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Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Oracle Retail Sales Audit Security Guide
Release 19.3.000 for Windows
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3 Duties and Privileges

Privileges grant access to specific tasks, links, and actions within the application. The access controlled by a particular privilege is fixed and can only be changed by an enhancement to the application. You can control the functions and features to which a user has access by grouping the desired privileges into duties, and assigning the duties to job roles which can then be associated to one or more users

Duties Provided at Initial Setup

As part of this default security configuration, the system privileges have been logically grouped into duties and the duties have been assigned to an initial set of job roles. The provided duties can be modified or deleted and new duties created. Administrator users can change the mappings of roles, duties and privileges in Sales Audit's User Interface.

Details about how to manage these application security policies are available in Chapter 2, Manage Security Policies in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Administration Guide.

Duty Types

Duties provided in the default security configuration follow a general naming convention to indicate the type of privileges grouped within and the level of access provided. In Merchandising, the provided duties are one of the following duty types:

  • Inquiry

    An inquiry duty will provide the user the ability to search for and view the associated entity. The provided inquiry duties are used when it is desirable for a user to have visibility to an area, but no option to create or update any information. Inquiry duties are assigned to viewers of an area.

  • Management

    A management duty provides the user the ability to maintain the associated entity. The provided management duties are used when it is desirable for a user to have the ability create, update, delete or in other words maintain information in Sales Audit. Management duties may contain either the inquiry duty or the review duty for the same entity. For example, the Transaction Management Duty contains the Transaction Inquiry Duty along with the additional Maintain Transaction Privilege and Delete Transaction Privilege, because in order for users to maintain an entity, they must also have the ability to search for and view the entity. The Error Override Management Duty contains the Edit Override Error Privilege along with Error Override Review Duty. Management duties are assigned to contributors of an area.

  • Review

    A review duty is meant for users with the authority to either review, or review and approve submissions. For example, the Total Definition Review duty and Audit Rule Review duty contains the access to approve or disable a Total and a Rule respectively. Also, other Review duties such as Error Override Review duty contains the access to only view the Error List on the screens. Review duties are assigned to reviewers of an area.

Duties with no Hierarchical Relationships

There are some duties used within Sales Audit that do not have a hierarchical set of duties with increasing levels of access, as described by the duty types above. These duties simply grant access to a single area or task. Therefore access is either granted or not, there are no access levels. These duties may be classified as management or inquiry duties, depending on if the user can maintain the related data or if it's view only. For example:

  • Settings Menu Duty

    Grants access to the Settings menu except for the Security folder. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role. This is a limited use duty which cannot be assigned to any other roles aside from the provided application administrator role.

  • Administrator Console Duty

    Grants access to the Settings menu, including the Security folder where security roles, duties and privileges are managed. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role. This is a limited use duty which cannot be assigned to any other roles aside from the provided application administrator role.

  • Application Global Menu Duties

    These duties grant access to links in the Application Navigator which allow users to launch into another application in the Merchandising suite. In order to see the links they must also be defined via the Application Navigator screen in the ORAAC Tasks list.

Limited Use Duties

There are limited use duties which provide access, but only to the application administrator role provided in the default security configuration. These duties cannot be mapped to any other roles.

  • Settings Menu Duty

    Grants access to the Settings menu except for the Security folder. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role.

  • Administrator Console Duty

    Grants access to the Security folder on the Settings menu where security roles, duties and privileges are managed. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role.

Determining Access for your Organization

When determining access for a given role in your organization, start by categorizing each role with a duty type for each functional area in the application. For example, a Sales Audit Analyst may be a viewer and a contributor store days, transactions, totals and rules. They may have no access to system options, maintaining employees and bank store relationships.

Duty Definitions

Table 3-1 lists the privileges and duties contained within each of the predefined duties provided in the default security configuration:

Table 3-1 Duty Definitions

Functional Area Duty Duty Description Duties and Privileges Contained Within

Administration - Application Navigator

Allocation Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Allocation link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. The link must also be added via the Application Navigator screen in order to see the link. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty is not assign to any roles in the default security configuration.

No privileges contained within. Assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Application Navigator

Invoice Matching Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Invoice Matching link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. The link must also be added via the Application Navigator screen in order to see the link. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty is not assign to any roles in the default security configuration.

No privileges contained within. Assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Application Navigator

Merchandising Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Merchandising link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. The link must also be added via the Application Navigator screen in order to see the link. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty is not assign to any roles in the default security configuration.

No privileges included, assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Application Navigator

Pricing Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Pricing link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. The link must also be added via the Application Navigator screen in order to see the link. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty is not assign to any roles in the default security configuration.

No privileges included, assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Application Navigator

Sales Audit Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Sales Audit link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. The link must also be added via the Application Navigator screen in order to see the link. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty is not assign to any roles in the default security configuration.

No privileges contained within. Assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

Administrator Console Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the ORAAC Security folder and tasks under this folder on the Settings menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access. This duty can only be assigned to the Application Administrator role provided in the default security configuration.

No privileges contained within. Assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - Settings Menu

Settings Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Settings menu in the sidebar navigation menu, with all non-security related folders and links. There are no privileges within this duty, associating the duty to a role will grant access. This duty can only be assigned to the Application Administrator role provided in the default security configuration.

No privileges contained within. Assigning the duty to a role grants access.

Administration - System Options

Application Administration Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing ReSA System Options and downloading data under the Administration template type including Error Messages, Reference Fields, Store Data, and Constants.

View Application Administration Priv

Administration - System Options

Application Administration Management Duty

A duty for managing ReSA System Options and uploading data under the Administration template type including Error Messages, Reference Fields, Store Data, and Constants. This duty is an extension of the Application Administration Inquiry Duty.

Application Administration Inquiry Duty

Maintain Application Administration Priv

Administration - Web Services

Service Access Duty

A duty for granting the ability to execute web services.

Merchandising Applications Service Access Priv

Audit Rules

Audit Rule Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing audit rules.

Search Audit Rule Priv

View Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rules

Audit Rule Management Duty

A duty for managing audit rules. This is an extension of the Audit Rule Inquiry Duty.

Audit Rule Inquiry Duty

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

Delete Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rules

Audit Rule Submit Duty

A duty for submitting an audit rule for approval. This is an extension of the Audit Rule Management Duty.

Audit Rule Management Duty

Submit Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rules

Audit Rule Review Duty

A duty for approving or disabling an audit rule. This is an extension of the Audit Rule Submit Duty.

Audit Rule Submit Duty

Approve Audit Rule Priv

Disable Audit Rule Priv

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

ACH Information Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing ACH information including Bank ACH and Store ACH.

View ACH Information Priv

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

ACH Information Management Duty

A duty for managing ACH information. This duty is an extension of the ACH Information Inquiry Duty.

ACH Information Inquiry Duty

Maintain ACH Information Priv

Bank Store

Bank Store Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing Bank Store.

View Bank Store Priv

Bank Store

Bank Store Management Duty

A duty for managing Bank Store. This duty is an extension of the Bank Store Inquiry Duty.

Bank Store Inquiry Duty

Maintain Bank Store Priv

Dashboard - Sales Audit

Sales Audit Dashboard Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Sales Audit Dashboard.

View Sales Audit Dashboard Priv

Data Loading - Financial Administration

Finance Admin Inquiry Duty

A duty for downloading data under the Finance Administration template type including GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference, Tender Types and Currency Rounding Rules.

View Finance Admin Priv

Data Loading - Financial Administration

Finance Admin Management Duty

A duty for uploading data under the Finance Administration template type including GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference and Currency Rounding Rules. This duty is an extension of the Finance Admin Inquiry Duty.

Finance Admin Inquiry Duty

Maintain Finance Admin Priv

Data Loading - Foundation

Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for downloading data under the Foundation template type including Location Closings.

View Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Foundation

Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for uploading data under the Foundation template type including Location Closings. This duty is an extension of the Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Foundation Data Admin Inquiry Duty

Maintain Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Status

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data loading status.

View Data Loading Status Priv

Data Loading - Status

Data Loading Status Management Duty

A duty for maintaining data loading status. This duty is an extension of the Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty.

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Maintain Data Loading Status Priv


Employee Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing Employee.

View Employees Priv


Employee Management Duty

A duty for managing Employee. This duty is an extension of the Employee Inquiry Duty.

Employee Inquiry Duty

Maintain Employees Priv

Field Access - Error Override

Error Override Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Override checkbox on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens, or on the Sales Audit Errors popup.

View Error Override Priv

Field Access - Error Override

Error Override Management Duty

A duty for the ability to override errors by checking the Override checkbox on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Error Override Review Duty

Edit Error Override Priv

Field Access - HQ Reported

Totals HQ Reported Value Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the HQ Reported values on both the Over/Short Totals and Miscellaneous Totals tabs on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Field Access - HQ Reported

Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty

A duty for the ability to override errors by checking the Override checkbox on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Totals HQ Reported Value Review Duty

Maintain Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Maintain Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Field Access - Over/Short

Over/Short Value Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Over/Short values in the Status container on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens as well as the Trial Over/Short values on the Over/Short Totals tabs in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

Field Access - System Calculated

Totals System Calculated Value Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the System Reported values on both the Over/Short Totals and Miscellaneous Totals tabs on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

General Ledger

General Ledger Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing GL drill back.

View GL Drill Back Priv

Store Day

Store Day Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing store days.

Search Store Days Priv

View Store Days Priv

View Flash Reports Priv

Store Day

Store Day Management Duty

A duty for managing Store Days. This duty is an extension of the Store Day Inquiry Duty.

Store Day Inquiry Duty

Maintain Store Days Priv

Delete Store Days Priv

Store Day Status

Store Day Manual Status Update Duty

A duty for setting a Store Day's Data Status and Audit Status.

Manually Set Store Day Data Status Priv

Reset Store Day Audit Status Priv

Store Day Status

Store Day Reopen Duty

A duty for reopening a store day. This duty is an extension of the Store Day Manual Status Update Duty.

Store Day Manual Status Update Duty

Reopen Store Day Priv

Total Definitions

Total Definition Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing total definitions.

Search Total Definition Priv

View Total Definition Priv

Total Definitions

Total Definition Management Duty

A duty for managing total definitions. This duty is an extension of the Total Definition Inquiry Duty.

Total Definition Inquiry Duty

Maintain Total Definition Priv

Delete Total Definition Priv

Total Definitions

Total Definition Submit Duty

A duty for submitting a Total Definition for approval. This duty is an extension of the Total Definition Management Duty.

Total Definition Management Duty

Submit Total Definition Priv

Total Definitions

Total Definition Review Duty

A duty for approving or disabling a total definition. This duty is an extension of the Total Definition Submit Duty.

Total Definition Submit Duty

Approve Total Definition Priv

Disable Total Definition Priv


Transaction Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing transactions, transaction revisions and transaction summaries.

Search Transactions Priv

View Transactions Priv

View Transaction Reports Priv


Transaction Management Duty

A duty for managing transactions. This duty is an extension of the Transaction Inquiry Duty.

Transaction Inquiry Duty

Maintain Transaction Priv

Delete Transaction Priv


Transaction Post Void Duty

A duty for post voiding a transaction. This duty is an extension of the Transaction Management Duty.

Transaction Management Duty

Post Void Transaction Priv

Duty to Role Mappings

The job roles provided in the default security configuration have the following duties assigned to control their levels of access:

Table 3-2 Application Administrator

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

Access Granted

Administrator Console Duty

Administration - Settings Menu

Access Granted

Settings Menu Duty

Administration - System Options


Application Administration Management Duty

Administration - Web Services

Access Granted

Service Access Duty

Audit Rules


Audit Rule Review Duty

Automated Clearing House (ACH)


ACH Information Management Duty

Bank Store


Bank Store Management Duty

Dashboard - Sales Audit

Access Granted

Sales Audit Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Loading - Financial Administration


Finance Admin Management Duty

Data Loading - Foundation


Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

Data Loading - Status


Data Loading Status Management Duty



Employee Management Duty

Field Access - Error Override


Error Override Management Duty

Field Access - HQ Reported


Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty

Field Access - Over/Short


Over/Short Value Inquiry Duty

Field Access - System Calculated


Totals System Calculated Value Inquiry Duty

General Ledger


General Ledger Inquiry Duty

Store Day


Store Day Management Duty

Store Day Status


Store Day Reopen Duty

Totals Definition


Total Definition Review Duty



Transaction Post Void Duty

Table 3-3 Sales Audit Analyst

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Administration - Web Services

No Access

Audit Rules


Audit Rule Review Duty

Automated Clearing House (ACH)


ACH Information Management Duty

Bank Store

No Access

Dashboard - Sales Audit

Access Granted

Sales Audit Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Loading - Financial Administration

No Access

Data Loading - Foundation

No Access

Data Loading - Status

No Access


No Access

Field Access - Error Override


Error Override Management Duty

Field Access - HQ Reported


Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty

Field Access - Over/Short


Over/Short Value Inquiry Duty

Field Access - System Calculated


Totals System Calculated Value Inquiry Duty

General Ledger

No Access

Store Day


Store Day Management Duty

Store Day Status


Store Day Manual Status Update Duty

Totals Definition


Total Definition Review Duty



Transaction Post Void Duty

Table 3-4 Sales Audit Manager

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Administration - Web Services

No Access

Audit Rules


Audit Rule Review Duty

Automated Clearing House (ACH)


ACH Information Management Duty

Bank Store

No Access

Dashboard - Sales Audit

Access Granted

Sales Audit Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Loading - Financial Administration


Finance Admin Management Duty

Data Loading - Foundation


Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

Data Loading - Status


Data Loading Status Management Duty



Employee Management Duty

Field Access - Error Override


Error Override Management Duty

Field Access - HQ Reported


Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty

Field Access - Over/Short


Over/Short Value Inquiry Duty

Field Access - System Calculated


Totals System Calculated Value Inquiry Duty

General Ledger

No Access

Store Day


Store Day Management Duty

Store Day Status


Store Day Reopen Duty

Totals Definition


Total Definition Review Duty



Transaction Post Void Duty

Table 3-5 Financial Manager

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Administration - Web Services

No Access

Audit Rules


Audit Rule Inquiry Duty

Automated Clearing House (ACH)


ACH Information Inquiry Duty

Bank Store


Bank Store Management Duty

Dashboard - Sales Audit

Access Granted

Sales Audit Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Loading - Financial Administration


Finance Admin Management Duty

Data Loading - Foundation

No Access

Data Loading - Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty


No Access

Field Access - Error Override


Error Override Inquiry Duty

Field Access - HQ Reported


Totals HQ Reported Value Inquiry Duty

Field Access - Over/Short


Over/Short Value Inquiry Duty

Field Access - System Calculated


Totals System Calculated Value Inquiry Duty

General Ledger


General Ledger Inquiry Duty

Store Day


Store Day Inquiry Duty

Store Day Status

No Access

Totals Definition


Total Definition Review Duty



Transaction Inquiry Duty


For each functional area in the application there is an associated set of privileges. The privileges build upon each other. For example, in order to be able to modify a transaction, the user must also be able to search for and view the transactions of a store day. Therefore, the Transaction Management Duty contains the Search Transactions, View Transactions, View Transaction Reports, Maintain Transaction and Delete Transaction privileges.

Figure 3-1 Privileges for Users

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .

Privileges Available in Sales Audit

Table 3-6 lists all of the privileges available in Sales Audit, along with the duty type to which they are assigned in the default configuration.

Table 3-6 Privileges Available in Sales Audit

Functional Area Privilege Privilege Description

Administration - System Options

View Application Administration Priv

A privilege for viewing system options and the Foundation Data Download screen. Within the Foundation Data Download screen, this privilege provides access the Administration template type in order to download the following to a spreadsheet: Error Messages, Reference Fields, Store Data, and Constants.

Administration - System Options

Maintain Application Administration Priv

A privilege for maintaining system options, and provides access to the Foundation Data Upload screen. Within the Foundation Data Upload screen, this privilege provides access to the Administration template type in order to upload new or updated Error Messages, Reference Fields, Store Data, and Constants.

Administration - Web Services

Merchandising Applications Service Access Priv

A generic privilege for accessing ReST Services

Audit Rules

Search Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for searching for audit rules.

Audit Rules

View Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for viewing audit rules.

Audit Rules

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for creating and editing audit rules.

Audit Rules

Delete Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for deleting an audit rule.

Audit Rules

Submit Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for submitting an audit rule for review.

Audit Rules

Approve Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for approving an audit rule.

Audit Rules

Disable Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for disabling an audit rule.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

View ACH Information Priv

A privilege for viewing Bank ACH and Store ACH information.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Maintain ACH Information Priv

A privilege for maintaining Bank ACH and Store ACH information.

Bank Store

View Bank Store Priv

A privilege for viewing Bank Store relationships.

Bank Store

Maintain Bank Store Priv

A privilege for maintaining Bank Store relationships.

Data Loading - Financial Administration

View Finance Admin Priv

A privilege for viewing data under the Finance Administration data loading tempate type via the Foundation Data Download screen, which includes the GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference, Tender Types and Currency Rounding Rules templates.

Data Loading - Financial Administration

Maintain Finance Admin Priv

A privilege for maintaining data under the Finance Administration data loading template via the Foundation Data Upload screen, which includes the GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference, Tender Types and Currency Rounding Rules templates.

Data Loading - Foundation

View ReSA Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

A privilege for viewing data under the Foundation data loading template type via the Foundation Data Download screen, which includes the Location Closings template.

Data Loading - Foundation

Maintain ReSA Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

A privilege for maintaining data under the Foundation data loading template type via the Foundation Data Upload screen, which includes the Location Closings template.

Data Loading - Status

View Data Loading Status Priv

This privilege provides view access to the Data Loading Status screen.

Data Loading - Status

Maintain Data Loading Status Priv

This privilege provides edit access to the Data Loading Status screen.


View Employees Priv

A privilege for viewing assigned stores for ReSA users via location traits.


Maintain Employees Priv

A privilege for maintaining assigned stores for ReSA users via location traits.

Field Access - Error Override

View Error Override Priv

A privilege for viewing the Override checkbox on the Error List tab in either the Store Day Summary, Balance Level Summary screens, or on the Sales Audit Errors popup.

Field Access - Error Override

Maintain Error Override Priv

A privilege for editing the Override checkbox on the Error List tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - HQ Reported

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the HQ Reported value on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - HQ Reported

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the HQ Reported values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - HQ Reported

Maintain Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for editing the HQ Reported value on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - HQ Reported

Maintain Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for editing the HQ Reported values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - Over/Short

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the Over/Short value in the Status container in the Store Day Summary screen.

Field Access - Over/Short

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the Over/Short value in the Status container in the Balance Level Summary screen.

Field Access - Over/Short

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

A privilege for viewing the Trial Over/Short values in both the Accounted for and the Accountable containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or the Balance Level Summary screens.

Field Access - System Calculated

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the System Reported Totals values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens, as well as on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

General Ledger

View GL Drill Back Priv

A privilege for viewing General Ledger Drill Back

Store Day

Search Store Days Priv

A privilege for searching for store days and store day total transaction data summary information (transaction data summary).

Store Day

View Flash Reports Priv

A privilege for viewing the Flash Totals and Flash Sales reports accessed via the main Tasks list or via the Store Day Summary screen.

Store Day

View Store Day Priv

A privilege for viewing a store day including error list, over/short totals, miscellaneous totals, combined totals, total export log, revisions of totals (total audit trail), missing transactions, store day import log, store day export log, store day total transaction data summary information (transaction data summary), and comments.

Store Day

Maintain Store Days Priv

A privilege for creating and editing a store day. Editing a store day includes error list, over/short totals, miscellaneous totals, combined totals, total export log, revisions of totals (total audit trail), missing transactions and comments.

Store Day

Delete Store Day Priv

A privilege for deleting a store day.

Store Day

Manually Set Store Day Data Status Priv

A privilege for manually setting a store day's data status.

Store Day

Reset Store Day Audit Status Priv

A privilege for resetting a store day's audit status.

Store Day

Reopen Store Days Priv

A privilege for reopening a store day prior to the account period being closed in RMS for the same store day.

Totals Definition

Search Total Definition Priv

A privilege for searching for total definitions.

Totals Definition

View Total Definition Priv

A privilege for viewing total definitions.

Totals Definition

Maintain Total Definition Priv

A privilege for creating and editing total definitions.

Totals Definition

Delete Total Definition Priv

A privilege for deleting a total definition.

Totals Definition

Submit Total Definition Priv

A privilege for submitting a total definition for review.

Totals Definition

Approve Total Definition Priv

A privilege for approving a total definition.

Totals Definition

Disable Total Definition Priv

A privilege for disabling a total definition.


Search Transactions Priv

A privilege for searching for transactions, transaction revisions (audit trail) and transaction summaries (item and tender).


View Transactions Priv

A privilege for viewing transactions, transaction revisions (audit trail), transaction summaries (item and tender) and comments.


View Transaction Reports Priv

A privilege for viewing the Credit Card Summary, the Transaction Data and the Voucher Activity reports accessed via the main Tasks list.


Maintain Transactions Priv

A privilege for creating and editing transactions, and mass updating items on transactions via Item Summary, and comments.


Delete Transactions Priv

A privilege for deleting transactions


Post Void Transactions Priv

A privilege for post voiding transactions