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Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Implementation Guide
Release 19.3.000
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2 Sales Audit Codes and Descriptions

The following Merchandising codes are used to manage some of the dropdowns and options in Sales Audit. The details of how each are used below. To configure any of these options, you'll need to use the Merchandising Codes and Descriptions spreadsheet download and upload functionality. This includes updating the terminology used for these codes, marking those that you are not using, as well as updating or adding any translations. Certain codes also allow new values to be added, especially where they need to be coordinated with your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Where this applies, it has been indicated in the table below. You can find details on how to access and use the spreadsheet upload for Codes and Descriptions in the Merchandising Implementation Guide.


There are two codes that show up in several of the Sales Audit code types - TERM and ERR. ERR is used when an invalid value is sent in the data from the selling solution and should not be removed or hidden from any of the codes where it currently exists. Similarly, TERM is used in processing of the import by Sales Audit and should not be modified. It is not displayed to end users.

Making Changes in the Codes Tables

If you add any new codes to the code types listed below that will be used in validation during the import process, then the library programs must be recompiled. For on premise implementations, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the $l directory and recompile libresa.a and install:

    make -f retek.mk resa
    make -f retek.mk install
  2. Navigate to the $c directory and recompile the next libraries:

    make -f mts.mk resa-libchange
    make -f mts.mk resa
    1. Recompile the appropriate library depending upon which of the following products is being used:

      – Merchandising (resa-rms)

      – Retail Insights (resa-rdw)

      – Automated Clearning House (resa-ach)

      – Universal Account Reconciliation (resa-uar)

      – Invoice Matching (resa-im)

      make -f mts.mk (name of library)
    2. make -f mts.mk resa-install

For cloud service implementations, an SR must be logged to complete this process when updates are made.

Code Type Code Type Description Notes Add New Allowed?
CCAS Credit Card Authorization Source Holds the valid values for credit card authorization sources, such as manual or electronic, that are used in validating sales and return transactions, such as manual or electronic. Default values will be initially loaded, but it is expected that these will be update for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and those used by your selling solutions. Yes
CCEM Credit Card Entry Mode Holds the valid values for credit card entry modes, such as magnetic strip, that are used in validating sales and return transactions. Default values will be initially loaded, but it is expected that these will be update for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and those used by your selling solutions. Yes
CCSC Credit Card Special Condition Holds the valid values for any special conditions related to the credit card, such as phone or mail order. These are used in validating sales and return transactions. Default values will be initially loaded, but it is expected that these will be update for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and those used by your selling solutions. Yes
CCVF Credit Card Verification Holds the valid values for credit card verification method, such as magnetic strip, that are used in validating sales and return transactions. Default values will be initially loaded, but it is expected that these will be update for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and those used by your selling solutions. Yes
CIDT Sales Audit Customer ID Types Holds the codes of the different customer identification types, such as driver's license number or zip code, that are used in validating sales and return transactions. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
COMP Comparator Holds the options for filtering location closings by closing date in the download data screen. Valid values are Between, Equals, Not After, or Not Before. See Location Closings for more details on this function. No
DTTP Sales Audit Data Types Indicates the different data types of the Constant values supported for rules and totals. The valid values are Number, Date, and Character. Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
FORM Sales Audit Forms Used in the management of error codes to determine where an error is displayed on a transaction. See the Error Codes section of this document for more details. The valid values are Missing Trans. (M), Non Transactional (NT), Over/Short Totals (O), Misc. Totals (T), and Transaction Detail (TR). Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
IMEX Sales Audit Import Export Holds the decoded description for Import (I) and Export (E) terms used in the configuration of files for Sales Audit. Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
ORRC Sales Audit Override Reason Codes Indicates the valid reason codes that are used for item price overrides. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
OSGP Sales Audit Over/Short Groups Holds the codes for the two groups of totals that can be defined for over/short totals - Accounted For (B) and Accountable For (D). Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
PRMT Promotion Types Indicates the types of promotions that are allowed on a sales transaction. Valid values are In Store Discount (1004), Employee Discount (1005), Non-RPM Promotion (2000), RPM Promotion (9999). The 2000 code should be used for any promotions created in a solution that is not Oracle Retail Pricing (including Oracle Retail Customer Engagement). If a transaction uses code 9999, then its promotion information will be validated against Oracle Retail Pricing promotions. Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
REAC Sales Audit Reason Codes Indicates the reason code that has been entered for a transaction, which may be used for certain transaction types, such as a void or return. Note that for the transaction type Paid Out with sub-transaction type of Merchandise Vendor Payout (MV) or Expense Vendor Payout (EV), the reason codes are the non-merchandise codes in Merchandising, not from this code type. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
REFL Sales Audit Reference Labels Contains the labels displayed for reference fields on transactions to indicate the information that is contained in the reference field. See the Reference Fields section below for more information on assigning these labels to transactions, sub-transactions, and/or reason code combinations. Default values for this code type will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
REFN Sales Audit Reference Field Numbers Displays the valid reference numbers available at various levels of a transaction so that they can be displayed in a list to select from when configuring the references for transaction, sub-transaction, and reason code combinations. See the Reference Fields section below for more information on this configuration. Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. The descriptions should also not be updated for this code type. No
RELM SA Realm Addition Indicator Used in the setup of rules and totals to display to the user whether the selected realm is available to be added to a rule or total. Valid values are Available (Y) or Not Available (N). Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. No
REOP Relational Operators Contains the operators that can be used in creating a total or rule. Valid values are <, <=, =, >=, and >. Adding new values to this code is not supported and may result in errors. The descriptions should also not be updated for this code type. No
SAAS Sales Audit Audit Status Indicates the statuses for a store day. Valid values are Audited (A), Errors Pending (H), Retotaling/Auditing Required (R), Totaled (T), and Unaudited (U). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SABA Sales Audit Bank Account Types Indicates the valid bank account types used in the Store Bank configuration. Valid values are Checking (C) and Savings (S). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SABL Sales Audit Balancing Level Indicates the valid options available for the Balancing Level system option. Valid values are Cashier Summary (C), Register Summary (R), and Store (S). Cashier/Register Summary (CS) is a for the code type, but it no longer used by Sales Audit. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SACA Sales Audit Customer Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values that can be selected for customer attributes on a transaction. Initially, this code will contain the following codes referencing other code types:
  • SAGC - Sales Audit Gender Codes

  • SAIN - Sales Audit Income Codes

  • SARD - Sales Audit Retailer Defined Codes

Other code types can also be added for attribute types that you would like to track. These code types would then be added to this code as well.

SACD Sales Audit Comp Store Date Indicates the store date to be used for comparison reporting. Valid values are Acquire Date (A), Remodel Date (R), and Store Open Date (S). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SACI Sales Audit Combined Total Ind Contains the descriptions used in the user interface when creating totals to indicate if the total will be based on Raw Data (N) or if it is a Combined Total (Y). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SACM Sales Audit Comment Type Comments for Sales Audit are held on a common table, so this code is used to indicate where the comments apply. Valid values are Balance Group (SABG), Store/Day (SASD), Total (SATL), and ReSA Transaction No (SATR). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SACO Sales Audit Comparison Operators Contains the comparison operators used during the creation of totals and rules. Valid values are !=, is not NULL, not within tolerance, <, <=, =, >, >=, between, in, not between, not in, is NULL, and within tolerance. Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SACS Sales Audit Count/Sum Contains the label descriptions that are used to indicate whether or not a total represents a count or a sum. Valid values are Count (C) and Sum (S). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SADA Sales Audit Transaction Discount Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values for custom transaction discount attributes. Initially, no codes will be defined from this type outside the standard error code. If you want to define custom transaction discount attributes, then other code types can also be added. These code types would then be added to this code as well. Yes
SADS Sales Audit Data Status Contains the status descriptions for a store day's data loading status. Valid values are Fully Loaded (F), Purged (G), Loading (L), Partially Loaded (P), and Ready for Import (R). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SADT Sales Audit Discount Types Indicates the valid discount types for your sales transactions, such as Employee Discount or Price Match. This is used in the import batches. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
SAES Sales Audit Export Status Contains the descriptions for a store day's export status. Valid values include Exported (E), Processed (P), and Ready for Export (R). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SAFD Sales Audit Full Disclosure Indicator If an auditor modifies data during the interactive audit that was previously exported to the General Ledger, Merchandising, or other solutions, Sales Audit will re-export using a process called "full disclosure" Full disclosure means that any previously exported values are fully backed out before the new value is sent. When the export sends the adjusted amounts, it will flag the reversed transaction with an N, or Negative (Reversal) Transaction/Total, and the corrected transaction with a P, or Positive Transaction/Total. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAGC Sales Audit Gender Codes Indicates the valid values for the customer attribute type for gender. Valid values loaded initially are Female (F), Male (M), and Unknown (U), but new values can be added to coordinate with the values used by your selling solutions. Yes
SAHA Sales Audit Transaction Header Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values for custom transaction header attributes. Initially, no codes will be defined from this type outside the standard error code. If you want to define custom transaction header attributes, then other code types can also be added. These code types would then be added to this code as well. Yes
SAIA Sales Audit Transaction Item Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values for custom transaction item attributes. Initially, no codes will be defined from this type outside the standard error code. If you want to define custom transaction item attributes, then other code types can also be added. These code types would then be added to this code as well. Yes
SAIN Sales Audit Income Codes Indicates the valid values for the customer attribute type for income. Valid values loaded are initially, but new values can be added to coordinate with the values used by your selling solutions. Yes
SAIS Sales Audit Import Status Contains the descriptions for a store day's import status. Valid values include Loaded into Database (L), Ready for Import (R), and Unexpected Import (U). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAIT Sales Audit Item Types Contains the descriptions for the valid item types that can be used for transactions. Valid values include Voucher Number (GCN), Item (ITEM), Non Merchandise Item (NMITEM), and Reference Item (REF). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SALL Sales Audit Locking Level Indicates the options for which locking is employed by Sales Audit. This code is used for the system option Locking Level. Valid values are Store Day (S) and Transaction (T). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SAMS Sales Audit Missing Status Contains the descriptions used to describe the status of missing transactions for a store day. Valid values are Added (A), Deleted (D), or Missing (M). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAO Sales Audit Order Holds the sequence numbers used for the Execute Order attribute as part of creating rules in Sales Audit. Valid values are 1 through 20. Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SAOS Sales Audit Overall Store Day Status Contains the descriptions for the overall store day status. Valid values are Complete (A) or In Progress (I). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
SARD Sales Audit Retailer Defined Codes Indicates the valid values for the customer attribute type that is retailer defined. This code type is expected to be updated for your implementation to hold additional customer attributes. By default, values are loaded and it is expected that these will be updated and new codes will be added, as needed. As these would be passed in from your selling solutions, the values setup here should be set in accordance with what is used in those solutions. Yes
SARR Return Reason Codes Indicates the valid reason codes for a return transaction. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by your selling solutions (POS and OMS). Yes
SART Sales Audit Record Types Contains the descriptions used to describe a record type error in the RTLOG import. For example, Item Level Error (TITEM). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SASI Sales Audit Item Status Contains the valid values for item status on a transaction. Valid values are Voided (V), Sale (S), Return (R), Other (O), Ord Ini (ORI), Ord Can (ORC), Ord Com (ORD), Lay Ini (LIN), Lay Can (LCA), or Lay Com (LCO). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SASS Sales Audit Store Status Contains the valid values for the store status for a store day. The descriptions and visibility to the overall store status is displayed in the mobile application for Sales Audit. Valid values are Worksheet (W), Closed (C), or Fuel Closed (F). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAST Sales Audit Status Codes Contains the valid values for the status of a transaction - Delete (D), Present (P), or Post-Voided (V). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SASV Sales Audit Status Values Contains the valid values for the statuses for rules and totals - Worksheet (W), Submitted (S), Approved (A), Disabled (DI), Deleted (DE), or All (B). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SASY Sales Audit Sales Type Contains the valid values for sales type sent in the RTLOG for a transaction. Valid values are Regular Sales (R), In-store Customer Order (I), or External Customer Order (E). External customer order refers to an order created in an order management solution, rather than the POS in store. In-store customer orders are for any type of order for a customer taken in a store that does not go through an order management solution, even if it is fulfilled from another store. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SATA Sales Audit Transaction Tender Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values for custom transaction tender attributes. Initially, no codes will be defined from this type outside the standard error code. If you want to define custom transaction tender attributes, then other code types can also be added. These code types would then be added to this code as well. Yes
SATC Sales Audit Totals Category Contains the valid values for categorizing totals and impacts which realms are available when creating your total. Valid values are Sales (S), Tax (TAX), Over/Short (OS), Transaction Type (TT), Tender Type (TD), or Payment Total (PT). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SATL Sales Audit Total Definition Labels Contains the labels used in the in Totals Maintenance pages used for creating, editing, or viewing totals. Adding new values to this code type is not supported, but labels can be modified as needed for your business. No
SATT Sales Audit Tolerance Types Contains the valid values for tolerance types used as part of rules definition - Amount (A) and Percent (P). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SATY Sales Audit Total Types Contains the valid values for types of totals that can be created - Over/Short (O) or Miscellaneous (M). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAUT Sales Audit Usage Types Contains the list of usages that can be associated with a total. Most of the usages are related to exporting or reporting. Valid values are Flash Totals Reporting (FLR), Site Fuels Management Sales (SFMS), Site Fuels Management Drive Offs (SFMD), Site Fuels Management Pump Tests (SFMP), UAR Bank Deposits (UARBDP), UAR Money Orders (UARMON), UAR Lottery (UARLOT), UAR Credit Card (UARCRD), Automated Clearing House (ACH), RA Export (RA), General Ledger (GL), IM Export (IM). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAVS Sales Audit Voucher Status Contains the valid statuses for vouchers that have been issued as part of a transaction and visible in the Voucher Activity report. Valid values are Assigned from HQ to a Store (A), Issued from a Store to a Customer (I), Redeemed by a Customer (R), Escheated to the State/Country (E), or Income Adjustment to Retailer (N). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SAXA Sales Audit Transaction Tax and Item Tax Attribute Types Contains the codes defining other code types that are used to determine the valid values for custom transaction and item tax attributes. Initially, no codes will be defined from this type outside the standard error code. If you want to define custom transaction and item attributes, then other code types can also be added. These code types would then be added to this code as well. Yes
SIGN Positive/Negative number indicator Contains the valid values for the Value Sign, Rounded Amount Sign, Rounded Off Sign, Quantity Sign, IGTAX Amount Sign, Tax Sign, Tender Sign, and Payment Sign fields in the RTLOG. Valid values are Positive (P) or Negative (N). Adding values to this code is not supported. No
SRPA Sales Audit Rule execution based on presence or absence of the rule Contains the labels used in the Rule Maintenance page indicating whether the Presence (P) or Absence (A) of the conditions defined in the rule constitutes an error. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SRRT Sales Audit Rule Realm Types Contains the values used to categorize realms used in creating rules. Realms can represent a Table (T), View (V), or Total (TOTAL). The other valid value for this code type is All (A). If this value is selected then realms across all types would be displayed to the user creating a rule. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
STCA Sales Audit Store/Cashier Indicates the valid options for the level of calculating a total when the system option for Balancing Level is set to Cashier Summary. Valid values are Store (S) or Cashier (C). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
STRG Sales Audit Store/Register Indicates the valid options for the level of calculating a total when the system option for Balancing Level is set to Register Summary. Valid values are Store (S) or Register (R). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SYSE Sales Audit System Export Interfaces Indicates the systems where audited transactions will be exported and is used in the configuration of Totals, Error Codes and Store Data. Valid values are RMS Export (RMS), RA Export (RA), GL Export (GL), SFM Export (SFM), ACH Export (ACH), UAR Export (UAR), IM Export (IM), ORIN Export (ORIN), or SIM Export (SIM). Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
SYSI Sales Audit System Import Interfaces Indicates the systems where data will be imported from and is used in the configuration of Store Data. Valid values are Sales Import (POS), SFM Import (SFM), UAR Import (UAR), and OMS Import (OMS). Additionally, there are three codes that may be additionally loaded for importing: Item Level Tax, Import using TLOG from Selling Solution (TLOG), Import using REST service called from Selling Solution (REST). IGTAX determines whether the system sending data to Sales Audit will be including item level tax for a specific store. Whereas TLOG and REST indicate the method used for importing data for a specific store - either using the flat file RTLOG upload, or the REST service. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
TABS Sales Audit Form Tabs Used in the management of error codes to determine where an error is displayed on a transaction. See the Error Codes section of this document for more details. Valid values are Item (I), Tender (T), Exported (E), Tax (TX), Customer (C), Transaction Attributes (TA), or Paid Out Details (P). Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
TAXC Sales Audit Tax Codes Holds the codes of the tax types, such as state tax or city tax, that are used in validating transactions. This is used for both item and transaction level tax. Default values will initially be loaded, but it is expected that these will be updated for your implementation to add codes that are applicable for your business and used by POS and OMS. Yes
TENT Sales Audit Tender Type Groups Holds the valid tender type groups used in the RTLOG and in validation in Sales Audit. These codes must be coordinated with your selling solutions. Valid values are Cash (CASH), Personal Check (CHECK), Credit Card (CCARD), Voucher (gift cert. or credit) (VOUCH), Coupon (COUPON), Money Order (MORDER), Debit Card (DCARD), Drive Off (DRIVEO), Social Assistance (SOCASS), Fonacot (FONCOT), PayPal (PAYPAL), and Others (OTHERS). Adding new values to this code type is not supported, however you can add new tender types to these groups. See the Tender Types section for more information. No
TERM Sales Audit Record Termination Marker Used in the management of the import process and mostly not visible to end users. It is not intended to be a valid value selected in the audit resolution process. Adding new values to this code is not supported. No
TOOP Sales Audit Totals Operation Contains the valid values for combining totals, used in the totals definition process. Valid values are + or -. Adding new values for this code type is not supported. No
TOSC Sales Audit Totals Sources Indicates how the total will be created - either from Transaction Details (TRN) or from another total using Total Details (TOT). Adding new values for this code type is not supported. No
TRAS Sales Audit Sub-transaction Types Contains the valid sub transaction types that can be used in the RTLOG. Valid values can be found in the Integrating with Selling Solutions section below. Adding new values for this code type is not supported. No
TRAT Sales Audit Transaction Types Contains the valid transaction types that can be used in the RTLOG. Valid values can be found in the Integrating with Selling Solutions section below. Adding new values for this code type is not supported. No
TRFL Totals Reference Labels Indicates the valid options for reference number labels that can be assigned for the roll up values when defining the parameters for a total. By default, the valid values are Ref. No. 1, Ref. No. 2, Ref. No. 3, Dept., and Pump, but these can be configured to work for your business. Yes
UOWK Sales Audit Unit of Work Contains the labels used for the valid values for the Unit of Work system option - Transaction (T) or Store Day (S). Adding new values for this code type is not supported. No
VOUT Voucher Types Contains the labels for the valid types of vouchers - Gift Certificate (GIC) or Voucher (VOU) and used in the Voucher Activity report. Adding new values to this code type is not supported. No
WEAT Sales Audit Weather Conditions Indicates the valid values that can be sent in the RTLOG to indicate the weather conditions for a store day. Used for reporting purposes only. A list will be initially loaded into this code type, but can be configured to work for your business and the data that may be sent from your stores. Yes