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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing quota reset task statistics

Use this procedure to view a quota reset task's statistics. Note that no statistics display for a task until its processing begins.

You can perform this procedure when logged into an NOAMP. Note that you must have permission to view this page. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks.
    The Quota Reset Scheduler Task page appears, displaying the tasks table in the center of the page.
  2. Click on the task to be viewed.
    The selected task displays in green.
  3. Click View.
    The Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks [View] page for this task appears.
If the task is currently running, aborted, or completed, statistics appear in the Measurement Statistics table.