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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Provisioning Connections elements

This table describes the fields on the Provisioning Connections page.

Table 4-3 Provisioning Connections Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
System ID Identification text for the system.

Format: String - valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore; must contain at least one alphabetic or numeric character, and cannot start with a number

Range: 1–15 characters

Default: Blank

IP Address A single IP address or a range of IP addresses denoted in CIDR format of IP addresses that can connect to the provisioning server.

Single IP address is either in IPv4 dot-decimal notation or in IPv6 colon-hexadecimal notation;

CIDR IP address is a single IP address notation prefixed with /n, where 'n' is the most significant bits in the address, also called the network prefix bits.

For IPv4 CIDR, the network prefix must be between 20 and 32, inclusive.

For IPv6 CIDR, the network prefix must be between 1 and 128, inclusive.

It is a mandatory field.

Format: IPv4 dot-decimal notation (for a single address) or CIDR notation (for a range of addresses)

Range: IPv4 dot-decimal notation -the first octet must be between 1-255, the other three must be between 0-255; CIDR notation - same as IPv4 but also includes / and a number between 20 and 32, for example,

Default: Blank