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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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Table 4-9 UDRBE KPIs

Variable Description
RxAeProvCreateMsgsRate Number of requests received via the provisioning interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber per second
RxAeProvCreateSubSuccessRate Number of auto-enrolled subscribers created while provisioning non-profile entity data per second
RxAeShCreateSubSuccessRate Number of auto-enrolled subscribers created via the Sh interface per second
RxAeShDeleteSubMsgs Number of unsubscribe requests received via the Sh interface that triggered the removal of an auto-enrolled subscriber per second
RxAeShDeleteSubSuccess Number of auto-enrolled subscribers deleted via the Sh interface per second
RxAeShPurCreateMsgsRate Number of update requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber per second
RxAeShSnrCreateMsgsRate Number of subscribe requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber per second


Number of inter-NO requests received per second

RxUdrBeReadMsgsRate Number of read requests (across all interfaces) that have been received per second
RxUdrBeUpdateMsgsRate Number of update requests (across all interfaces) that have been received per second
RxUdrNmNotifAckAsAvailableRate Number of notification requests (across all interfaces) that have been successfully sent to the AS per second
RxUdrNmNotifAckAsUnavailableRate Number of notification requests (across all interfaces) that failed to be sent to the AS per second
RxUdrSmSubscribeMsgsRate Number of subscribe requests (across all interfaces) that have been received per second
RxUdrSmUnsubscribeMsgsRate Number of unsubscribe requests (across all interfaces) that have been received per second
SQRQuotaRowElementsResetRate Number of Quota Row Elements currently being reset or updated
SQRRecordsExaminedRate Number of Subscriber/Pool Records currently being examined
SQRRecordsFailedRate Number of Subscriber/Pool Records currently failed to reset or updated
SQRRecordsResetRate Number of Subscriber/Pool Records currently being reset or updated
TxPsoRequestRate Number of inter-NO requests sent per second
TxUdrBeReadReqSuccessRate The number of read requests (across all interfaces) that have been successfully processed per second
TxUdrBeUpdateReqSuccessRate The number of update requests (across all interfaces) that have been successfully processed per second
TxUdrNmNotifSentRate The number of notification requests (across all interfaces) that have been sent per second
TxUdrSmSubscribeReqSuccessRate The number of subscribe requests (across all interfaces) that have been successfully processed per second
TxUdrSmUnsubscribeReqSuccessRate The number of unsubscribe requests (across all interfaces) that have been successfully processed per second