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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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22015 - Connection Operational Status Inconsistency May Exist

Event Type: DIAM

Description: DSR was unable to update the Operational Status and Operation Reason attributes for a transport connection on the OAM.

Severity: Info

Instance: TransConnName

HA Score: Normal

Throttle Seconds: 0 (zero)

OID: eagleXgDiameterOperationalStatusInconsistencyNotify


  1. Use Main Menu > Diameter > Maintenance > Connections to view the Operational Status and Operation Reason attributes for a Connection.

    The Operational Status and Operation Reason attributes for a Connection on the OAM may be temporarily out of date with the values in the DSR system.

    This occurs when an internal event queue size has been exceeded. This should rarely occur and the inconsistency should be cleared when the Connection’s Remote Busy State changes again.

  2. If the problem persists, contact unresolvable-reference.htm#GUID-DD0927BD-FD0B-4CEB-86E9-98A33C12D4E0.