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Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Implementation Guide
Release 19.3.000
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8 Integrating with Selling Solutions

This section discusses some of the key areas for consideration as it relates to Sales Audit integration with selling solutions - usually the point of service (POS) and order management (OMS). It is assumed one or both of these solutions would be sending transaction logs to Sales Audit. There are several key considerations for mapping and areas that will need to be coordinated between Sales Audit and the selling solutions. One of these are Tender Types, described earlier in this document.


The details of the file format used by Sales Audit for imports (that is, the RTLOG) can be found in the Sales Audit Operations Guide.

Transaction Types

Sales Audit supports a number of different transaction types in the RTLOG from the selling solutions and each undergoes different auditing and has different requirements of information from the selling solutions. The table below lists the valid transaction types in Sales Audit and what details are included in each type:

Transaction Type Includes item records? Includes tender records? Includes tax records? Includes customer records?
Open (OPEN) No No No No
Close (CLOSE) No No No No
Re-open Store Day (REOPEN) No No No No
Daily Store Conditions (COND) No No No No
Even Exchange (EEXCH) Yes No Optional Optional
Error (ERR) Used when the transaction type is invalid.
Loan (LOAN) No Yes No No
Meter Reading for Fuel (METER) Yes No No No
No Sale (NOSALE) No Optional No No
Other (OTHER) Used in integration with Oracle Retail Xstore POS for any inventory transactions not related to sales, returns, or customer orders.
Paid In (PAIDIN) No Yes No No
Paid Out (PAIDOU) No Yes No No
Pull (PULL) No Yes No No
Pump Test for Fuel (PUMPT) Yes No No No
Post Void (PVOID) No No No No
Refund of Customer's Original Check (REFUND) This transaction is not sent through the RTLOG. It is entered at the HQ level. The TITEM and TCUST records are optional. The TTEND record is required. Either IGTAX or TTAX can be used but not both.
Return (RETURN) Yes Yes Optional Optional
Sale (SALE) Optional Yes Optional Optional
Special Order (SPLORD) Yes No No No
Tank Dip (TANKDP) Yes No No No
Termination Record (TERM) TERM records are created by the import process and do not come from the RTLOG file. The TITEM and TCUST records are optional. The TTEND record is required. Either IGTAX or TTAX can be used but not both.
Declared Totals (TOTAL) No No No No
Void (VOID) Optional Optional Optional Optional
Day Close (DCLOSE) No No No No

Other transaction type notes:

Record Type Requirements
IDISC IDISC records must immediately follow their associated TITEM record.
IGTAX IGTAX will follow TITEM immediately, if IDISC is not present. Otherwise it should follow IDISC.
TTAX Either this record or IGTAX should appear in the transaction. IGTAX and TTAX cannot be both used at the same time. For more information see the section on Tax.
TPYMT This record should be right before TTEND record. It contains the Deposit amount for pickup, delivery, or layaway orders.
CATT CATT records must immediately follow their associated TCUST record.

Sub-Transaction Types

Sub-Transaction Type Description Sub-Transaction Types Description
ERR Error HOUSE House Payment
EMP Employee LAYINT Initiate Layaway
DRIVEO Fuel Drive Off LAYCMP Layaway Complete
MV Merchandise Vendor Payout LAYPAY Layaway Payment
EV Expense Vendor LAYDEL Layaway Delete
EXCH Exchange in Item Safe/Return Trans ORDINT Initiate Order
CACCOM Credit Accommodation ORDCMP Order Complete
CSTGEN General Accommodation ORDCAN Order Cancel
CSTTAX Tax Accommodation ORDPAR Order Partial
DRET Disposed Return BANK Bank Deposit Store
DEXCHI Disposed Exchange INSCRE Instant Credit Enrollment
RETURN Return ETRAIN Enter Training Mode
VOID Void XTRAIN Exit Training Mode
OSTORE Open Store PAYOUT Payroll Payout
CSTORE Close Store NTRENT Enter Transaction Reentry
DSTORE Close Store XTRENT Exit Transaction Reentry
OREG Open Register CANCEL Canceled Transaction
CREG Close Register TRAIN Training Mode Transaction
CRGRC Close Register SUSPND Suspend Transaction
OTILL Open Till SSPNDR Resume Suspended Transaction
CTILL Close Till SSPNDC Cancelled Suspended Transaction
CTILLT Close Till (Total) BILLPY Telephone - Mobile Bill Payment
LOTILL Loan Till STCHG Transaction Status Change
PUTILL Pickup Till AUDIT Till Audit
STILL Suspend Till GRGRC Workstation Close
RTILL Resume Till OTHER Miscellaneous
PITILL Payin Till STRBNK Currency Deposit Into Store Bank
POTILL Payout Till OTILLT Open Till (Total)

RTLOG Code Types

As noted above in the Codes and Descriptions section, there are many codes that need to be configured in Sales Audit to line up with what is used by your selling solutions. Some of these, like transaction type and sub transaction type cannot be changed in Sales Audit. But others can be set to your chosen value to align with your selling solution configuration. Below is a summary of the codes that are critical to coordinate with your selling solutions:

Record Name Field Name Code Type
Transaction Header Transaction Type TRAT

Sub-transaction Type TRAS

Reason Code REAC or Non-Merchandise Codes

Value Sign SIGN

Transaction Processing System TSYS
Transaction Item Item Type SAIT

Item Status SASI

Item Number Type UPCT

Quantity Sign SIGN

Taxable Indicator YSNO

Price Override Reason Code ORRC

Item Swiped Indicator YSNO

Sales Type SASY

No Inventory Return YSNO

Return Reason Code SARR

Fulfillment Loc Type FLTP
Item Discount RMS Promotion Type PRMT

Discount Type SADT

Quantity Sign SIGN
Item Tax Tax code From the VAT_CODES tableFoot 1 

Tax sign SIGN
Transaction Customer Customer ID Type CIDT
Customer Attribute Attribute Type SACA

Attribute Value Code types from codes in SACA
Transaction Tax Tax code From the VAT_CODES table1

Tax sign SIGN
Transaction Payment Payment (Deposit Amount) Sign SIGN
Transaction Tender Tender Type Group TENT

Tender Sign SIGN

CC Authorization Source CCAS

CC Cardholder Verification CCVF

CC Entry Mode CCEM

CC Special Condition CCSC

Footnote 1 If you are configured to run with US Sales Tax as your default tax type in Merchandising, instead of Simple VAT, then the valid values for this are configured on the codes table using code type TAXC.

For more details on the RTLOG format and assumptions, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Operations Guide, Volume 1.

Additionally, if integrating with Xstore as your POS, see the Xstore/Merchandising Implementation Guide for other key assumptions and design considerations related to Sales Audit, Merchandising, and Pricing integration.

Non-Merchandise Items

Sales Audit supports an item type designation of Non-Merchandise (Item Type code NMITEM). Item level details using this Item Type designation are treated differently than those designated as regular items (Item Type code ITEM), in that the sales detail for the non-merchandise line items is not passed to Merchandising. The intended use of non-merchandise items on Sales Audit transactions is to support expenses on transactions that are not posted as sales in Merchandising (transaction data) but can be posted directly to the general ledger. Merchandising also supports the concept of non-inventory items which can be used to support similar use cases but would be posted as non-inventory item sales in Merchandising. Items defined in Merchandise as non-inventory should be entered in Sales Audit regular items (Item Type code ITEM).