to receive the selected item.

For more information about how to receive an item, see the Receiving Shipments by Item section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Default button

Use the button to default the expected quantity as received for all items in the table.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-85 Items - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Receive By Item Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-86 Receive By Item Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Receiving Shipments by Item

To receive shipments by item, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a record in the Results table.

  5. Then select Actions > Receive Shipment > by Item, or click the Receive Shipment button > by Item. The Receive By Item window appears.

  6. In the Shipment section, enter the receive date and time or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

  7. Then select an item in the table.

  8. Select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Receive Item window appears. The item, the expected quantity and standard UOM are displayed.

  9. In the Receipt Quantity field, enter the quantity. This field is a required field.

    Then enter, select or search for the unit of measure in which the receipt quantity has been entered.

  10. For catch weight items, enter the receipt weight.

  11. In the Inventory Status field, select the inventory status from the list.

  12. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to receive the current item and close the window.

    • Click OK and Receive Another to receive additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

  13. In the Receive By Item window, save your entries.


    If you want to default the expected quantity as received for all items in the table, select the Default button. If you have to add additional items to the shipment, see the Adding Items to a Shipment to Receive section.

Adding Items to a Shipment to Receive

You can add items to a shipment you want to receive.

  1. In the Items section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

  2. In the Item field, enter or search for an item. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Receipt Quantity field, enter the received quantity. Then select the unit of measure for the item.

  4. For catch weight items, enter the received weight.

  5. In the Inventory Status field, select the inventory status from the list.

  6. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the current item and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Receiving a Shipment by Carton

The Receive By Carton window allows you to receive shipments by carton with in a shipment. The receipt of the shipment can be from a purchase order, transfer or allocation

The window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-63 Receive By Carton Window

Receive by Carton window


This section contains the shipment details. The title of section displays the shipment number and the shipped date. The shipped date and time is displayed at the top right corner of the section.

The section varies based on the type of shipment receipt.

When you receive a purchase order shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Order No.

    The Order No. field contains a link that opens the Order window in view mode. For more information about the Order window, see the Orders chapter, section "Order".

  • Warehouse/Store

  • Supplier Site

  • ASN

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

When you receive a transfer shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Transfer

    The Transfer field contains link that opens the Transfer window in view mode. For more information about the Transfer window, see the Transfer Window section.

  • Warehouse/Store

  • BOL

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

When you receive a allocation (BOL) shipment, the section displays the following fields.

  • Allocation

  • Warehouse/Store

  • BOL

  • Received Date

    Enter the date and time of receipt or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

Receive Cartons

The Receive Carton section displays the list of carton in the shipment.

Receive Cartons - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-87 Receive Cartons - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Receive Cartons - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-88 Receive Cartons - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Carton Contents

The Receive Carton section displays the list of carton in the shipment.

Carton Contents - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-89 Carton Contents - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Carton Contents - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-90 Receive Cartons - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Receive By Carton Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-91 Receive By Carton Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Receiving Shipments by Carton

To receive shipments by carton, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a record in the Results table.

  5. Then select Actions > Receive Shipment > by Carton, or click the Receive Shipment button > by Carton. The Receive By Carton window appears.

  6. In the Shipment section, enter the receive date and time or use the Calendar icon to select a date and time.

  7. In the Receive Carton section, select the cartons you want to receive.

  8. Then click Save and Close.

Receipt Adjustment by Units

The Receiver Unit Adjustment window allows you to adjust the number of units already received by shipment or order.

The unit adjustment is performed at item level that exists in a shipment.

The Receipt Adjustment by Units window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-64 Receipt Adjustments by Unit Window

Receipt Adjustment by Units window


The title of section displays the shipment number. The origin and status of the shipment are displayed at the top right corner of the section. Additionally the Shipment section displays shipment details such as order number, supplier site, location type.

Adjust Units

The Adjust Units section displays the item, item description, carton and quantity information.

You can update the quantity for an item directly in the table. Enter the new quantity in the Corrected column.

Adjust Units - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-92 Adjust Units - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Adjust Units - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-93 Adjust Units - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Receipt Adjustment by Units Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-94 Receipt Adjustment by Units Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adjust Units Received

To adjust the units of a shipment you have already received, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Shipments and Receipts > Shipments. The Shipment Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a record in the Results table.

  5. Then select Actions > Adjust Receipt, or click the Adjust Receipt button. The Receipt Adjustment by Units window appears. The shipment details and received items are displayed.

  6. In the Corrected column, enter the revised number of units received for each item. The Adjustment column displays the adjusted quantity.

  7. Then save your adjustments.

Inventory Adjustments

Inventory adjustments can be made online or they can be received from an external system, such as a warehouse management system. There are two types of adjustments that can be made to inventory:

  • Stock on Hand: The quantity of stock on hand, or salable stock, is increased or decreased. Both the quantity and value of the stock on hand are adjusted in the stock ledger.

  • Unavailable Inventory: The quantity of stock on hand does not change, but the quantity of unavailable stock, or non-salable stock, is increased or decreased. In the stock ledger, the adjustment is recorded as a transfer between stock on hand and unavailable inventory. No adjustment is made to the stock value.

Prior to using the inventory adjustment functionality, status types and reasons for adjustments must be set up in the system. The Total Stock on Hand status type is reserved for adjustments made to salable goods. Any additional status types are user-defined and are reserved for adjustments made to non-salable goods. The user-defined status types indicate why the goods are non-salable. When adjusting total stock on hand, you must select a reason for the adjustment. The reason indicates why the total stock on hand must be adjusted.

The Inventory Adjustments covers the following sections:

Inventory Adjustments By Item

In the The Inventory Adjustment by Item window you can manually adjust the inventory of an item at one or more locations.

Adjusting Inventory by Item

To adjust inventory by item:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Inventory Adjustments > By Item. The Inventory Adjustment by Item window appears.

    Figure 9-65 Inventory Adjustment by Item Window

    Inventory Adjustment by Item window
  2. In the Item field, enter the item number or search for the item.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    • Total Stock on Hand

    • Unavailable Stock

      If you select Unavailable Stock, the Inventory Status field enables.

  4. In the Inventory Status field, select an inventory status from the list.


The table lists the inventory adjustments. You can add, edit or delete inventory adjustments in this table.

You can edit the Adjustment Quantity and the Reason column directly in the table.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-66 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Inventory Adjustment by Item

Table 9-95 Table - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add an inventory adjustment by item by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to create an inventory adjustment by item, see the Adding Inventory Adjustments by Item section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the inventory adjustment by item by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information about how to edit an inventory adjustment by item, see the Editing Inventory Adjustments by Item section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete an inventory adjustment by item:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-67 Table - View Menu

View Menu Inventory Adjustment by Item

Table 9-96 Table - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Inventory Adjustment by Item Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-68 Inventory Adjustment by Item Toolbar

Inventory Adjustment by Item toolbar

Table 9-97 Inventory Adjustment by Item Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Refresh icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Refresh icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save and create another inventory adjustment by item.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Inventory Adjustments by Item

To create an inventory adjustment by item, follow the steps below.

  1. In the table select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Inventory Adjustment window appears.

    Figure 9-69 Add Inventory Adjustment

    Add Inventory Adjustment window
  2. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location. This field is a required field.

  3. The Stock on Hand and Unavailable quantity are displayed. The Unavailable quantity only displays, if you select Unavailable stock in the header.

  4. In the Adjustment Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to adjust. This field is a required field.

    The unit of adjustment defaults to the standard unit of measure for the item. Change the value, if necessary.


    Adjustments for pack items can only be made at warehouses.

  5. If you are adjusting the total stock on hand, the reason code is required for the adjustment. The reason indicates why the total stock on hand is being adjusted.

  6. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the inventory adjustment to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional inventory adjustments.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Editing Inventory Adjustments by Item

To edit an inventory adjustment by item, follow the steps below.

  1. Select a record in the table.

  2. Then select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Inventory Adjustment window appears.

  3. Edit the adjustment quantity, the unit of adjustment and/or the reason code for the adjustment as necessary.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Inventory Adjustments By Location

In the Inventory Adjustment by Location window you can manually adjust the inventory of one or multiple items at a location.

Adjusting Inventory by Location

To adjust inventory by location:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Inventory Adjustments > By Location. The Inventory Adjustment by Location window appears.

    Figure 9-70 Inventory Adjustment by Location Window

    Inventory Adjustment by Location window
  2. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    • Total Stock on Hand

    • Unavailable Stock

      If you select Unavailable Stock, the Inventory Status field enables.

  4. In the Inventory Status field, select an inventory status from the list.


The table lists the inventory adjustments. You can add, edit or delete inventory adjustments in this table.

You can edit the Adjustment Quantity and the Reason column directly in the table.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-71 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Inventory Adjustment by Location

Table 9-98 Table - Actions Menu/ Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add an inventory adjustment by location to items by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add an inventory adjustment by location, see the Adding Inventory Adjustments by Location section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the inventory adjustment by location by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information about editing an inventory adjustment by location, see the Editing Inventory Adjustments by Location section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete inventory adjustments:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-72 Table - View Menu

View Menu Inventory Adjustment by Location

Table 9-99 Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Inventory Adjustment by Location Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-73 Inventory Adjustment by Location Toolbar

Inventory Adjustment by Location toolbar

Table 9-100 Inventory Adjustment by Location Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Refresh icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Refresh icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save and create another inventory adjustment by location.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Inventory Adjustments by Location

To add an inventory adjustment by location, follow the steps below.

  1. In the table select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Inventory Adjustment window appears.

    Figure 9-74 Add Inventory Adjustment

    Add Inventory Adjustment
  2. In the Item field, enter or search for the item. This field is a required field.

  3. The Stock on Hand and Unavailable quantity are displayed. The Unavailable quantity only displays, if you select Unavailable stock in the header.

  4. In the Adjustment Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to adjust. This field is a required field.

    The unit of adjustment defaults to the standard unit of measure for the item. Change the value, if necessary.


    Adjustments for pack items can only be made at warehouses.

  5. If you are adjusting the total stock on hand, the reason code is required for the adjustment. The reason indicates why the total stock on hand is being adjusted.

  6. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the inventory adjustment to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional inventory adjustments.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Editing Inventory Adjustments by Location

To edit an inventory adjustment by location, follow the steps below.

  1. Select a record in the table.

  2. Then select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Inventory Adjustment window appears.

  3. Edit the adjustment quantity, the unit of adjustment and/or the reason code for the adjustment as necessary.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Break Sellable Pack

The Break Pack Adjustment window allows you to break orderable packs down to their component items or inner pack levels. The inventory of packs and component items is adjusted accordingly. The number of packs is decremented and the number of inner packs or items is incremented. Pack items are inventoried at the warehouse level.

Viewing Break Sellable Pack

To view break sellable pack:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Inventory Adjustments > Break Sellable Pack. The Break Sellable Pack window appears.

    Figure 9-75 Break Sellable Pack Window

    Break Sellable Pack window
  2. In the Pack field, enter the number of the pack item or select or search the pack.

  3. In the Warehouse field, enter select or search for the warehouse.

    The items that make up the pack appear in the table below. In addition the Pack Stock on Hand Before quantity, and Item Stock on Hand Before quantity is populated so you can view the quantities before making any adjustments. The After field in the Pack Stock section displays the value of stock on hand after the pack is broken down

  4. If the selected pack contains an inner pack, the Break To radio buttons display, allowing you to select between breaking the pack into individual items or inner packs.

  5. In the Quantity to Break field, enter the number of packs that you want to break down to the component level. This number must be less than the number displayed in the Stock on Hand: Before field.

  6. Click Apply. The number of packs is decremented. The number of component items is incremented. The system displays the updated Stock on Hand values for the Pack and Item(s) in the After fields.


The table lists the items that make up the selected pack.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-101 Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-76 Table - View Menu

View Menu Break Sellable Pack

Table 9-102 Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Break Sellable Pack Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-77 Break Sellable Pack Toolbar

Break Sellable Pack toolbar

Table 9-103 Break Sellable Pack Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Reset icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Reseth icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save and create another adjustment.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Product Transformation

The Product Transformation window allows you to manually adjust the inventory of a transformed item and the items derived from the transformed item.

For example, a grocer might buy and place into inventory a side of beef. The butcher may prepare steaks and ground beef from the side of beef. In this example, the grocer reduces inventory by one side of beef and increases inventory by the number of steaks and packages of ground beef. In addition to adjusting the quantities, you can adjust the cost of the items derived from the transformed item. The overall cost of the transaction, however, must remain the same.

Both the quantities and values of the stock on hand are adjusted in the stock ledger.

Inventory adjustments may also be initiated by an external system, such as a warehouse management system.

To access the Product Transformation window:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Inventory Adjustments > Product Transformation. The Product Transformation window appears.

    Figure 9-78 Product Transformation Window

    Product Transformation window
  2. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Item field, enter the item number to be transformed or search for the item. This field is a required field.

  4. In the Reason field of the Transform section, enter, select or search for the ID of the reason code for the adjustment.

  5. In the Quantity to Remove field of the Transform section, enter the number of units subtracted from stock on hand. This field is a required field.

  6. When the item is selected, the Current Stock on Hand field is populated to view the stock on hand quantity for the selected item before making any adjustments.

  7. The Total Cost to Remove field is auto populated with the value based on the quantity to remove.


In the table you must add the items that you will create from the transformed item.

Once added, the items and their attributes appear in the table. The Total Cost in the Summary Row will be updated. The Total Cost to Remove must equal the Total Cost to Add before an adjustment can be made. Therefore, you can adjust the Quantity to Add and the New Cost columns directly in the table.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-79 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Product Transformation

Table 9-104 Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add items for the product transformation by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information on the product transformation, see the Adding Items for the Product Transformation section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items for the product transformation:

  • Select one or more records in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record(s) is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-80 Table - View Menu

View Menu Product Transformation

Table 9-105 Table - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Product Transformation Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-81 Product Transformation Toolbar

Product Transformation toolbar

Table 9-106 Product Transformation Toolbar - Icons/Actions Buttons and Description

Icons/Button Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Reset icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Reset icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to perform the product transformation and close the window.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to perform the product transformation create another adjustment.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Items for the Product Transformation

To add items you want to create from the transformed item, follow the steps.

  1. From the Actions menu after entering the required details, click Add or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Item window appears.

  2. In the Item field, enter, select or search for the item you want to create. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Quantity to Add field, enter the quantity for the item. This field is a required field.

  4. In the New Cost field displays the current costs of the item. Edit the costs, if necessary. This field is a required field.

  5. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to create the item and add it to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to create additional items.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Stock Counts

Stock counts can be requested and processed in one of two ways:

  • By unit and value: Requests are made at the product level. The results of a physical stock count are used to adjust the quantity of the stock on hand and the monetary value of the stock in the stock ledger.

  • By unit: Requests are made for multiple items using an item list. The results of the physical stock count are used to adjust the quantity of the stock on hand. The stock ledger is not adjusted.

You can request a stock count as needed or create a schedule of stock counts.

Immediately prior to the scheduled date of the physical stock count, a snapshot is taken of the stock on hand, stock in transit, retail value, and weighted average cost. If the stock on hand has not yet been adjusted as a result of the physical count, the snapshot continues to be adjusted automatically as late transactions are received from the point of sale and the warehouse management system.

The results of a physical stock count may be received from an external system or entered manually. You can print a variance report which allows you to review any variances between the book count and the physical count. After reviewing the report, you can edit the quantities for stock counts by unit or by unit and value as necessary. For stock counts by unit and value, you can also edit the monetary value of the stock as necessary. After editing quantities and monetary values, you can force the system to adjust the stock on hand and post the updated monetary values to the stock ledger.

In a multi-channel environment, you may request a stock count at a physical warehouse. The system automatically distributes the results among the virtual, or stockholding warehouses based on the default distribution method. You can edit the results at the virtual warehouse level.

Stock Count Schedule Window

The Stock Count Schedule window allows you to maintain schedules for stock counts. You can schedule stock counts for a stockholding store, a warehouse, or all locations on a location list. The stock can be counted in units or in units and monetary value. Depending on system options, the monetary value may be either retail or cost. You can schedule stock counts for every day, every week, or every two or more weeks. You can also designate the dates on which a schedule becomes effective and expires.

To access the Stock Count Schedule window:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Stock Count Schedule. The Stock Count Schedule window appears.

    Figure 9-82 Stock Count Schedule Window

    Stock Count Schedule
  2. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location.

  3. In the Count Type field, select the type of count. The options are: Unit, Unit & Value.


Once you have selected a location and count type, the table will display all currently scheduled stock counts for that combination. If no stock counts have been scheduled, the table will be blank. You can add, edit or delete stock counts in this table.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-83 Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Stock Count Schedule

Table 9-107 Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add a stock count schedule by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about hot to add a stock count schedule, see the Adding Stock Count Schedules section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the stock count schedule by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the stock count schedule, see the Editing Stock Count Schedule section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete a stock count schedule:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-84 Table - View Menu

View Menu Stock Count Schedule

Table 9-108 Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Stock Count Schedule Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-85 Stock Count Schedule Toolbar

Stock Count Schedule toolbar

Table 9-109 Stock Count Schedule Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Reset icon Refresh icon

You can refresh the window by clicking the Reset icon Refresh icon. All entries are reset and not saved.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the stock count schedules and close the window.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save the current stock count schedule and create another stock count schedule.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Stock Count Schedules

To add a stock count schedule, follow the steps below.

  1. Select Actions > Add, or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Schedule window appears.

  2. Based on the selected count type you need to enter, select or search for either an Item List or a Department/Class/Subclass. The fields Item List and Department are required fields.

    Figure 9-86 Add Schedule Window

    Add Schedule window
  3. In the Start Date field, enter the date on which the schedule becomes effective, or click the Calendar icon to select a date.

  4. In the End Date field, enter the date on which the schedule expires, or click the Calendar icon and select a date.

  5. In the Cycle field, select the frequency of the stock counts. This is a required field.

  6. In the Count Time field, select the day of the week for the stock count. This is a required field.

  7. Select the days for the stock count below.


    If the cycle is every day, all of the days are automatically selected. If the frequency is every week, you can select more than one day.

  8. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the stock count schedule to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional stock count schedules.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Editing Stock Count Schedule

To edit a stock count schedule, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the stock count schedule you want to edit.

  2. From the Actions menu, click Edit or click the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Schedule window appears.

  3. Edit the enabled fields as necessary.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Creating a Stock Count Request

The Create Stock Count Request option opens the Stock Count Request window. In the Stock Count Request window you can request stock counts. You can create unit counts by item list level or product group level (all departments, department, class, or subclass) and unit & value counts by product group level. If a department, class or subclass is selected for either of the count types, one or more departments, classes or subclasses can be added to the count.


For unit counts, you can only select the option All Departments for the product group level for warehouse.

Locations are added to the count individually or by selecting a group of locations, such as a location list or all stores. A count can be for either stores or warehouses, but not both. Any stockholding store can be added to a count, including both company and franchise stores. If multiple locations are added to the count, then the count will only be able to be finalized once the counts for all locations are completed.

To request a stock count:

  1. From the Task menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Create Stock Count Request. The Stock Count Request window appears.

  2. In the Description field, enter a description for the stock count. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Date field, enter the scheduled date for the stock count, or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  4. In the Type field, select the stock count type from the list. Possible options are Unit and Unit & Value.

  5. In the Select Item By section, select either the Item List or Merchandise Hierarchy option.

    • If you select Unit > Item List:

      The Item List field appears. Enter, select or search for the item list for the count.

    • If you select Unit > Merchandise Hierarchy:

      The Hierarchy Level field appears. Select the hierarchy level from the list.

    • If you select Unit and Value:

      The Select Item By section defaults to Merchandise Hierarchy. In the Hierarchy Level field, select the hierarchy level from the list.


      If you select All Departments in the list, the Merchandise Hierarchy section is not available. If you select Department, Class or Subclass, the Merchandise Hierarchy section is displayed so that you can then add items to the count through the department, the class and the subclass.

The Stock Count Request window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-87 Stock Count Request Window

Stock Count Request window

Stock Count Header

The Stock Count Header contains the following fields.

Table 9-110 Stock Count Header - Fields and Description

Fields Description


Enter the description for the stock count request.


Select a stock count type from the list. The options are: Unit, Unit & Value.

Select Item By

Select the item by either one of the following options: Item List, Merchandise Hierarchy.


Enter the beginning date for the stock count, or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

Merchandise Hierarchy

In the Merchandise Hierarchy section you can add hierarchy levels for the stock count request.

The Merchandise Hierarchy section only displays if the you select Unit as the stock count type, the Merchandise Hierarchy radio button is selected, and a value other than All Departments is selected in the Hierarchy Level field. Additionally the section displays if you select Unit & Value as the stock count type and a value other than All Departments is selected in the Hierarch Level field.

Merchandise Hierarchy - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-111 Merchandise Hierarchy - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add the new hierarchy levels to a stock count by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add new hierarchy levels to a stock count, see the Adding a Merchandise Hierarchy section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete the hierarchy levels:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Merchandise Hierarchy - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table. Use the View Menu and icons to customize the view as listed below.

Table 9-112 Merchandise Hierarchy/Locations - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.


In the Locations section you can add locations to the stock count request.

Locations - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-113 Locations - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add new locations to a stock count by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information on how to add new locations to a stock count, see the Adding Locations section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete locations:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Locations - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table. Use the View Menu and icons to customize the view. For more information about the View Menu, see the Table 9-112, "Merchandise Hierarchy/Locations - View Menu/Icons and Description".

Stock Count Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-114 Stock Count Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Delete icon Delete icon

Use the Delete icon Delete icon to delete the current stock count request.

Rebuild Item List button

The Rebuild Item List button enables when you enter the description, select the stock count type, and enter the item list.

Click Rebuild Item List. The Item List Rebuild window appears. For information about how to rebuild an item list, see the Rebuild Item List section.

Save and Create Another

Click Save and Create Another to save the entered records and create additional stock count requests.

This option is not available, if you are in Edit mode.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding a Merchandise Hierarchy

To add a merchandise hierarchy to the stock count request, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Merchandise Hierarchy section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Merchandise Hierarchy window appears.

  2. In the Department field, enter, select or search for the department. If you select the hierarchy level Department, Class, or Subclass, this field is a required field.

  3. In the Class field, enter, select or search for the class. If you select the hierarchy level Class, or Subclass, this field is a required field.

  4. In the Subclass field, enter, select or search for the subclass. If you select the hierarchy level Subclass, this field is a required field.

  5. Then choose one of the following sections.

    • Click OK to add the merchandise hierarchy and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional merchandise hierarchy levels.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Adding Locations

To add locations to the stock count request, follow the steps listed below.

  1. In the Locations section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Locations window appears.

  2. In the Location field, select a location type from the list. Then enter, select or search for the location. This field is a required field.

  3. Then choose one of the following sections.

    • Click OK to add the location to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional locations to the stock count request.


      Stores, Warehouses and External Finishers cannot be added to the same Count.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Rebuild Item List

You can also request to rebuild an item list. The Rebuild Item List button enables when you enter the description, select the stock count type, and enter the item list.

To rebuild an item list, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Click Rebuild Item List. The Item List Rebuild window appears.

    Figure 9-88 Item List Rebuild Window

    Item List Rebuild window
  2. For dynamic item lists:

    Click Execute and Close to rebuild the item list based on the criteria for the item list. This button is not available for static item lists.

  3. For static item lists:

    Click OK to rebuild the item list. This button is not available for dynamic item lists.

  4. Click Cancel to close the window.

Managing Stock Counts

The Manage Stock Counts option opens the Stock Count Search window. Managing stock counts involves performing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Searching for a stock count

  • Creating a stock count

  • Editing a stock count

  • Viewing a stock count

  • Results

  • Unit Variance and Adjustment

  • Virtual WH Adjustment

  • Value Variance and Adjustment

You can access the Stock Count Search window from the Task menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Count. The Stock Count Search window appears.

In the Stock Count Search window you can search for a stock count by specifying various search criteria. You can choose to access a stock count in the search results in edit or view mode depending on security privileges.

The Stock Count Search window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-89 Stock Count Search Window

Stock Count Search window

Searching for a Stock Count

To search for a stock count:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Counts. The Stock Count Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a stock count by providing search criteria in the search section. The criteria can be provided either in Basic or Advanced mode, depending on the requirement. Basic is the default mode when the search window is entered. Click Advanced to access the search panel in advanced mode. You can return to Basic mode by clicking Basic.

Searching for a Stock Count Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for a stock count through the basic search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-115 Stock Count Search - Basic Search Criteria

    Fields Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only stock counts matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - stock counts matching each entered search criteria are shown.

    Stock Count

    Enter the ID of the unprocessed stock count.


    Enter the description of the unprocessed stock count.


    Select the type of the stock count. The options are: Unit, Unit & Value.


    Enter the date or click the Calendar icon to select a date.


    Enter the item number or search for the item.


    Enter, select or search for the location.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click the Save.. button to save the current set of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for a Stock Through Advanced Search Criteria

To search for a stock count using advanced search criteria:

  1. To search using advanced search criteria, enter or select one or all of the advanced search criteria.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists the retrieved stock counts.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-90 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-116 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create the stock count request by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

For more information on creating a stock count request, see the Creating a Stock Count Request section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the stock count request by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing a stock count request, see the Creating a Stock Count Request section.

View and View icon View icon

To view a stock count:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View, or click the View icon View icon. The Stock Count Request window appears in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.


The Stock Count Results window appears by clicking Results from the Actions menu. The options for editing and viewing Results depend upon the status of a stock count and users's privileges.

For more information about this option, see the Stock Count Results section.

Unit Variance and Adjustment

The Unit Variance and Adjustment window appears by clicking Unit Variance and Adjustment from the Actions menu.

For more information about this option, see the Stock Count Results section.

Virtual WH Distribution

The Virtual WH Distribution window appears by clicking Virtual WH Distribution from the Actions menu.

For more information about this option, see the Virtual Warehouse Distribution section.

Value Variance and Adjustment

The Value Variance and Adjustment window appears by clicking Value Variance and Adjustment from the Actions menu.

For more information about this option, see the Value Variance and Adjustment section.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-91 Results - View Menu

View Menu Results section

Table 9-117 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Stock Count Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-118 Stock Count Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Stock Count Results

The Stock Count Results window allows you to manually enter the results of a stock count. You can also view and edit unprocessed stock counts at a location.

Variances between book stock and the physical count can be corrected in the Stock Count Results window. However, to force the system to actually adjust the quantities, you must go to the Unit Variance and Adjustment window and select Create Stock Adjustments from the Actions menu. The stock on hand is adjusted by a regularly scheduled batch program. At that point, the unit type of stock count is considered complete.

The Stock Count Result window contains the following sections.

  • Header

    The header displays the stock count and the stock count name. In addition the type and the date of the stock count are displayed in the top right corner of the section.

    Below the location type, the location and the location name are displayed, once you select the location.

  • Items

  • Count Locations

  • Stock Count Results Toolbar

Figure 9-92 Stock Count Results Window

Stock Count Results window


The Items section displays the basic item information such as item, item description, total count, unit cost and unit retail.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-119 Items- Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-120 Items - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can toggle between the local currency and the systems primary currency.


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Count Locations

The Count Locations section displays the count location and the stock count.

You can edit the Count column directly in the table to allowing you to enter/update the count quantity for a count location. If the count quantity for a location is updated, the Total Count column in the first table is updated to reflect the new total.

Count Locations - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-121 Count Locations - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add a new count location by selecting Actions > Add or by using the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add a new count location, see the Adding Count Locations section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete a count location:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Count Locations - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-122 Count Locations - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Stock Count Results Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-123 Stock Count Results Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Virtual WH Distribution

Opens the Virtual WH Distribution window.

Only available for warehouses.

For more information about this option, see the Virtual Warehouse Distribution section.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Editing the Result of a Stock Count

To edit the result of a stock count, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Counts. The Stock Count Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a stock count in the table.

  5. Then select Actions > Results. The Stock Count Results window appears.


    You can also access the Stock Count Results window through the Unit Variance and Adjustment window.

    The stock count ID, description, type, date, location type and location of the selected stock count are displayed. In addition all of the items at the location appear in the tables by default.

    For more information about this window, see the Unit Variance and Adjustment section.

  6. The stock count ID, description, type and date are displayed. The location type defaults to either Store or Warehouse. Enter, select or search for the location.

  7. In the items section select an item. The count locations and counts for the selected item are displayed in the Count Locations section.

  8. In the Count column, update the count quantity as necessary.

  9. Save your changes.

Adding Count Locations

To add count locations for an item, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Count Locations section, select Actions > Add, or use the Add icon Add icon. The Add Count Location window appears.

  2. In the Count Location field, enter the location. This is a required field.

  3. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity. This field is a required field.

  4. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the count location to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional count locations.

    • Click Cancel to reject your entries and close the window.

  5. In the Stock Count Results window, save your entries.

Unit Variance and Adjustment

The Stock Count Variance window will allow you to view variances between the stock on hand and the stock count, and allows you to create stock Adjustments.

The Unit Variance and Adjustment window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-93 Unit Variance and Adjustment Window

Unit Variance and Adjustment window

Stock Count

The label of the Stock Count sections displays the stock count and the stock count name. In addition the type and the date of the stock count are displayed in the top right corner of the section.

The table displays the location, the location name and the Adjustment Processed checkbox. The checkbox is selected once the stock adjustment has been created for the location.

Stock Count - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-124 Stock Count - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Create Adjustment and Create Adjustment button

Creates a Stock Adjustment for the selected location.

For more information about how to create a stock adjustment, see the Editing the Result of a Stock Count section.

Count Results

Opens the Stock Count Result window.

For more information about this window, see the Stock Count Results section.

Stock Count - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-125 Stock Count/Details - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.


The Details sections displays item details, such as the item number, the item description, in transit and on hand quantities as well as the stock count and the variance quantities.

Details - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-126 Details - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Details - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-120, "Items - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description".

Unit Variance and Adjustment Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-127 Unit Variance and Adjustment Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Adjusting the Stock on Hand after a Stock Count

To adjust the stock on hand after a stock count, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Counts. The Stock Count Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a stock count in the table.

  5. Then select Actions > Unit Variance and Adjustment. The Unit Variance and Adjustment window appears.

  6. In the Stock Count section select a location. The item information is displayed in the Details section.

  7. Select Actions > Create Adjustment, or use the Create Adjustment button.

  8. You are prompted, if you want to create a stock adjustment for the selected location. Confirm with Yes.

  9. The adjustment are made during the nightly batch process.

  10. Save your entries.

Virtual Warehouse Distribution

When a stock count is performed for a warehouse, an adjustment can be made if the distribution of inventory to the virtual warehouse performed during the upload of the count to RMS was incorrect. You can carry out this adjustment in the Virtual WH Distribution window.

The Virtual WH Distribution window contains the following sections.

Figure 9-94 Virtual WH Distribution Window

Virtual WH Distribution window

Physical Warehouse/Item

The Physical Warehouse/ Item section displays all the physical warehouse/items pertaining to the selected stock count on entering the window.

Physical Warehouse/Item - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-128 Physical Warehouse/Item - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by first clicking the column on which you would like the text to wrap and then using the Wrap icon Wrap icon.

Physical Warehouse/Item - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-129 Physical Warehouse/Item/Virtual WHs - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Virtual Warehouses

The Virtual Warehouses section displays all virtual warehouses associated to the physical warehouse that is selected in the Physical Warehouse/Items section, and displays a snapshot of the inventory when the count occurred.

You can distribute the on-hand inventory at the physical warehouse into the virtual warehouse inventory.

Virtual Warehouses - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-130 Virtual Warehouses - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can distribute the on-hand inventory at the physical warehouse into the virtual warehouse inventory by clicking Actions > Edit, or by using the Edit icon Edit icon

For more information about how to edit a contract, see the Redistributing Stock within a Physical Warehouse section.

Virtual Warehouses - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu. For more information about the View Menu, see Table 9-129, "Physical Warehouse/Item/Virtual WHs - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description".

Virtual WH Distribution Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-131 Virtual WH Distribution - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Redistributing Stock within a Physical Warehouse

To adjust the distribution, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Counts. The Stock Count Search window appears.

  2. Restrict your search to stock counts for warehouse.

  3. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a stock count in the table.

  5. Then select Actions > Virtual WH Distribution. The Virtual WH Distribution window appears.

  6. In the Physical Warehouse/Item section, select a physical warehouse. All virtual warehouses associated with the selected physical warehouse are displayed in the Virtual Warehouses section.

  7. In the Virtual Warehouses section select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Distribution window appears.

  8. The table displays all of the virtual warehouses for the selected physical warehouse. The snapshot on hand and current distribution quantity are displayed for each virtual warehouse. The new distribution quantity column defaults to the current distribution quantities.

  9. In the New column, update the new distribution quantity, if necessary.

  10. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

  11. In the Virtual WH Distribution window, save your entries.

Value Variance and Adjustment

A Unit & Value stock count is often an annual count that can be used to adjust the financial systems in a corporate merchandising system, in addition to updating inventory positions. Unit & Value stock counts are carried out either for an entire location or by product hierarchy, that is department, class or subclass level.

Once the units have been accepted for Unit & Value counts, the value of the count must also be reviewed and accepted.

The window displays the total cost and total retail as calculated in the stock count and the total adjusted cost and retail, if any adjustments have been made, for each department/class/subclass at a location.

If adjustments need to be made, you can make adjustments to the total cost or retail value of the count, based on the accounting method for the department, for each subclass/location. You can also accept the value of the count.

The Value Variance and Adjustment window contains the following sections.

  • Header

    The label of the Stock Count sections displays the stock count and the stock count name. In addition the type and the date of the stock count are displayed in the top right corner of the section.

  • Table

  • Value Variance and Adjustment Toolbar


The table displays the location and stock count value information. The table contains each location and department/class/ subclass combination of the stock count.

Based on the used accounting method for the Department, you can either edit the Cost or Retail column directly in the table.

To save the adjustments, click the Save/Save and Close button. This will check the Adjustment Processed checkbox for all selected locations and disable the Adjustment ValueCost or Retail field.

Table - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Table 9-132 Table - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Create Adjustments and Create Adjustments button

Creates a adjustments for the selected location or multiple locations. You can create adjustments for multiple location/subclass combinations, at the same time.

For more information about how to create adjustment, see the Adjusting the Cost or Retail Value after a Stock Count section.

Table - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Table 9-133 Table - View Menu/Icons Menu and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can toggle between the local and the system's primary currency.


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or by using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Value Variance and Adjustment Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-134 Value Variance and Adjustment Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Save to save the entered records.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the entered records and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.


If you open the window in view mode, the Done button is displayed.

Click Done to close the window.

Adjusting the Cost or Retail Value after a Stock Count

To adjust the cost or retail after a stock count, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Stock Counts > Manage Stock Counts. The Stock Count Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The stock counts that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Select a stock count in the table.

  5. Then select Actions > Value Variance and Adjustment. The Value Variance and Adjustment window appears.

  6. In Cost or Retial column update the values of the locations as necessary.

  7. Select one or more records in the table.

  8. Then select Actions > Create Adjustment, or use the Create Adjustment button.

  9. You are prompted, if you want to create adjustments for the selected location(s). Confirm with Yes.

  10. The adjustment are made during the nightly batch process.

  11. Save your entries.

Creating a Return to Vendor Order

To create a return to vendor (RTV) order:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Create Return to Vendor. The Create Return to Vendor window appears.

    Figure 9-95 Create Return to Vendor Window

    Create Return to Vendor Window
  2. In the Supplier Site field, enter, select or search for the supplier site. This field is a required field.

  3. In the Location field, select the location type from the list. Possible options are Store and Warehouse. Then enter, select or search for the location. This field is a required field.

  4. In the Return Authorization field, enter the supplier's return authorization number as necessary.

  5. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to create the return to vendor order. The Return to Vendor window appears.

      For more information about the RTV window, see the Return to Vendor section.

    • Click Cancel reject all entries and close the window.

Return to Vendor

The Return to Vendor (RTV) window allows you to maintain RTV orders. You can specify the supplier to which the items are returned and the stockholding location from which the items are returned. You can return items from the inventory on hand.

The Return to Vendor includes the following sections:

Figure 9-96 Return to Vendor Window

Return to Vendor window

Return to Vendor Header

The Return to Vendor Header includes the following fields.

Table 9-135 Return to Vendor Header - Fields and Description

Fields Description


The title displays RTV ID to the top left of the head container. The Currency and the RTV status is displayed with a separator between them to the top right of the head container.

Supplier Site

This field displays the supplier ID and the supplier site.


This field displays location ID.

Return Authorization

This field displays the supplier's return authorization number.


This field displays the date on which the RTV was created.


This field displays the date on which the RTV was shipped. The Shipped field will only be displayed once the RTV has been shipped.


Enter the courier name, if applicable.


Enter the freight number.

Total RTV Cost

Click the Calculator icon to kick-off the RTV Cost recalculation.

Minimum Return Amount

The amount is displayed by default.

Total Order Cost

The amount is displayed by default.

Restocking Fee

The amount is displayed by default.


Enter any additional comments as necessary.


The Courier, Freight, and Comments fields are editable. The remaining fields are displayed based on the information entered in the Create Return to Vendor window.


In the Items section you can add, edit or delete inventory information for the items on the RTV order.

Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-97 Items - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Items section

Table 9-136 Items - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add the items by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

For more information about how to add items to an RTV order, see the Adding Items to a Mass Return Transfer section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit the items by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information about how to edit items on an RTV order, see the Editing Items section.

Delete and Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete items from an RTV order:

  • Select a record in the table.

  • Select Actions > Delete or use the Delete icon Delete icon.

  • You are prompted, if you want to delete the record. Select Yes to confirm the prompt.

  • The record is deleted from the table.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Mass Update

Clicking Mass Update launches the Mass Update window which contains a Restocking Fee field. Any value entered in this window applies to all content items on the Items table.

For more information about this option, see the Mass Update section.

Items - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-98 Items - View Menu

View Menu Items section

Table 9-137 Items - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu List Description

Saved Views

The following options are available in Saved Views:

  • Default

    The following columns are displayed in the Items section when you select Default view: Item, Description, Inventory Type, Inventory Status, Restocking Fee, Requested Quantity, Unit of Return, Original Unit Cost, Unit RTV Cost, Final RTV Cost.

  • Standard UOM

    The following columns are displayed in the Items section when you select Standard UOM view: Description, Requested Quantity in Standard UOM, Original Unit Cost in Standard UOM, Unit RTV Cost in Standard UOM, Final RTV Cost in Standard UOM, Inventory Type, Returned Quantity in Standard UOM, Standard UOM.


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or using the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking Query by Example or using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

Return to Vendor Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Figure 9-99 Return to Vendor Toolbar

Return to Vendor toolbar

Table 9-138 Return to Vendor Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.

Status button

If you click the Status button, the status of the RTV shipment changes to the status specified on the button.

For example, if you click the Ship button, the status of the RTV shipment changes to Shipped.

Possible RTV statuses are:

  • Input

  • Shipped

  • Approved

  • In Progress

    The In Progress status is only used, if SIM is integrated.

  • Cancelled.

Cancel RTV button

The Cancel RTV button is only available for RTV orders in Input and Approve status.

Click the Cancel RTV button to cancel the selected RTV shipment. The status of the RTV order changes to Cancelled.

More Actions

Click More Actions to see a list of additional actions that can be performed in the Return to Vendor window.

  • Currency

    Toggle between the systems's primary currency and the supplier's currency.

  • Supplier Details

    Opens the Supplier Details window.

    For more information about the supplier details, see the Supplier Details section.

  • Other Attributes

    This submenu contains the Group Sets that are defined using Custom Flex Attributes for the RTV Header entity.

    In the Other Attributes submenu, select an attribute

    For more information about custom flex attributes, see the Application Administration chapter, section "Custom Flex Attributes Display".


Click Save to save any changes on the Return to Vendor order.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save the changes and close the window.


Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.

Maintaining Return to Vendor (RTV) Shipments

To maintain RTV orders, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Manage Returns to Vendor. The RTV Search window appears.

  2. Restrict your search to RTV orders in Input status.

  3. Click Search. The RTV orders that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the RTV column, click the RTV link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edit, or use the Edit icon Edit icon. The Return to Vendor window appears.

Adding Items

To add items:

  1. In the Return to Vendor window, go to Items section.

  2. Then select Actions > Add, or click the Add icon Add icon. The Add Items window appears.

    Figure 9-100 Add Items Window

    Add Items window
  3. Select any one of the following options: Item, Item List.

  4. In the Item field, enter or search for the item. This field is a required field.

  5. In the Unit RTV Cost field, defaults to the item's unit RTV cost, adjust the cost as necessary.

    This field is a required field when you add an item. This field is not available when you add an item list.

  6. If you add a dynamic item list, the Rebild checkbox is displayed. If you select the checkbox, the item list is rebuild by a background process, once you click OK.

  7. In the Requested Quantity field, enter the return quantity. When you add an item, enter, select or search for the unit of the return quantity. This field is a required field.

  8. You can check the Default All On Hand checkbox to return all the stock on hand value to the supplier.

  9. In the Inventory Type fields, select either of the following inventory type: Overstock, Unavailable Inventory. This field is a required field.

  10. In the Restocking fee % field, enter the percentage that is applied for restocking fees.

  11. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add the items to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Add Another to add additional items.

    • Click Cancel to all entries and close the window.

Editing Items

To edit items, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Return to Vendor window, go to Items section.

  2. Select a record in the table.

  3. Then select Actions > Edit, or click the Edit icon Edit icon. The Edit Items window appears.

  4. Edit the fields as necessary.

  5. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to add your changes to the table and close the window.

    • Click OK and Edit Another to edit additional items.

    • Click Cancel to all entries and close the window.

Mass Update

To update the restocking fee for all items displayed in the Items section, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Items section, select Actions > Mass Update, or use the Mass Update button The Mass Update window appears.

  2. In the Restocking Fee field, enter the percentage that is applied for restocking fees.

  3. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to apply the restocking fee percentage for all items in the table and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to all entries and close the window.

Supplier Details

To view the supplier details:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Manage Returns to Vendor. The RTV Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. Click Search. The RTVs that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. In the RTV column, click the RTV link, or mark a record and select Actions > Edi/View or use corresponding icons. The Return to Vendor window appears.

  5. From the More Actions menu, click Supplier Details. The Supplier Details window appears.

    Figure 9-101 Supplier Details Window

    Supplier Details window
  6. The Supplier Site details, City, State, Postal Code, Country are displayed.

  7. Click OK to close the window.

Manage Returns To Vendor

The Manage Returns to Vendor option opens the RTV Search window. Managing returns to vendor involves performing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Searching for returns to vendor

  • Creating returns to vendor

  • Editing returns to vendor

  • Viewing returns to vendor

You can access the RTV Search window from the Task menu, select Inventory > Manage Returns to Vendor. The RTV Search window appears.

In the RTV Search window you can search for returns to vendor by specifying various search criteria. You can choose to access returns to vendor in the search results in edit or view mode depending on security privileges. There are also options for creating a new return to vendor.

The RTV Search window includes the following sections:

Figure 9-102 RTV Search Window

RTV Search window

Searching for an RTV

To search for an RTV order:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Manage Returns to Vendor. The RTV Search window appears.

  2. You can search for a returns to vendor by providing search criteria in the search section. The criteria can be provided either in Basic or Advanced mode, depending on the requirement. Basic is the default mode when the search window is entered. Click Advanced to access the search panel in advanced mode. You can return to Basic mode by clicking Basic.

Searching for an RTV Through the Basic Search Criteria

To search for an RTV order through the basic search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Table 9-139 RTV Search - Basic Search Criteria

    Search Field Description

    Match option

    Check radio button All or Any.

    All - only RTVs matching all entered search criteria are shown.

    Any - RTVs matching any of the entered search criteria are shown.


    Enter the RTV number.


    Select the status of the return to vendor from the list. The options are: Input, Approved, In Progress, Shipped, and Cancelled.

    Supplier Site

    Enter, select or search for the supplier site.


    Enter or search for the item.


    Enter, select or search for the location.

    Created Date

    Enter the date the RTV is created or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  2. You can also click the Saved Search drop down to select one of the saved sets of search criteria. Selecting a saved search will populate the criteria section with saved criteria. If the saved search is selected to run automatically then the search will be executed too.

    You can also choose to manage and personalize the saved searches by clicking Personalize in the list. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  3. Click Search. The RTV orders that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to execute the saved search.

  5. Click Save.. button to save the current set of search criteria as a Saved Search. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  6. Click Done to close the window.

Searching for an RTV Through the Advanced Search Criteria

To search for an RTV through the advanced search criteria:

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following advanced search criteria.

  2. To narrow down the search, use the list next to the search fields. For example, determine if the entered value should equal or not equal the search result.

  3. Click on the Saved Search list to select one of the saved search criteria. Selecting a saved search populates the search section with the saved search criteria. If the run automatically function is enabled for the search, the search is executed immediately.

    You can also personalize your saved searches by selecting Personalize. The Personalize Saved Searches window appears.

    For more information about the Personalized Saved Search, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Personalize Saved Search".

  4. Click Search. The RTV orders that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  5. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.

  6. Click Save As... to save the current search criteria. The Create Saved Search window appears.

    For more information about how to save your search criteria, see the Common User Interface Controls chapter, section "Create Saved Search".

  7. Click Add Fields to add more fields for the advanced search. To remove the field from the search, click the x right next to the field.

  8. Click Reorder to change the order of the available search fields. The Reorder Search Fields window appears.

    • Select the desired search field and use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of the fields.

    • Click OK to confirm the new order of the fields and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject any changes and close the window.

  9. Click Done to close the window.


The Results section lists the retrieved RTV orders.

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below.

Figure 9-103 Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu/Icons Results section

Table 9-140 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create an RTV by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

For more information on creating the RTV, see the Creating a Return to Vendor Order section.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit an RTV by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

For more information on editing the RTV, see the Editing an RTV section.

View and View icon View icon

To view an RTV order:

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Select Actions > View, or click the View icon View icon. The Return to Vendor window appears in View mode.

  • Click Done to close the window.

Export to Excel and Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon

You can export the records in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting Actions > Export to Excel or by using the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Results - View Menu and Icons

You can customize the view of the table by using the options in the View Menu.

Figure 9-104 Results - View Menu

View Menu Results section

Table 9-141 Results - View Menu/Icons and Description

View Menu/Icons Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.

Detach and Detach icon Detach icon

You can view the tables in the application in a separate window by clicking Detach or using the Detach icon Detach icon.

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example and Query by Example icon Query by Example icon

You can filter the items by one or multiple column values by clicking Query by Example or using the Query by Example icon Query by Example icon.

RTV Search Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following icons and buttons.

Table 9-142 RTV Search Toolbar - Icons/Buttons and Description

Icons/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access the online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon Help icon.


Click Done to close the window.

Editing an RTV

To edit an RTV order, follow the steps listed below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Inventory > Manage Returns to Vendor. The RTV Search window appears.

  2. Enter or select search criteria as desired to make the search more restrictive.

  3. In the Results section, select the return to vendor you want to edit.

  4. Then select Actions > Edit, or click the Edit icon. Edit icon. The Return to Vendor window appears in Edit mode.

  5. Edit the RTV as necessary.

    For more information about the Return to Vendor window, see the Return to Vendor section.

  6. Save your changes.