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Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Oracle® Retail Sales Audit Implementation Guide
Release 22.1.401.0
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4 Configure Stores

For Sales Audit to import transactions from selling solutions, such as POS or OMS, stores need to be configured such that Sales Audit knows what data to expect, when to expect it, and where to export it after the audit is complete.

Configure Stores in Merchandising

Within Merchandising, there are two attributes of the store setup that are used by Sales Audit processing.

Integrated Sales

This store attribute determines whether an RTLOG file is expected for a store. This should be used for both your physical stores where POS would send the files, as well as the stores that represent your e-commerce sites where files will be sent from OMS. If so, then the Integrated Sales checkbox should be checked for the store. If not, it should be left unchecked.

Unique Transaction Number

This attribute determines whether transaction numbers will be unique by store or by register for the store. Valid values are Store or Register.

Store Data Configuration

Every store from which you expect transaction logs or for whom Sales Audit will export data will need to be configured as part of the foundational setup. The configuration allows you to specify which types of data will be imported and what systems should have exports created by store. This configuration needs to be made before executing the import and export batches.

The transactions imported into Sales Audit have respective transaction numbers assigned from POS or OMS. During the import process, the transactions are identified with the associated transaction numbers. The range of transaction numbers that are expected to be generated from POS or OMS can be configured in Sales Audit, so that during the import process, the transactions that are not in the range will not be imported into Sales Audit.

The above- mentioned configurations can be made through spreadsheet download and upload processes. These processes are accessed through the main Sales Audit task list under Foundation Data > Data Loading. To download the sheet, click on Download and select Administration in the Template Type, and Store Data in the Template option. Then, click the Download button and when prompted, choose to either open the .ods file that is generated or save the file and open it separately in the spreadsheet application of your choice.

Once opened, there will be two sheets in the document - Store Data and Store POS. The Store Data tab will show all the existing stores that have been configured with the systems they export the data to or what data is imported. The tab allows the addition of new records and deletion of existing records. Update of an existing setup is not allowed.

The Store POS tab will show the range of transaction numbers setup for stores by POS type. This tab allows the addition of new records, as well as the update and deletion of existing records.

Create a Record

To create a new Store Data record, navigate to a blank row in the Store Data tab of the spreadsheet and then select Create as the Action. Enter the store number that you want to create import and export configurations for and then select the appropriate System from the dropdown. Finally, indicate if it is an Import or Export. Continue adding rows until all the imports and exports have been defined for the store.

To create a new Store POS record, navigate to a blank row in the Store POS tab of the spreadsheet and then select Create as the Action. Enter the store number that you want to create transaction number configurations for and enter the POS type. Then, enter the range of transaction numbers that are expected to be imported for the store for that POS type.

Delete a Record

To delete an existing record, navigate to the row in the respective sheet, which needs to be deleted and select Delete as the Action. Repeat for all rows and sheets, as required.

Uploading the Changes

For all actions defined above, once all the updates have been made to the data in the spreadsheets, save the file and close it. Then, return to the Sales Audit screens and select Foundation Data > Data Loading > Upload from the main task list. In this screen, select the template type as Administration and the template as Store Data. This will generate a process description automatically, but this can be updated if desired. Lastly, select the Browse button and navigate to the directory where you saved the updated spreadsheet.

The status of the changes made can be reviewed under Data Loading > Review Status, with the Process Name provided during the upload process.

Location Closings

Location Closings provides for a way to indicate if specific stores and warehouses will be closed for sales, shipping, and/or receiving on a defined date. For example, if a location close date is defined for December 25th for sales it would not be expected that any sales are processed on this date. Sales Audit uses the close dates to determine whether or not to create a store/day for a given store and date.

All of these updates are done through a spreadsheet download and upload processes, which are accessed through the main Sales Audit task list under Foundation Data > Data Loading > Download and Foundation Data > Data Loading > Upload.

To modify location closing dates, select the Template Type as Administration on the screen and then the Template as Location Closings. Select the required dates and the store for which the sheet needs to be downloaded for new record creation or changes. Click the Download button and when prompted, choose to either open the .ods file that is generated or save the file and open it separately in the spreadsheet application of your choice.

Once opened, there will be two sheets that can be modified - Location Closings and Location Closings Translations. The Location Closings will show all the existing closing dates in the system currently, by location and with a reason in the primary language. This tab also allows for the deletion of existing closing dates or the addition of new closing dates. The Location Closings Translations tab will show existing closing dates with their translated reasons in other languages, as applicable for your implementation. This tab allows for the addition of new rows, removal of existing rows, and update to existing.

Adding a Location Close Date

To add a new close date, start in the Location Closings tab and in a blank line in the template, select the action type of Create and enter the date, in the DD-MON-YYYY format, for the new close date you wish to add, select a location type as Store or Warehouse, enter a location ID, and provide a reason for the close date (e.g. Christmas Day). The reason should be entered in the primary language as configured in the Merchandising system options and can be up to 120 characters. Additionally, select Yes or No in the Sales, Shipping, and Receiving columns to indicate if the location is closed for that particular business activity. A value of Yes indicates it is closed.

To define alternate translated reasons for this date, navigate to the Location Closings Translations tab. Select a language and enter the same location and date used on the Location Closings tab in the Location and Close Date columns respectively of this tab and then enter the reason in the Reason column. It is not required that translated reasons be defined.

Updating a Location Close Date

If you would like to update any details a similar process will be followed as that described above for creating new location closing dates. First, download the Location Closings spreadsheet, and then navigate to the tab where you would like to make your updates. The following columns can be updated in each tab:

  • Location Closings - Reason, Sales, Shipping, Receiving

  • Location Closing Translations - Reason

In the tab where you are going to make your updates, select the action type of Update, and then correct the value in the spreadsheet. Once your updates are complete, save and close the spreadsheet.

Deleting a Location Close Date

If you wish to delete a location close date because it is no longer applicable, update the action column to select Delete in each of the tabs where it occurs. This applies to all tabs and, if deleting a location close date, all of the corresponding translation rows must also be marked for delete.

Uploading the Changes

For all actions defined above, once all the updates have been made to the data in the spreadsheet, save the file and close it. Then, return to the Sales Audit screens and select Foundation Data > Data Loading > Upload from the main task list. In this screen, select the template type as Administration and the template as Store Data. This will generate a process description automatically, but this can be updated if desired. Lastly, select the Browse button and navigate to the directory where you saved the updated spreadsheet.

The status of the changes made can be reviewed under Data Loading > Review Status, with the Process Name provided during the upload process.

Bank Stores

Bank/store relationships and bank attributes can be maintained in Sales Audit in order to support exports to automated clearing houses (ACH) and universal account reconciliation (UAR) systems. This is an optional configuration that is only required if you are exporting to either of these systems.

For more on configuring bank/store relationships, see the Oracle Retail Sales Audit Foundation Data User Guide.