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Diameter Signaling Router Communication Agent
Release 8.2
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The Communication Agent > Configuration > Remote Servers [Edit] page is used to modify the mode of operation for the Remote server.

The fields are described in Remote Servers elements.

  1. Select Communication Agent > Configuration > Remote Servers.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Enter the IPv4 address of the Remote server in the Remote Server IPv4 Address field.
    The IP Address should be a valid IPv4 address in dot notation format (for example:


    This step is optional if the IPv6 address is specified.
  4. Enter the IPv6 address of the Remote server in the Remote Server IPv6 Address field.
    The IP Address should be a valid IPv6 address (for example: 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329).


    This step is optional if the IPv4 address is specified.
  5. Choose a mode of operation from the Remote Server Mode drop down list
    The Mode in which the Remote server operates can be configured as a:
    • Client – where the servers in the local server group accept connections initiated by the Remote server
    • Server – where the servers in the local server group each initiate a connection to the Remote server
  6. Choose an IP Address Preference from the drop down list.
    The connection in which the Remote server operates can be configured as a:
    • ComAgent Network Preference – default connection.
    • IPv4 Preference – where the connection to the local server group is using IPv4 address.
    • IPv6 Preference – where the connection to the local server group is using IPv6 address.
  7. Select a Local Server Group from the Available Local Server Groups list and add it to the Assigned Local Server Groups field.
    This local server group contains the MPs that send trace data to IDIH.
  8. Perform one of these actions:
    • Click OK – If field validations succeed, the Communication Agent > Configuration > Remote Servers screen is displayed. An error message appears if:
      • The page contains any values that are not valid
      • A required field is empty (not entered)
      • The Remote server IP is not unique
    • Click Apply – If field validations succeed, the Communication Agent > Configuration > Remote Servers [Edit] is displayed. The fields shall display the applied values.
    • Click Cancel – to return to the previous page without saving any changes.